GBE > Blog > News > G#170
Overheating: Social Media Chatter & GBE Response
Overheating: Social Media Chatter & GBE Response
Overheating: discovering defects, understanding problems, working out solutions and pinpointing solution providers
Social Media Chatter:
There is a lot of chatter about overheating in social media, amongst those in the know in the world of sustainability.
I have only seen half of the issues mentioned, some understood and others not mentioned or connected up.
So its time for my pennies worth: See Below
In writing about overheating I have worked out a few more issues that I have not heard voiced before.
The issues discussed are occurring as a result of domestic energy retrofits gone wrong.
They apply just as much to new builds in domestic as well as other building types.
Join in the never ending story
This is only my view, it’s more comprehensive than the chatter in social media
I am sure it’s not the whole story, which will continue to grow as we discover more.
I will keep adding to the story as I think of something new or learn more or meet and learn from people in the know.
GBE Feedback
If there are bits missing please point them out and I shall seek the answers.
Please add to this story with your comments and know-how.
I will add them as they arrive or invite you to write what you know or have discovered.
All contributions will be acknowledged.
Big contributors will get a page to promote themselves and their services.
I hope you find this informative and useful.
Let me know.
GBE Equations, GBE Datasets, GBE Calculators
I plan to find the equations and add datasets, then create calculators to allow us all to engage with these issues.
The CAPEM Compass tool includes Decrement Delay, U value R value & k value calculators & Datasets
GBE Inter-visibility and GBE Connectivity
I will link these pages with other parts of the Green Building Encyclopaedia as the pages are created and the products get added.
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
14th June 2015 – 4th June 2016
Overheating: Social Media Chatter & GBE Response
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
4th June 2016
Overheating: Social Media Chatter & GBE Response
See Also:
GBE Issues
- Issue: Overheating Navigation G#2613
- Issue Paper: Overheating (Update 10: 54 A4 pages long) G#145
- Issue Paper (200 website pages linked in daisy chain) G#NNNN
- Issue Paper: Overheating: Lists of Solutions (looking for Solution Providers and their Solutions to populate it) G#2987 N#1814
GBE Past Events
- Overheating and Indoor Air Quality 23/06/2015 Peterborough
GBE Blog
- Overheating: Social Media Chatter: GBE Response (this page)
- Overheating and Urban Climate the next issue to address in this paper
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
14th June 2015 – 4th June 2016