Website Images Icons Tasks
Navigation Icons: (Apple Word colour: 339966)
Current Situation:
- CI/SfB Navigation Icons: Back on again, large and small applications, wider scope
- In icon tables without text (must be instantly recognizable)
- In list pages with left column icon and right column CI/SfB or CAWS text
- At head of Navigation pages, landing pages, top left corner
Content: Inspired by CI/SfB icons but better interpretation, simple, instantly identifiable with little detail
- CI/SfB: Elements, Materials, Properties
- CAWS: Trades
- 1/3 of page width x same height (x 1 or taller x 2 or x 3) (100 x 100 mm 100 x 200 or 100 x 300 mm)
- ¼ of page width x same height (75 x 75 mm)
Margin set in from edge: Straight line to permit collaging
Input Colours: Full colour, Black and White, Colour and White, Colour and Black
Text: outside of margin:
- Right vertical from bottom © 2018 GBE Derrick Z Hill
- Bottom horizontal from left CI/SfB code and text (future icons only)
- 300 x 300 pixels
- Minimum: 200 x 200 pixels (for social media recognition)
File named:
- with CI/SfB or CAWS classification, short title, number, colour code.xtn
- See File naming convention at end.
Output colours: Black and White, Colour and White, Colour and Black
Page Content Images:
Current Situation:
- Page Content Images: On
At head of pages, full width so must be detailed enough
Potentially doubling for Navigation Icons if simplistic enough for instant recognition
- Inspired by CI/SfB icons but better interpretation, multiple images possible, detailed, instantly identifiable with more detail
- CI/SfB: Elements, Materials, Properties
- CAWS: Trades
- page width (300 mm) x 1/3 height, ½ height, 2/3 height, same height or taller
- (100, 150, 200, 300 mm or more)
Input Colours: Full colour
Text: outside of margin:
- Right vertical from bottom © 2018 GBE Derrick Z Hill
- Bottom horizontal from left CI/SfB code and text (future images only)
- 300 x 300 pixels
- Minimum: 200 x 200 pixels (for social media recognition)
File named: with CI/SfB or CAWS classification, short title, number, colour code.xtn
See File naming convention at end.
Output colours:
- Page image: Full colour,
- Navigation Icon: Black and White, Green and White
Banner Collages:
Current Situation:
- Banners: On, collaging images or icons, Priority
- At head of pages, full width so must be detailed enough and high enough resolution
- Home pages of website(s) (Awards currently)
Content: and Categories
Format: multiple detailed images (minimum 4 w x 1 h; maximum 6 w x 2 h)
- A Awards (Done for now)
- B Building (Done)
- CA Construction Assemblies
- S Services (Done)
- O Overheating
- Gw Ground works
- Fl Floors
- E Elements
- EW, IP Walls, partitions
- PR, FR Roofs: Pitched, Flat
- SE Secondary Elements
- W, D, R Windows, Doors, Rooflights
- FFE Furniture Fittings Equipment
- F Finishes
- P Properties
- I Collages of Insulation materials (photos)
- T Trades (CAWS)
Matching images to banners:
The One Drive excel file will have extra column(s) to indicate which category applies and which banners they will be included in, some images can fit more than one category and banner
- CI/SfB: Elements (sections)
- CI/SfB: Materials (photos)
- CI/SfB: Properties (icons)
- CAWS: Trades (image)
Zorro (individual icons a Priority)
Satellite Websites: (See more detailed information in Jingles file
Brian (colour references: Apple Font More colours)
- Healthy (HBE) Yellow Green (Apple Font colour 99CC00)
- Environmental (GBE) Teal (Apple Font colour 339966)
- Resourceful (RBE) Amber (Apple Font colour FF9900)
- Appropriate (ABE) Olive (Apple Font colour 999900)
- Competent (CBE) (Safe) Purple (Apple Font colour 990099)
- Effective (EBE)Burnt Orange (Apple Font colour 993300)
- Yardstick (YBE) Greyish Blue (Apple Font colour 666699)
- Bio-Based (BBE) Orange (Apple Font colour FFCC00)
- National Green Specification (NGS) Green (Apple Font colour 339900)
- Green Building Specification (GBS) Turquoise (Apple Font colour 33CCCC)
- Architectural Specification Writing Services (ASWS) Plumb (Apple Font colour CC99FF)
- page width x 1/3 height, ½ height, 2/3 height, same height or taller depending upon number of images
- (300 x 100, 300 x 150, 300 x 250, 300 x 300, 300 x 450, 300 x 600 w x h mm)
Input Colours: Full colour, colour and black, colour and white (use in original colour format)
Resolution: 2000 w x 500 h pixels
Format: (4 x 1 w x h square images or 8 x 2 w x h square images, less likely: 8 x 1 w x h
Odds and evens: if there are odd number an icon image might take the place of the first subject image
File named: with CI/SfB or CAWS classification, short title, number, colour code . xtn
See File naming convention at end.
Output colours:
- Page image: Full colour,
- Navigation Icon: Black and White, Green and White
Overheating Images:
Current Situation:
- Overheating Images: On hold (but being added to Banner Collages)
- At head of pages, full width so must be detailed enough
- Potentially doubling for Navigation Icons if simplistic enough for instant recognition
- Overheating Issue paper content
- Multiple images possible, 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 format
- Detailed, instantly identifiable with more detail
- Overheating Issue paper content
- 1/3 of page width x same height (x 1 or taller x 2 or x 3) (100 x 100 mm 100 x 200 or 100 x 300 mm)
- ¼ of page width x same height (75 x 75 mm)
- page width x 1/3 height, ½ height, 2/3 height, same height or taller depending upon number of images
- (300 x 100, 300 x 150, 300 x 250, 300 x 300, 300 x 450, 300 x 600 w x h mm)
Input Colours: Full colour
Text: outside of margin:
Right vertical from bottom © 2018 GBE Derrick Z Hill
Bottom horizontal from left CI/SfB code and text (future images only)
- 300 x 300 pixels
- Minimum: 200 x 200 pixels
File named: with CI/SfB or CAWS classification, short title, number, colour code.xtn
See File naming convention at end.
Output colours:
- Page image: Full colour,
- Navigation Icon: Black and White, Green and White
Topical Images:
Current Situation:
- Topical Images: On
- At head of pages, full width so must be detailed enough
- Potentially doubling for Navigation Icons if simplistic enough for instant recognition
- Multiple images possible, 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 format
- Detailed, instantly identifiable with more detail
- Guestbook, outside view
- Guestbook, pages open, handwritten note “Great website, keep it up”
- Diary, pages open, hand written notes interspersed with Logos
- “Writing new Issue paper” “Lecturing at Uni” “GBE Website” “Developing new Calculator”
- Update and Additions, Pages open hand written notes
Format: “Page title (Page group) and page numbers”
- Page width x 1/3 height, ½ height, 2/3 height, same height or taller
- 1/3 of page width x same height (x 1 or taller x 2 or x 3)
- ¼ of page width x same height
Input Colours: Full colour
Text: outside of margin:
- Right vertical from bottom © 2018 GBE Derrick Z Hill
- Bottom horizontal from left CI/SfB code and text
- 300 x 300 pixels
- Minimum: 200 x 200 pixels (for social media recognition)
File named: with CI/SfB or CAWS classification, short title, number, colour code.xtn
See File naming convention at end.
Output colours:
- Page image: Full colour,
- Navigation Icon: Black and White, Green and White
Current Situation:
- Page Group (Navigation) Icons: On
- CI/SfB Navigation Icons: On hold
- Overheating Images: On hold
- CI/SfB Navigation Icons: Back off again, large and small applications, wider scope
- Banners: Off
- Topical Images: Off
Image File Naming Convention:
The One drive spreadsheet will have additional columns added to add any missing information
File named: with CI/SfB or CAWS classification, short title, number, colour code.xtn
In excel file concatenation will be used to join up cell contents from various columns to make file name
Application Pages:
Will set up sample Page & Post Format Templates and update this file with URL links to them
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
8th September 2018 – 7th December 2024
Website Images Icons Tasks
Derrick ‘Zorro’ Hill RIP Icon Artist
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
8th September 2018 – 7th December 2024
Website Images Icons Tasks
See Also:
GBE Images
- Pinterest NGS (Images) G#1337 N#1324
- Navigation Icons (Navigation) G#3943
- CPD Covers (Images) G#1351 N#1335
GBE Tasks
- Website Images Icons (Tasks) G#17658 (this page)
GBE Images Pinterest Boards
- Rammed Earth Wall
- CNC Milling
- Cob
- Lazar cutting
- Timbrel Arch
- Resource Effective Design
- E30 Concrete Reinforcement
- F10 Brickwork
- G20 Timber Structure
- H6 Slating Tiling Roofing Cladding
- H64 Shingles and Shakes
- M21 External Insulation With Rendered Finish
- N20 Plywood furniture
- Z10 Purpose Made Joinery
- Z11 Purpose Made Metalwork
- Z20 Fixings Fastenings
- Z20 Connectivity
- Z21 Mortar
GBE Classification
- Classification (About) G#1384 N#1360
- CAWS (Classification) G#
- CI/SfB (Classification) G#24416
- CSI v CAWS 1999 (Classification) G#1383 N#1359
Page Group (Navigation) Icons
- Page Group (Navigation) G#21506
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
8th September 2018 – 7th December 2024