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Thermal Bridge (Jargon Buster) G#9351

By 18 January 2016October 7th, 2016Code, Encyclopaedia, Entries, Jargon Buster

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Thermal Bridge (Jargon Buster)

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Thermal Bridge

Tabs including * indicates there is information for this Jargon

[tabbed_section style=”default” alignment=”left”][/tabbed_section][tab title=”1 Definitions *” id=”1453107570936-6″ tab_id=”1453134330410-8″]

Thermal Bridge
1 Definitions

Thermal Bridge

  • Unwanted heat loss or gain occurs due to conduction through a material.
  • This can lead to significant energy losses and may also result in the build up of condensation.
  • An example of thermal bridging is heat loss that occurs due to metal wall ties or steel framing that is insufficiently insulated between areas of temperature differences
  • e.g. the internal and external environment.
  • (based on Ecos Renews 17)

Thermal Bridge

  • A thermally conductive material which penetrates or bypasses an insulation system; such as a wall tie, metal fastener, concrete beam, slab or column.
  • Thermal bridging lowers the overall thermal insulation of the structure by creating areas where heat loss is greater in one area than it is for another.
  • The effect is to reduce the overall U value of the construction element.
  • The heat loss per unit length of thermal bridge is known as the Ψ-(psi) value and is measure in W/mK.
  • (GreenSpec AEP ’09)

Thermal Bridge

  • Heat loss through a localized area where the primary insulation layer is significantly interrupted or reduced.
  • Difficult but not impossible to treat in solid wall insulation (SWI).
  • Become more significant where the building fabric has been upgraded.
  • Effects of a cold bridge:
    • Rise in heat energy demand
    • Indoor surfaces at lower winter temperatures
    • Increased risk of surface condensation
    • Risk of damages to building units, leading to vacancies & rehousing costs
    • Danger of mildew, causing serious health threats, potential litigation
    • Complaints, withheld payments, reputation damage
      (ESLtd. LB ’12)

Thermal Bridge

  • Heat loss through a localized area where the primary insulation layer is significantly interrupted or reduced in thickness or reduced in resistance to conductivity.
  • Previously known as a cold bridge, but from the outside an ‘anomaly’ in an IRT survey will be a ‘hot spot’ and from inside it will be a ‘cold spot’, hence thermal bridge.
  • Can be a continuouse support angle or multiple ties, fixings or fastenings at close centres providing a conductivity route through an insulation layer.
  • Their impact becomes more significant when the buildings U value is improved generally but the thermal bridge remains unresolved.
  • Effects of a thermal bridge:
    • Rise in heating energy demand during heating season
    • Internal surfaces of external wall, roof or floor at localised lower temperatures in heating season
    • Increased risk of localised surface or intersticial condensation
    • Danger of mildew and mould growing in condensate causing serious health risks
    • Risk of damage to building fabric due to rot in timbers and frost damage in masonry
    • Complaints, withheld payments, rehousing costs, vacancies, potential litigation, reputation damage.
  • (GBE BRM ’16)

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”2 Images Icons *” id=”1453107174611-6″ tab_id=”1453134330555-10″]

Thermal Bridges
2 Images/Icons

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”3 Relevance to Environmental Construction” id=”1453107570988-7″ tab_id=”1453134330716-0″]

3 Relevance to Environmental Construction


© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”4 Opinion” id=”1453107571005-4″ tab_id=”1453134330846-9″]

4 Opinion


© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”5 Examples” id=”1453107571025-4″ tab_id=”1453134330978-0″]

5 Examples


© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”6 Notes” id=”1453107571042-0″ tab_id=”1453134331110-9″]

6 Notes


© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”7 Sources *” id=”1453107669121-4″ tab_id=”1453134331248-5″]

Thermal Bridge
7 Sources

  • Ecological Building Systems ’09
  • Energy Star ’07
  • Enviroform Solutions Ltd. LB ‘12
  • GreenSpec AEP ’09
  • GBE BRM ’12-’16
  • NGS BRM ’09-‘12
  • SEDA Airtightness Guide definition

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”8 Related Jargon *” tab_id=”1453134331385-4″ id=”1458766739752-9″]

Thermal Bridge
8 Related Jargon

GBE Jargon Buster

  • G#9351 Thermal Bridge (JB) (This page)
  • G#4178 GBE Jargon Buster Navigation
  • G#1330 GBE Jargon Buster Themes
    • Overheating
    • Refurbishment/Retrofit
    • Thermal Bridges/Breaks
  • G#685 N#707 GBE Jargon Buster Navigation: Abbreviations + Acronyms
    • BM
    • BRM
    • CIGA
    • ECO
    • EIRS
    • ESWI
    • ETAG 004
    • EITIC
    • ETICS
    • EWI
    • EWIS
    • HTT
    • ISWI
    • IWI
    • NIA
    • SWI
    • TSB
  • GBE Jargon Buster Classifications
    • K10 Plasterboard dry linings/partitios/ceilings
    • K11 Rigid sheet flooring/sheating/decking/ sarking/lining/casings
    • K13 Rigid sheet fine linings/paneling
    • K20 Timber board flooring/decking/sarking/lining/casing
    • K21 Timber strip/board fine flooring/linings
    • M21 External Insulation with Rendered Finish
    • P10 Sundry insulation/proofing work/fire stops
  • N#721 GBE Jargon Buster Numbers
  • N#705 Jargon Buster Words and Phrases
    • Building Specific Insulation Solutions
    • External Insulated Render Systems (EIRS)
    • External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS)
    • External Wall Insulation (EWI)
    • External Wall Insulation Systems (EWIS)
    • GreenDeal
    • Hard To Treat (HTT)
    • Hydro-
    • Hydrophobic Material
    • Hygro-
    • Hygroscopic
    • Hygroscopic Material
    • Hygroscopicity
    • Hygroscopicity And Moisture Mass
    • Hygrothermal Performance Testing
    • Interstitial Condensation
    • Internal Solid Wall Insulation (ISWI)
    • Internal Wall Insulation (IWI)
    • Moisture Transport
    • Overheating
    • Path Of Least Resistance
    • Refurbishment
    • Retrofit
    • Retrofit Health & Safety
    • Risk Assessment
    • Solid Wall Insulation (SWI)
    • Solid Wall Insulation Guarantee Agency (SWIGA)
    • Thermal Breaks
    • Thermal Bridges
    • Thermal Laminates
    • Thermal Looping
    • Vapour Control Layer (VCL)

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”9 Checklists” id=”1453108204118-3″ tab_id=”1453134331520-8″]

Thermal Bridges
9 Checklists

GBE Checklist

G#606 N#627 GBE New Build Checklist Navigation

  • K10 Plasterboard dry linings/partitios/ceilings
  • K11 Rigid sheet flooring/sheating/decking/sarking/lining/casings
  • K13 Rigid sheet fine linings/paneling
  • K20 Timber board flooring/decking/sarking/lining/casing
  • K21 Timber strip/board fine flooring/linings
  • M21 External Insulation with Rendered Finish
  • P10 Sundry insulation/proofing work/fire stops

G#730 N#752: GBE EBC Checklist Refurbishment

  • K10 Plasterboard dry linings/partitios/ceilings
  • K11 Rigid sheet flooring/sheating/decking/sarking/lining/casings
  • K13 Rigid sheet fine linings/paneling
  • K20 Timber board flooring/decking/sarking/lining/casing
  • K21 Timber strip/board fine flooring/linings
  • M21 External Insulation with Rendered Finish
  • P10 Sundry insulation/proofing work/fire stops

G#1253 N#1252: GBE EBC Checklist Refurbishment Decent Homes

G#1438 N#1408 GBE Home Improvement Index

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”10 Q and A *” tab_id=”1453134331653-2″ id=”1453140308323-9″]

Thermal Bridge
10 Q and A


© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”11 Defects/Solutions *” tab_id=”1453134331780-1″ id=”1453136831515-8″]

Thermal Bridge
11 Defects/Solutions

GBE Defects

GBE Solutions

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”12 CPD/Lectures *” tab_id=”1453134331909-9″ id=”1453140308367-5″]

Thermal Bridge
12 CPD/Lectures



G#472 N#478 GBE CPD Topics Navigation

Handouts PDF 9 slides/page for printing

Seminars PDF for viewing

GBE Lectures

  • N#216: (21) Masonry External Walls (P)

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”13 Media Links *” id=”1453108507155-1″ tab_id=”1453134332040-6″]
[/tab][tab title=”14 Links *” tab_id=”1453134332178-7″ id=”1453136831578-0″]

Thermal Bridge
14 Links

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”15 Products *” tab_id=”1453134332309-10″ id=”1453140308435-7″]

Thermal Breaks
15 Products

See Tabs 16 Accessories and 17 Systems

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
18th January 2016

[/tab][tab title=”16 Accessories *” tab_id=”1453134332440-6″ id=”1458766740102-1″]



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