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Tell your MP to stop the fracking today 16/12/2015
Hi there,
Our MPs are set to take part in a final vote on whether national parks and important wildlife zones should be kept safe from fracking.
It’s vital that that important spaces for rare and threatened plants and animals are kept off the list of places that could be exposed to the shale gas industry.
I’ve already emailed my MP and asked them to oppose these plans, so it would mean a lot to me if you can too.
Click this link to take part: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/fracking-email-MP-1
You can also take part here with the wording below: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/parks-ban
GREENPEACE’s suggested wording to email to your MP today before 11:30am
I am writing to urgently draw your attention to the deferred vote that is expected this Wednesday 16 December on the government’s draft Onshore Hydraulic Fracturing (Protected Areas) Regulations 2015.
These regulations will expose some of the UK’s finest and most environmentally sensitive landscapes to the impacts of shale gas & oil exploration and extraction.
Energy Secretary Amber Rudd committed to an outright ban on fracking in protected areas in January this year, but according to documents uncovered via Greenpeace FOI requests, the shale gas & oil industry has been directly lobbying to prevent proper safeguards for protected areas.
You can read that report here: http://bit.ly/1RmGOsB
This is clear evidence that the loophole in the regulations – which allows firms to drill horizontally under protected zones – will be exploited, resulting in sensitive nature and wildlife sites being circled by fracking rigs trying to access gas or oil beneath.
The substantial risk of noise, air and light pollution to our national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONB), and sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs) is further supported in the RSPB and National Trust report ‘Are we fit to frack?’ here: http://bit.ly/1YiaBS4
This research found that when fracking was permitted on the outskirts of a National Park in the US, the park was exposed to substantial noise pollution – damaging the tranquility of the area and threatening local wildlife.
The paper vote is expected to take place in the ‘NO’ lobby on Wednesday this week between 11:30am and 2pm. I urge you to vote against the draft regulations — and do all you can to make sure the ban is upheld.
© Greenpeace UK 15/12/2015 – 16/12/2015