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SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating Abstract
SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating Abstract
Proposal for paper submitted today 20th February 2017
SEEDS Conference 2017
Thermal comfort, air quality and overheating abstract
Green Building Encyclopaedia
Possible title:
Build Light, Insulate Right, Solar Tight
Possible sub-title:
Overheating the real problem and the real solution
300 words
After 10 years of research and endless publications Zero Carbon Hub understood all but the most important issue related to overheating. BRE’s contribution to the NHBC publication on overheating showed a serious misapplication and misinterpretation of Infrared thermography. Between them their recommendation to clients is to require their designers to address overheating in their designs. In the absence of the whole set of solutions the designers only have the tools to solve the easily understood and easily or not so easily solved problems. The main problem remains and 20% of housing suffers from overheating.
The missing puzzle piece is well understood by Greenies and green manufacturers, so whilst it is missed by mainstream, it remains a fringe benefit, house occupants suffer and the 20% will continue to grow.
GreenDeal, ECO, ECA and ETL were ill equipped with wrong materials, products and installers to solve this.
Bonfield is prompting the follow up to GreenDeal and ECO; its time to get up to speed or we will continue to exacerbate the problem and put more people in a vulnerable position as Climate Change takes hold.
Brian Murphy of National Green Specification and author of Green Building Encyclopaedia will cherry pick from the 80 page GBE Issue Paper: Overheating, to share the analysis of past project failures and successes; critique ZCH and NHBC findings; and offer a route to successfully addressing client’s briefing requirements.
A clue:
Thermal insulation needs to be considered for all of its performance characteristics and not just by k-value, thinness or price. Building Regulations addresses winter heating issues in setting U values, but it fails to address summer overheating and does not acknowledge decrement delay characteristics. Better U values result in overheating because solar heat can get in unhindered, but cannot get back out.
Attend to learn more.
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
7th February 2017 – 20th February 2017
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
20th February 2017
SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating Abstract
Paper Proposal

GBE SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating Abstract
GBE SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating Abstract PDF Page
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Speaker Biography
Brian Murphy is a technician and architect by training, specification writer by choice and environmentalist by action.
He joined the green movement late, speaking at Green is the Colour in 1999 and joining AECB and TGR committees shortly afterwards.
In 2001 he launched the National Green Specification followed by the GreenSpec website in 2003. 2012 saw an exit strategy from GreenSpec to create Green Building Encyclopaedia (GBE) online. So far he has created 1950 pages out of 30,000 anticipated pages of GBE.
Brian has also written over 1000 CPD seminars on environmental construction, specification and professional practice a 9000 term jargon buster and 150 page environmental checklist (do this, avoid that).
Brian’s Issue paper on Overheating is 80 pages long and addresses 200 sub-topics, it has an executive summary, many case studies, lots of theory and lots of practical examples.
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
20th February 2017
SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating Abstract
See Also:
GBE Abstracts
- SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating (Abstract) G#15198 (this page)
- HVAC Conference 2017 Overheating Solutions (Abstract) G#15088
GBE Future Events
GBE Issue Paper
- Overheating (Issue Paper) G#145
- Squashed Loft Insulation (Issue Paper) G#13919
GBE Defects
- GBE Loft Insulation (Defects) G#14166
- Attic cistern thermal insulation enclosure G#1041 N#1058
GBE Slogans
- Build Light, Insulate Right, Solar Tight
GBE #Hashtags
- #BuildLightSolarTight
- Air and Wind Tightness
- Carbon
- Energy
- Overheating
- Wind and Air Tightness
- LCGBLowCarbonGreenBuilding9H PDF Handout
- ZeroCarbonIsItPossible9H PDF Handout
GBE Library
- Zero Carbon Hub G#13351
GBE Jargon Buster
- Overheating
- Urban Design (Jargon Buster Theme) G#1392 N#1366
- Decrement Delay (Jargon Buster) G#14043
- Decrement Factor (Jargon Buster) G#14043
- Thermal Mass
- Opaque External Fabric
- Lightweight construction
- Heavyweight construction
GBE Shop G#10800
- GBE Issue Paper Overheating (Shop) G#10433
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
7th February 2017 – 20th February 2017