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Justifying the costs of Robust Product Specification Templates
Justifying the costs of Robust Product Specification Templates
Why Bother?
- When your business is doing okay within a turbulent market and in a time of uncertainty why spend money on creating Product Specifications Templates?
You may already have a basic specification
- It may only contain the basics:
- Company and contact details, product name and ‘follow manufacturer’s written recommendations’
- It remains prone to value engineering (posh for cost cutting) and substitution
- Driving your product out of the project with loss of sales
- And loss of your products characteristics essential to the performance of the building
- Weak or ambiguous wording can lead to confusion, misinterpretation, error and claims
Why you need a Specification template
Everybody seems to be up against difficult time programmes
- No time to write a good specification just enough time to do the minimum to get by and to meet the out to tender deadline
- You can have the best literature, with the most comprehensive set of information, but the information it contains need to end up in a contract specification or it may miss out, this take time that specifiers do not always have
- You need to transfer your information into a specification template for them so they can adopt it
Everybody wants an easy life
- Specifiers want specifications at their fingertips and they want them to be easy to make project specific
- Ideally the specification do not need editing to make them job specific,
- You may need to offer a specification editing service via your specification sales team or agency
- Or many specification clauses, one for every application of every product
Everybody wants your specification tomorrow
- Specifiers avoid meeting representatives except they want them in their office urgently
- Then the specifier wants their project version of your specification the next day
- You need a readymade robust specification to create a project specifications against these tight deadlines
Some specifers want access to specifications 24/7/356
- They want to get your specification overnight or over weekends,
- Ideally they do not want to have to edit them when they are in a rush to go to tender next day
- You need to have many specification templates on your website to download and include
- If your competitor has a readymade specification with all their product information in place and you do not, the competitor gets into the contract specification
- You need to have a comprehensive Robust specification to-hand to contend with these challenges or you miss out
Features and Benefits of Robust Specification Templates (RST)
- See Separate paper Page on GBE
Justifying the Costs of Robust Specification Templates (RST)
- Lack of a product specification risks:
- Competitor’s products with a specification getting into contract specifications easier than yours
- Not being included in contract specification due to lack of time to write a specification for yours
- Loss of sale through value engineering, cost saving and substitution replacing your product
- Lack of information at hand for equivalency comparisons allow cheapest not the best to rule
What do the costs include? (some are optional)
- Your time for information gathering and handover time
- Briefing process between manufacturer and GBE Robust Specification writer
- Budgeting is free by you or GBE using a predefined Excel calculator: Just add: Yes, quantities and discount %
- Your time for negotiating scope, budget/price and instructing go ahead
- GBE Creation, editing iterations and finalization time
- Your Proofreading, comment and our discussion times
- Publishing via representative, on your and/or GBE website (choice or all)
- Promotion via GBE Newsletter and joint social media campaign (optional extra)
Cost saving alternative opportunities
- Start with a BIM ready Product Data Sheet
- Precursor to and feed into Specifications
- Are the first step towards Better Information Management/Building Information Modeling (BIM) readiness
- Provide a good Level of Information (LoI) without the expense of Computer Aided Design (CAD) BIM files which can provide a higher Level of Detail (LoD) than needed initially
- Consider a Element > Junction > System > Detail > Products > Accessories outline hierarchy
- For you to rationalize your product applications
- For specifiers to choose the right product for every application risk-free
- GBE creates an outline template you populate it with your information
- Turn it into a materials compatibility/application matrix for literature
Cost saving opportunities in Specifications
- Doing your own specification
- You are probably not aware of current and impending information needs and classification systems including:
- BIM, IFC, COBie, Uniclass, CAWS, DOI
- Ignoring these will not help your sales as we progress into the world of BIM level 3 and higher
- Industry Standard Specification format and writing style
- Ignoring these may lead to ambiguity and potential problems in contracts
- If GBE have an existing equivalent product specification,
- This will be our staring point, not from scratch
- Learn from and improve on previous
- GBE have raw template specifications for faster specification creation from scratch
- If your literature has good comprehensive information and we can collect it easily
- You are probably not aware of current and impending information needs and classification systems including:
Using GBE or other specification agency to improve your specification or create one for you
- GBE write practice/company template specifications, project specifications and product specification for any party
- GBE create product, accessory, system, element, detail and whole building specification to suit the products
- GBE identify and extract existing information, organize it, translate it, identify missing information and request it
- GBE can get to the right end point because we are familiar with industry standard approaches
- GBE can work fast and get to the end quickly
- Not engaging GBE and using other agencies
- See GBE Collaboration Service Comparison G#12389
- GBE will work with you to ensure you can offer the best Robust Specification solution for your products
- GBE will minimize your time involved in getting a Robust Specification created
- GBE Robust Specifications can be available via your representatives, on your and/or GBE websites, available to anybody at any time, not buried inside specification software
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
6th August 2016 – 10th August 2016
Justifying the costs of Robust Product Specification Templates
GBE Justifying cost of Specifications080816 PDF
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
6th August 2016 – 10th August 2016
Justifying the costs of Robust Product Specification Templates
See Also:
GBE Robust Specification Proposal 2016: Links to related documents:
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk G#8
- Specifications, Matrix and Product Pages G#4591
- Collaborator Service Band Scope & Prices G#2168
- Collaborator Service Bespoke budget calculator G#3288
- Collaboration Service Comparison G#12389
- Manufacturer Specification to GBE Robust Specification G#12493
- Why do you need a GBE Robust Specification G#12540
- Justifying the costs of Robust Product Specification Templates (this page) G#12547
- Features + Benefits of Robust Specification Templates (RST) G#12588
- Members Newsletter No 3 January 2016 G#9384
- Solution Provider News No 3 January 2016 G#9293
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
6th August 2016 – 8th August 2016