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Green BIM 2021 (Events) G#39585

By 10 May 2021July 2nd, 20242021, Blog, Current, Events, News, Webinar
Green BIM graphic Webinar

Green BIM 2021 Events

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GreenBIM Webinar

Wednesday 26th May 2021
12:30 to 15:30
On line
  • It’s been 6 years since we looked at all things digital through the lens of sustainability and a lot has changed since then.
  • So we are pleased to announce the return of GreenBIM – with an extended event and a packed agenda.

Join us for a diverse set of presentations including:-

  • Using visualisation to improve sustainability brought to you by James Simpson, Head of Centre for Digital Production, Rose Bruford College
  • How to deliver, record and manage low carbon design solutions in the UK from Johanna Jarvinen, One Click LCA
Keeping things interactive again we will also be running another panel discussion session with the following great line up:-
  • Brian Murphy – Green Building Calculator
  • Lee Barnett – Curtins
  • Johanna Jarvinen, One Click LCA
We are also pleased to announce the return of an international speaker discussing the benefits that an agile BIM framework can bring to more sustainable decision making.
We welcome François Muzard, COO and Co-Founder of BRICKS
Join us for what promises to be a very informative session!


GET SOCIAL: Join in with the hashtag #tbim2021

Green BIM Multiple Choice Q&A

Speakers and Panel asked to add to a Slido Survey

Q1 Audience Disciplines?

  • Architects, Surveyors, Technicians,
  • Engineers: Structures, Services, Civils, Infrastructure
  • Interior Designers,
  • Landscape Architects,
  • Students,
  • Other: name them
  • Constructors
  • Clients
  • QS
  • Manufacturers
  • Trade Association

Q2 Your Job Functions: (Primary)?

  • Designer
  • Specifier
  • CAD operator
  • BIM/Manager
  • Environmental/Carbon/LCA/BREEAM Consultant
  • Other name it

Q3 Who is responsible for Greening the specification of projects?

  • Client
  • Designer
  • Specifier
  • Contractor (on CDP to a Performance Specification)
  • Environment/BREEAM Assessor/Carbon/LCA Consultant
  • QS
  • Other name them

Q4 What learning have you had on Greening the project or specification?

  • University
  • In-house CPD
  • Institution/chapter CPD
  • Training bodies
  • In Project Research
  • Webinars
  • Published information
  • Other or name any of the above

Q5 How do you choose green products, materials and methods of construction?

  • In house set of preferred materials
  • Find them at exhibitions
  • Search the Internet
  • Green Product databases
  • Green Websites
  • Manufacturers Websites
  • BIM Apps with products
  • Normal Databases: We do not/permitted choose Green
  • Name any of the above

Q6 How do you choose Green materials? (included in event)

  • Screening/Filtering using criteria
    • e.g. Plant based, Recycled Content, Reclaimed, Renewable, Not Plastic, mineral, low energy
  • Products not on a red or black list
  • Products with LCA or EPD
  • Products with Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon, Sequestered Carbon Data
  • Products with In use Energy or Carbon data
  • Products with k or R values
  • Products with other Green data or Green label
  • Products with CE or UKCA mark
  • Other or Name any of the above

Q7 How do you record and calculate you design and specification impacts? (included in event)

  • We don’t
  • BREEAM consultant
  • Excel spreadsheet and hours of time
  • Developed our own Calculator
  • BIM with BoM and App (name them)
  • Using a ready made calculator (name it below)
  • Using a Design and Decision Tool
  • BRE Green Guide to Specification
  • Using an LCA tool
  • Name any of the above

Q8 Do you understand the terms used in Greening of buildings (e.g. in previous questions)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Know some but need more help
  • Other

Q9 Is you’re Institution or other authoritative body doing enough to help with Greening, and Green BIM?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Other

Q10 How are you responding to RIBA Carbon 2030 and LETI EC Challenges?

  • Not at all
  • Not RIBA
  • Have not heard of it/them
  • 2030 targets now
  • 2025 targets now
  • Business as Usual
  • Making plans to change

Q11 Have you signed up to any Declares?

  • Architects Declare
  • Construction Declares
  • Education Declares
  • Engineers Declare
  • Interiors Declare
  • Climate and Biodiversity Crisis
  • Other: name it

From ThinkBIM GreenBIM

On behalf of thinkBIM we just wanted to say once again thanks for presenting and joining our panel at our recent GreenBIM event.  We think the event was a great success and the feedback following has been very positive.  We were really pleased there was interactive chat taking place in the chat box during the event and also comments and discussion on twitter which you can see using #tbim2021.

Liz has done a fantastic job editing all the videos from the event which can be found on the School YouTube channel and on our dedicated blog page:-

James Simpson’s presentation on visualisation in performing arts and relevance to the construction industry did contain some commercially sensitive images, so that particularly recording will be edited and a version for public display will circulated in due course.

Finally, just below resources you will also find links to many of the news stories and documents mentioned by Duncan Reed in his digital update and approx. timings they appear.


Digital News Update – a round-up of the latest in BIM and Digital for the architecture, engineering and construction industries – Duncan Reed, Chair of thinkBIM  (22 mins)

BIM and Parametric Life Cycle Assessment, Johanna Jarvinen, Business Development Manager, One Click LCA  (18 mins)

Downloading a digital mindset, David Emery, Supply Chain Sustainability School  (26 mins)

Panel Discussion

Johanna Jarvinen, Lee Barnett (Curtins) and Brian Murphy (Green Building Calculator) – this includes Lee and Brian’s presentations at the beginning of the discussion (37 mins)

Agile BIM Frameworks, François Muzard, Bricks APP (22 mins)

Useful Links from Duncan’s digital update


  • Attached is a report showing the results from the Slido polls.
  • You asked some very good questions that provided some very interesting answers!

thinkBIMGreenBIMSlido PNG

Thank you once again for your support and we hope you will join us for our next event on 15th September where will be celebrating 10 years of thinkBIM! We will be looking back at some of the issues covered and where the industry is now and what we need to do going forward to make the most of the opportunities digital gives us.  We are hoping for this to be an in-person event all digits crossed.  Details to be released nearer the time.


Finally if you could share a few words about your experience of working with thinkBIM we would really appreciate your feedback to help shape our networks moving forward.

The industry has moved on leaps and bounds since 2015 and GreenBIM has too, the first event scratched the surface and disappointed, this one dug deep and showed the breadth and depth that we are going to, to understand carbon and LCA what a refreshing change.

The speakers and their topics helped in the essential understanding of the subject and lists of industry initiatives showed there is a lot going on in thinkBIM and plenty of GreenBIM too.

Many thanks

  • Duncan, Donna & Liz
  • thinkBIM
  • School of Built Environment, Engineering & Computing
  • Leeds Beckett University

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
10th May 2021 – 2nd July 2024


Green BIM graphic WebinarEvent Banner

Green BIM Webinar headerEvent organiser logo

GBC Green Building Calculator Logotype Draft PNGGBC’s BrianSpecMan is presenting GBC and on a discussion panel

GBC Poster MaD 100521 Slide01

Poster 1

GBC CPD Poster 1 Slide 18

Poster 2

GBC CPD Poster 2 Slide28

3rd Poster

GBE Video

GBE Events

  • Think BIM Accelerating Change Summer Conference
  • 26th May 2021
  • GreenBIM 2021 Webinar
  • Digital Sustainability Technology Panel Discussion
  • Presentations by:
    • Lee Barnett, Curtins
    • Brian Murphy, Green Building Calculator
  • Panel Discussion:
    • Lee
    • Brian
    • Johanna Jarvinen, One Click LCA
  • Slido Survey
    • Qs set in advance by panel members

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
10th May 2021 – 2nd July 2024

See Also:

GBC Events

GBE Events

GBE CPD Topics

  • Carbon
  • Energy
  • BIM


CPD Handout PDFs


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© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
10th May 2021 – 1st July 2024

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