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GBE Expert (Proposal) G#1222 N#1223

By 19 April 2015August 13th, 2019Design, Encyclopaedia, Toolbox

GBE Expert Proposal

GBE > Encyclopaedia > Design > Toolbox > Design & Decision Tools > Expert > G#1222 N#1223

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GBE Expert Tool

Expert Systems

  • Expert System techniques:
  • Questions offer Multiple Choice Answers which lead to more Qs and MCAs ad infinitum until you reduce 1 million solutions to the 1 solution that meets all the project requirements.
  • It requires a GURU to write the questions and set the answers and arrange them in the right order from macro to micro

GBE Expert

  • GBE EXPERT will become a Design & Decision Tool
  • GBE EXPERT will adopt expert system approached but may become part of and interlaced with the Green Building Encyclopaedia website so you move in and out of GBE EXPERT without noticing.
  • I have a few ideas taking a step back from the GBE 3D VIEW aspirations and working almost entirely in 2D Sections or elevations leading to detail sections or elevations.
  • We might then consider which 3D views are needed for better clarity
  • I need to do some experimenting first with GBE EXPERT text only (probably in an excel spreadsheet) then export to Word to which navigational icons can be added.
  • These will lead to the large or small details as appropriate.
  • The details lead to systems or product and the products lead to manufacturers suppliers and installers

GBE Expert and GBE 2D View

  • I do need to prepare a seminar for 1st week of June to present at Vision London Exhibition to demonstrate what Green Building Encyclopaedia’s GBE 2D VIEW will become.
  • I would also like to demonstrate GBE EXPERT intertwined with it so I can work out what GBE EXPERT might look and feel like and how the two could interplay.
  • This will lead on to developing the real thing for October.


During the ‘Sustainability Revolution’ it has become clear that we have not been making many sustainable nor competent buildings, because we don’t fully understand the physics of buildings and the science of materials, and we compromise between what we design and what we build with cost cutting, substitutions or value engineering, with low initial cost as the primary criteria for success.  Further degradation of ambitions occurs on site through lack of understanding, lack of care and poor workmanship.  It’s time for change, and this is the beginning of GBE’s contribution, it’s about developing a more detailed and joined up understanding of environmental design principles and generating detailed ‘Healthy Environmental Resourceful Appropriate Competent Effective Construction’ rules.

We have already got a name for it GBE CODE, its not a version of an EAM Environmental Assessment Method like DREAM, SPEAR, LEED, Ska, BREEAM or Code for Sustainable Homes, (some of which appear to be tick box exercises, that prevent innovation and selection of really green, low carbon, resource efficient and healthy products) but a CODE for ‘Healthy Environmental Resourceful Appropriate Competent Effective Construction’ which embraces traditional, modern & innovative methods of construction.

GBE CODE aims to bring together:

  • Design & Decision Tool Expert system to use in briefing to FM: GBE EXPERT;
  • Design Principles in GBE PATTERNS; (started)
  • Highlight problems and promote solutions in GBE DEFECTS (started)
  • Organised into logical GBE Matrix; (will follow GBE PATTERNS)
  • Things to consider and others to avoid in GBE CHECKLIST; (exists, being updated)
  • Highlights and expose the untruths in GBE GREENWASH (started)
  • Data collected to help form GBE RULES OF THUMB; (to be developed)
  • Calculations determined to create GBE Calculators (some exists, more to add)
  • Build links to the outputs of R&D, R&DIY and other sources of guidance in GBE Links; (exists, updating)
  • Building Elemental Sustainability Test in GBE BEST; (exists, to be formalized)
  • Building Element Assembly COde Number in GBE BEACoN helps to identify each assembly from another
  • Material & Products Accessory System Screening in GBE PASS & MASS; (exists, being streamlined)
  • Materials additional assessment of materials in GBE Materials
  • Translation/interpretation of unfamiliar terms with GBE Jargon Buster; (exists, always developing)
  • Results in ‘Healthy Environmental Resourceful Appropriate Competent Effective Construction’ to be found in GBE 3D Studio;
  • Bring this all together with a 3D walkthrough model to interrogate in GBE 3D VIEW (Proposal)

Collectively the aim is to find a pathway through the myriad of options, addressing local climate, component functions, compatibility of materials, resource efficiency, energy saving, carbon reduction as well as healthy buildings; to shortlist methods of construction and material choices that are appropriate to a site and ‘Healthy Environmental Resourceful Appropriate Competent Effective Construction’.

GBE PASS informs the GBE Product Pages that GBE 3D Studio will interrogate.

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
31st October 2013 – 28th March 2019

GBE Expert Tool

GBE Expert Logo PPT3

NGS BroadBean Logo png

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
31st October 2013 – 28th March 2019

GBE Expert Tool
See Also:  

GBE Projects

GBE Proposal

  • GBE Expert proposal

GBE Jargon Buster

  • 2D VIEW
  • 3D VIEW
  • Appropriate Competent Environmental Construction (ACEC)
  • BEST Building Element Sustainability Test
  • Building Element Assembly COde Number (BEACON)
  • Building Elemental Sustainability Test (BEST)
  • Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH)
  • Cost cutting
  • Design Principles
  • DREAM (Defence Related Environmental Assessment Method)
  • EAM (Environmental Assessment Method)
  • ECHO
  • Environmental Assessment Method (EAM)
  • Environmental Design Principles
  • EXPERT Expert System D&DT Design & Decision Tool
  • LEED
  • MASS
  • Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)
  • innovative Methods of Construction (IMC)
  • PASS
  • physics of buildings
  • Products Assessment Sustainability Screening (PASS)
  • R&D,
  • R&DIY
  • science of materials
  • Ska
  • Sustainability Revolution
  • substitutions
  • Value Engineering (VE)
  • VE (Value Engineering)

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
31st October 2013 – 28th March 2019



© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka BrianMurphy
1st January 2017 – 2nd August 2018



© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka BrianMurphy
1st January 2017 – 2nd August 2018

See Also:


GBE Jargon Buster

GBE Checklist

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka BrianMurphy
1st January 2017 – 2nd August 2018

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