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GBE GBS Robust Specification Clauses G#1087 N#1105

By 1 February 2014February 3rd, 2016GBE Robust Specification

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GBE GBS Robust Specification Clauses

GBE GBS Robust Specification Clauses

The Barbour Report 2000. Influencing Product Decisions

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS (cherry picked here)

  • The incidence of including brands in specifications is higher than anecdotal evidence suggests. Around four in ten Specifiers have a policy of including brands.
  • In over 7 in 10 specifications examined, a brand or brands were stated – typically with ‘or similar approved’.
  • When stating a brand, half of Specifiers are benchmarking the quality which they expect the Contractor to achieve; only four in ten expect to see their choice used.
  • Brands are more likely to be stated where product performance is critical and where appearance is important..
  • Clients and Sub-contractors are consulted during specification preparation. 85% of Clients have standard specifications and half of these contain product brands. Sub-contractors have design input to 40% of specifications.
  • 8 in 10 Contractors believe they have more influence on brand specification now than they did three years ago. This influence lies largely in suggesting product alternatives.
  • Two-thirds of specifications received by Contractors have brands in them. Contractors try to change over 60% and succeed with two-thirds of their attempts.
  • The change process is a consultative one, involving discussions with the original Specifier and the Client.
  • Alternatives are predominantly proposed for cost reasons, but not necessarily for the lowest price.
  • Alternative products must match performance criteria to be accepted. To secure specifications, manufacturers must ensure that product characteristics are not easily replicated in cheaper form without identifiable loss of performance or quality.
  • There are differences in opinion between Specifiers and Contractors on responsibility for product recommendation and decision-making.

The Barbour Report 2003. Influencing Clients

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS (cherry picked here)

  • Factors influencing Clients’ product decisions
  • In order of importance, the key criteria affecting product selection are:
    • health and safety,
    • lifecycle costs,
    • initial price,
    • sustainability
    • relationship with the supplier.
  • Around one-third expect the following to become even more important:
    • sustainability,
    • health and safety
    • lifecycle costs.
  • 40% would like to see the sustainability of products improved.

© GBE GBS NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
21st February 2013 –  22nd January 2016

GBE GBS Robust Specification Clauses

When it comes to product information specification dissemination between manufacturer and specifier there are a number of otions to consider:

Manufacturer/Supplier provides Literature with specification information within the text

Manufacturers/Supplier provides Product Data Sheet with specification information within the text

Manufacturer/Supplier provides Specification Clauses:

  • A major step in the right direction
  • They will know their own products, intended purpose and appropriate applications
  • They can write the specification from their perspective, to help the specifiers
  • Avoids the risk of interpretation by many, by carrying it out once
  • There is a risk that this may remain guidance and not instruction
  • This may not be robust enough to help prevent substitution

GBE Robust Specification Clauses

  • Individual specification clauses from GBE Product, Accessory & System Pages
  • They are Robust against substitution
  • They include the reasons for choosing the product and enable comparison of ‘or equivalents’ on a like for like basis
  • They adopt a simple product description clause format.
  • The format is suitable for editing straight into project specifications.
  • They can be Product clauses and may be Assembly clauses
  • They do not normally include workmanship specifications.
  • If you want something more robust that can also defend against substitution then we offer a full specification work section as well

GBE Collaborate G#670 N#692

© GBE GBS NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
21st February 2013 –  22nd January 2016

GBE GBS Robust Specification Clauses
See Also:

GBE Jargon Buster

  • And Approved
  • Brand
  • GBE GBS Robust Specification
  • GBE GBS Outline Specification
  • Or Similar
  • Or Equivalent
  • Substitution

GBE Defects

GBE Collaborate

© GBE GBS NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
1st March 2013 –  3rd February 2016

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