GBE > Encyclopaedia > Code > Jargon Buster > Entries > P > G#16326
Primitive Jargon Buster
Primitive Jargon Buster
GBE Jargon Buster
Primitive Materials
- Not the most helpful of marketing campaigns
- Primitive will no doubt be jumped on by the violets who will have a field day and trounce the greens
- GBE Brainstorm ‘Primitive’
- Simple
- Un-sophisticated
- No mixtures of natural and technical
- Cradle to Cradle principle
- Uncomplicated
- Freedom from chemistry
- Freedom from plastics
- Freedom from all membranes
- Vapour open, Hygroscopic, Breathing
- Freedom from adhesives
- Not conglomerates, Not composites
- Only as technical as we need it to be
- Raw
- Natural
- Planet made not man-made
- Laid down over centuries: Stone and fossil carbon
- Laid down in seconds: Lava, Pumice
- Grown
- Plant, grass or tree based
- Fungus, mycelium
- Animal
- Of simple man-made manufacture
- With minimal Heat/Pressure
- In the round
- (not debarked, cut, profiled, sliced or peeled)
- Untreated
- (no preservatives against rot, insect, fire)
- Unseasoned
- (not pre-dried, permits warping and drying shrinkage)
- Unfinished
- (no protective coatings, stains, waxes)
- Historic
- Prehistoric (but not fossil based)
- Of a primitive culture
- Indigenous
- Evolved in that place
- Suited to that place
- not ex/imported to an unsympathetic climate, needing special care
- Traditional
- Tried, tested and successful in its local climate
- move it to a different climate and it probably won’t work properly
- Survived the test of time
- But more diverse than UK traditional?
- Taking care of local climate issues
- Taking care of internal climate
- Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Probably not Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)
- Prefabricated, Offsite, Preassembled,
- But probably not concrete panels
- Possibly Innovative Methods of Construction (IMC)
- (other stuff, probably not of UK origin)
- Innovative reinterpretation of traditional:
- Pre-dried, pre-cured, pre-patinated,
- Or even primitive
- Tried, tested and successful in its local climate
- Prehistoric (but not fossil based)
- Planet made not man-made
- Natural
- Un-sophisticated
- Simple
(© GBE BRM ’17) Brian Murphy for UK GBC Webinar 2017
- Biobased
Initial, Abbreviations & Acronyms
- G20
- P10
- Z10
Words & Phrases
- Conduction Thermal Insulation
- Decrement Delay (Jargon Buster) G#14043
- Decrement Factor (Jargon Buster) G#14043
- k value
- Loft
- Loft Insulation
- Radiant Thermal Insulation
- Raised storage/access systems
- Thermal Break (Jargon Buster) G#9357
- Thermal Bridge (Jargon Buster) G#9351
- Thermal Bypass
- Thermal Flanking
- Thermal Insulation
- U value
GBE Slogans:
- Build-Tight Ventilate-Right
- Build Light Insulate Right Solar Tight ©GBE G#2272
- Don’t Cook Your Client G#12200
- Fabric-First
- Lift Your Loft ©GBE G#13957
- Lift Your Loft Stuff ©GBE G#13957
- Stuffed Loft Squashed Insulation Lift Your Loft Stuff ©GBE G#13957
GBE #Hashtags:
- #DontCookYourClient G#12200
- #LiftYourLoftStuff ©GBE G#13957
- #BuildLightInsulateRightSolarTight ©GBE G#2272
Information sources:
- NGS BRM ’01
- GBE BRM ’12
Relevance to Environmental Construction:
- Healthy
- Environmental
- Resourceful
- Appropriate
- Competent
- Effective
- Yardstick
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
12th December 2017
Primitive Jargon Buster
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
24th February 2014 – 13th December 2016
Primitive Jargon Buster
See Also:
GBE Jargon Buster
Jargon Buster Themes G#1333 N#1320
- Air/Wind Tightness G#1420 N#1391
- BIM G#1409 N#1382
- Biodiversity G#645 N#667
- Environmental G#1891 N#1748
- Flood G#1357 N#1341
- LCA Life Cycle Analysis/Assessment G#1338 N#1325
- Timber G#1511 N#1462
- Urban Design G#1392 N#1366
- Waste G#1334 N#1321
Insulation/Decrement List
- Attic
- Attic Insulation
- Cellular Extruded Clay Block
- Cellular Glass
- Cellulose Fibre Fake
- Cement Particleboard
- Conduction Thermal Insulation
- Cork
- Decrement Delay (Jargon Buster) G#14043
- Decrement Factor (Jargon Buster) G#14043
- External Insulated Render Systems (EIRS)
- k value
- Loft
- Loft Insulation
- Masonry
- Metal Cladding
- Overheating
- Rainscreen Cladding
- Radiant Thermal Insulation
- Raised storage/access systems
- R value
- Single Aspect
- Steel Frame
- Squashed Insulation
- Structural Insulation Panel System (SIPS)
- Thermal Break (Jargon Buster) G#9357
- Thermal Bridge (Jargon Buster) G#9351
- Thermal Bypass
- Thermal Flanking
- Thermal Insulation
- Thermal Lag
- Thermal Mass
- Timber Frame
- Top Storey
- U Value
- U Value Envelope
- Wind Wash (Jargon Buster) G#14021
- Wood Fibre Thermal Insulation
Airtightness List
- Air Barrier
- Air Exfiltration
- Air Infiltration
- Air Leakage Path
- Air-Tightness
- Air-Tightness Layer
- Cellular Block
- Cement Particleboard
- Cross-Laminated Timber Panels (CLTP)
- External Weather Envelope
- External Insulated Render Systems (EIRS)
- Parge Coat
- Rainscreen Cladding
- Structural Insulation Panel System (SIPS)
- Timber Frame
- U Value
- U Value Envelope
Biodiversity List
- Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)
- Biodiversity Action Reporting System (BARS)
- Biodiversity
- Bird Of Conservation Concern (BOCC)
- Ecological Assessment
- Ecology Survey
- Ecosystem Services
- European Protected Species (EPS)
- European Protected Species (EPS) Licence
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental Performance Indicators (EPI)
- External Insulated Render Systems (EIRS)
- Green Infrastructure (GI)
- Habitat
- Habitat Creation
- Luminaire
- Photovoltaic Cells (PV)
- U Value
- U Value Envelope
- Unimproved Grassland
- Zero Carbon
Life Cycle Assessment: Initials, Abbreviations & Acronyms
- A+
- AtoG
- EC
- EP
- GGtS
- MA
Life Cycle Assessment: Words & Phrases
- Abiotic
- Abiotic Components
- Abiotic Depletion
- Abiotic Resource Depletion Potential (ADP)
- Acidification N#1322
- Allocation
- BIM-ready CAD files
- Biodiversity
- Biosphere
- BRE’s Environmental Profiles (EP)
- BRE’s Green Book Live (GBL)
- BRE’s Green Guide to Specification (GGtS)
- CAP’EM Cycle Assessment Procedure for Eco-Impacts of Materials (CAP’EM) N#566
- CAP’EM Compass Building Product Comparison System
- CAP’EM Definitions
- CAP’EM Glossary
- CAP’EM Product Data Sheet
- CAP’EM Product Improvement
- Carbon
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Dioxide equivalent
- Chemicals
- Chemicals Secretariate (ChemSec)
- ChemSec
- Climate
- Cradle (excavation from earth, extraction from plantations, etc.)
- Cradle to ….
- Cradle to Cradle
- Cradle to factory gate
- Cradle to Grave
- Cycle Assessment Procedure for Eco-Impacts of Materials (CAP’EM) N#566
- Ecological footprint
- EcoPoints
- Economic Allocation
- Embodied Carbon (EC)
- End of life (EOL)
- Energy
- Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
- Environmental Profiling (EP)
- Environmental Impacts
- European Chemicals Agency
- European Waste Catalogue (EWC)
- Factory Gate to Grave
- Final material
- Footprint
- Global Warming Potential (GWP)
- Green Guide to Specification (GGtS)
- Greenhouse Gas Potential (GHGP)
- Inputs
- impact
- Individual Impacts
- Intermediate material
- ISO 14025:2006
- Life Cycle
- Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
- Life Cycle Analysis/Assessment (LCA)
- Life Cycle Inventory
- Marginal Analysis (MA)
- Monetisation
- Outputs
- Packaging
- Plastics
- Product Assessment Sustainability Screening (PASS)
- Products
- Product Environmental Footprinting (PEF)
- Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR)
- REACH Regulations (REACH)
- Reference Flows
- Resource Efficiency
- Sequestered Carbon (SC)
- Substitute It Now List (SIN List)
- Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)
- Toxlist
GBE Webinar
- Primitive Materials Future Building (Webinar) G#16202
- Primitive Materials Future Building (Q+A) G#16244
- BioBased Building Research (Navigation) G#16248
- Primitive (Jargon Buster) G#16326
- Information needs Primitive materials (Survey) G#16394
GBE Past Events
GBE Checklist
- A38 Waste (Checklist) G#12806
- A90 Performance Specification
- A94 Airtightness Test
- A95 Infrared thermographic survey
- B11 Prefabricated Building Units (Checklist) G#1634 N#1553
- D11 Soil Stabilisation (Checklist) G#1587 N#1519
- H21 Timber Weatherboarding (Checklist) G#11946
- K43 Raised Storage Access Systems (Checklist) G#13934
- L10 Windows Rooflights Screens Louvres (Checklist) G#1604 N#1533
- M21 Insulation With Rendered Finish (Checklist) G#9442
- M50 Rubber Plastics Cork Lino Carpet tiling sheeting (Checklist) G#1160 N#1164
- P10 Sundry Insulation/Proofing/Fire stops
- P14 Air/Wind tightness systems
GBE Defects
- Loft Insulation (Defects) G#14166
- Bird Box Installation (Defects) G#12823
GBE Issue Papers
- Overheating G#145
- Squashed Loft Insulation G#13919
GBE Links
- Organisation/Website
GBE Calculator
- Bat and Bird Roost Box calculator
- Loft Insulation U value calculator
- Raised Storage/Access platform support thermal bridge Psi calculator
GBE Green Building Specifications
Robust Specification Clause
- Biodiversity Bat and Bird Roots and Boxes Specifications
Robust Specification Work Sections
- A90 Performance Specification (RP) G#511 N#529
- A95 P SC Thermographic Survey Specification G#512 N#530
- F23 Boulder and Turf hedge bank walling (RSW) G#1612 N#1539
- H21 Timber Weatherboarding (RSW) G#625
- K43 120A StoreFloor (RSW) G#14031
- N80 110A Cambridge Swift Box (RSW) G#13711
- Biodiversity Bat and Bird Roots and Boxes Specifications
GBE Shop
- A90 Performance Specification (Shop) G#10236
- K43 120A StoreFloor (Shop) G#14037
- W21 Projection Paint Robust Specification Work Section (Shop) G#10693
GBE Projects
- Designing for Biodiversity: A technical guide for new and existing buildings G#535 N#555
- Future Cities G#872 N#892
- Biodiversity 100% Workshop (P) 233
- Biodiversity Bats Pads ZEDs (P) 235
- Biodiversity Designing Bats Buildings (P) 236
- Biodiversity Bat Habitat (P) 234
- Biodiversity Low and Zero Carbon Buildings 100% Workshop (P) 237
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
14th February 2014 – 22nd December 2017