GBE > Encyclopaedia > Code > G#732 N#754
GBE Defects About
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GBE Defects About
Ken Dixon ran some conference on Building Defects at the RIBA and filled the Jarvis Hall plus the annex 3 times over but then ran out of subjects.
That series could have ran for much longer, because we all like to learn from other’s mistakes.
‘there but for the grace of god, goes I’
The Architects Journal ran a successful series on building defects.
The RIBA Journal used to carry a series of Liability Alerts by Niel Pepperel MD of RIBA Indemnity Research Ltd. so we could avoid problems.
WREN PII provider runs its WREN Forum where ‘grey hairs’ from its insured practices meet up to discuss problems and their avoidance.
TRADA employs a man full time just to deal with Architects calling about timber weatherboarding defects.
GBE Defects will carry on this tradition and add to the debate.
GBE Code is intended to provide guidance on ‘Healthy, Environmental, Resourceful, Appropriate, Competent, Effective, Yardstick Construction’ which highlights the right way to do things and GBE Defects will try to analyse it when it goes wrong.
If you have building defects and are willing to share, we would like to analyse them and publish them here.
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
2nd February 2013 – 28th January 2017