GBE > Collaboration > Solution Providers > Servers > LCA +EPD > G#1170 N#1174
LCA. Materials. Energy.
Missions, objectives
Our mission is to reduce negative environmental impacts, not just through our own actions, but also through the widespread effects of the advice and services that we provide.
Renuables is an environmental consultancy that prides itself on its strong scientific roots. Our core work is based on Life Cycle Assessments and we continue to deliver Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), carbon footprint studies and full LCA comparisons as well as verifications and peer reviews of the work of other LCA practitioners. With our extensive academic and industrial links we also continue to provide research and development into materials, energy and food production.
We have worked for many well known companies and organizations, as well as emerging SMEs. We understand their needs and they trust us to advise them, train them and undertake complex calculations they can rely on. Recent clients include; the European Commission, Marks and Spencer, Saint Gobain, the Belgian Federal Government, UPM Tillhill, DECC, Imperial College, Aspen Aerogels and the World Bank.
Role in the CAP’EM project
Renuables was commissioned as technical consultants to provide the original CAP’EM LCA methodology.
This has formed the foundation for the environmental assessments of the materials and products in the CAP’EM database and subsequently the CAP’EM Compass tool.
Throughout the project we have also provided LCA advice and training to the project partners as well as to complete and review the LCAs.
Renuables is now proud to be a full partner of the project throughout the project extension and beyond.
Phone: +44 (0)1248 208243
Mobile: +44 (0)7900 560402
E-mail: a.norton@renuables.co.uk
E-mail: capem@renuables.co.uk
Skype: andrew.j.norton
Web: www.renuables.co.uk
Renuables, 14 Bridge Street, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, LL59 5DW
LCA Consultant to the European CAP’EM project
Dr. Andrew Norton
Prof. Callum Hill
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
17th October 2013 – 9th December 2017

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Andrew Norton Renuables photo

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
17th October 2013 – 9th December 2017
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© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
17th October 2013 – 9th December 2017