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Social Value: the Changing Landscape in Construction
Social Value: the Changing Landscape in Construction
London Constructing Excellence Club
(Tuesday 11 October (awaiting corrected notification) 2016, 6:00pm for 6.30pm start,
London Capital Club, 15 Abchurch Lane, EC4N 7BW
London Capital Club, 15 Abchurch Lane, EC4N 7BW
Michelle Brennan
Senior Consultant, Project Five Consulting
- Since the introduction of the Public Services (Social Value) Act in 2012, the procurement landscape has been changing with public sector bodies now requiring contractors to deliver ‘added value’ as part of contracts.
- This presentation discusses the requirements under the Act and how the construction sector can help the public sector meets its aims and objectives of creating additional value.
Michelle is a Consultant at Project Five Consulting specialising in Social Value and CSR. - She studied psychology before moving on to complete her PhD in Psychology and the Built Environment researching attitudes towards Sustainability and now works across the construction sector developing positive approaches towards a more sustainable built environment.
- She has been working closely alongside the social value agenda, helping the construction sector to deliver social value on the ground.
Book early to avoid disappointment. Make your booking either as an LCEC Member or Non-Member via EventBrite.
Non-members may attend LCEC events by booking a Non-member ticket on EventBrite (£25) or by paying on the door (£30).
London Capital Club has disabled access, please let us know if you will be attending and need any assistance regarding the logistics of the Club
Social Value: the Changing Landscape in Construction
Social Value: the Changing Landscape in Construction
See Also:
Eventbright Booking

W: http://www.londonconstructingexcellence.org.uk