TGR Twilight Talk GBC (CPD)
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GBE CPD Metadata
- File Name:
- File Type: PDF of PPTX
- File Size:
- PDF Handout: 3 mb
- PDF Show: 7 mb
- Number of Slides/Pages:
- PDF Handout: 8 Pages
- PDF Show: 70 Slides of 88
- Created for: TGR Twilight Talk
- Presented to: Zoom 100 audience TGR Twilight Talk
- Author: BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy ONC HNC Construction BSc Dip Architecture (Hons+Dist)
- Created: 04/10/2021
- Revision: A02 (A09 of Larger GBC CPD PPTX)
- Updated: 10/10/2021
- Tags: CPD, Lecture, Green Building Calculator, Design & Decision Tool,
- ProductSets: Methods of Construction, Materials, Building Elements,
- UserGroups: Students, Architects, Assistants, Technicians, Structural Engineers, Constructors
GBE CPD Content
(without images; See the slide show for the pictures)
Green Building Calculator Vs Carbon Terminator?
- Step by step guide to calculating and costing the embodied and in use carbon load of your building
- TGR Twilight Talk 5-6:30pm 11 Oct 2021
Welcome and Thank you
- So many of you: 100 No. capacity booked and a few more in reserve 113 total
- From UK
- From EU (so sorry)
- From International
- GBC Version 1 users
- GBC Version 2 preview
- –Some curious
- –Some challengers perhaps
- –Some prospects I hope
- And many familiar faces, lovely to see you all again
Green Building Calculator
- © NGS GBE GBC 2011-2021
- BrianSpecMan Murphy GBC Number-Cruncher
- Version 2 launch 1st March @ FutureBuild 2022 Digital Arena Stand L68
This Presentation on GBE:
- Find this file on GBE website at:
- –PDF Show: TGR Twilight Talk
- –Also find:
- –Full version of GBC CPD PDF (353 slides)
- –Links to all GBC related pages
- –Links to GBC website
- –
- x minute Polls scattered throughout
- 10 minutes intro to GBC V2 %%%
- 25 minutes tour of GBC V2 %%%
- 5 minutes demonstration of GBC V2 %
- 2 minutes case study in use
- 45 minutes Q&A including polls
Poll 1 State of the Industry`
Where do the construction industries problems lie?
- –Education & Training
- –Legislation & Interpretation
- –Clients & Briefing
- –Quantity Surveyors & Cost Planning
- –Procurement
- –Manufacturers, Suppliers & Product data & test evidence
- –Brexit (temporary or long term?)
- –COVID (temporary or persistent)
- –BREEAM & other EAM
- –Environment & Biodiversity Crisis & Declarations
- –Meeting RIBA Carbon Challenge
- –All or many of the above
Poll 2: Who is out there?
What professions are in the audience?
- Clients, Client Bodies, Self-builders, Facilities managers, Property managers
- Architects and other design professionals including: Technicians, Surveyors, Engineers
- Quantity Surveyors, Cost Planners, Estimators, Buyers
- BREEAM etc. assessors, carbon counters, environmental advisors
- Manufacturers, Makers, Fabricators, Suppliers, Agents, Retailers,
- Constructors, Tradesmen, Artisans, Installers, Applicators, Sub-contractors, Contractors
- Project managers
- Others
Green Building Calculator
- I want.. I want.. I want..
I am coming at this problem:
- As a(n):
- Technician and Architect by training
- Specification Writer by choice (£2400m track record)
- Side Line spectator with frustration
- Observer of projects going wrong:
- –Briefing battens dropped at each interchange
- –Because of cost plans and procurement
- –Lack of joined up management of it all
- –Loss of scrutiny of competency of anything
I don’t want: A building Performance Gap
- –Started by philosophical, aesthetics and snappy-graphics education
- –Little or no technical, physics, science, numeracy, environmental education
- –Increasingly challenging Legislation Regulation interpretation and Administration
- –Discouraged and shrinking supervision role
- –Evolves into vulnerable technical design
- –Undermined by surreptitious substitution
- –Brought on by inadequate tender
- –Manipulated by Dutch bargaining
- –Lubricated by power over supply chain manipulation
- –Facilitated by out of control & bespoke procurement methods
- –Muddied by misaligned perceptions
- –Encouraged by Constructing Excellence 10% year on year improvement
- –Compounded by 2013 Industrial strategy -33% cost, -50% emissions, -50% time
- –Cost cutting in disguise as “value engineering”
- –Driven by inadequately specific, incompetent cost planning
- –All leading to: incapacity of construction sector to deliver:
- –Client’s:
- bespoke design, green brief, investment ambitions & competent building
I want clients
- with aspirations and objectives for a Healthy, Environmental, Useful building:
- –To know they can engage a building designer team who have the tools and skills to meet their brief
- –To be able to invest well and get what they want;
- not be driven down the ‘business as usual’ cost cutting route initiated by QSs bad cost plans and procurement that adds a fee to reduce quality
- –To know that their aspirations & objectives will survive all the way to completion on site
I want building designers to be able to:
- Do their own Cost Planning on small jobs, not needing a QS
- –based on the real cost of doing it greener and better for client
- –not just cheapest-wins every time
- –Don’t set yourselves up or a fall
- –without a QS
- Who steers the project towards financial and performance gaps
- Avoiding approximate elemental pricing rates
- Avoiding non-representative labour rates
- Avoiding incompetent violet price books
- Immediately understand the environmental impact
- –of their construction or refurbishment methods
- –Help make better informed choices of materials or products
- –Become carbon literate
I want building designers to be able to:
- Compare alternative scenarios easily, quickly
- –to begin to build an understanding of the consequences of their choices
- –in time be able to intuitively choose lower impact materials and methods
- Intelligently interrogate the bill of materials
- –do environmental analysis on the fly.
- Access comprehensive generic materials and product datasets at their fingertips
- –adopt, apply and interrogate designs
I want building designers to be able to:
- Know where a product was invented to be used
- –not risk its inappropriate application
- –‘Post-Grenfell function’ Version 3
- Close the performance gap:
- –Energy Version 2,
- –Airtightness, V later
- –Fire, acoustics, indoor air quality, etc. V later
- –Services design, lighting design, V later
- Have access to competent elemental assembly datasets
- –892 already for Version 3
- –For use in the absence of know-how to assemble their own.
- –Choose from and adopt or adapt competently
I want building designers to be able to:
- Have a low cost tool affordable by small practices
- Have a multi-functional tool that interrogates the same building model/dataset
- –That only has to be built once, to get many results
- –Unlike WRAP and BRE tools
- Submit to architectural competitions and awards
- –that insist on embodied energy, embodied carbon and sequestered carbon and energy and carbon in use,
- –as part of the criteria for success
- –with an appropriate weighting I hope.
I want Non-BIM’ers
- Who have no need for BIM
- Who cannot afford to implement BIM
- Not doing Government work, not needing BIM
- Have not experienced the benefits of BIM
- To be able to do BIM-app-type analysis outside of BIM
- Interrogate the data and get useful results
- In the future:
- Enable seamless BIM adoption later
- Two way flow of information between BIM and GBC and visa versa
I want Quantity Surveyors to:
- Become a useful part of procurement process
- –Cost planning has to do better than it has done over last few decades
- –Pricing books are woefully inadequate
- (do not reflect what is going on out there)
- Tradesmen rates are wrong as far as we can tell
- –Elemental rates are limited in scope
- –Accurate Cost planning appears to be impossible
- –Don’t propose D&B etc. if the client wants bespoke, quality and good Investment
- Be Quality Surveyors not Quantity Surveys
- –Why give the client a Violet cost plan for a green brief for a green building?
- –Why give them false expectations? And then fail from then onwards?
- –Be more accurate than +/- 10% measuring and worse estimating
- Create the ‘Green Building Price Book’
- –Alistair McConnochie proposed 20 years ago
- –to become a reality, inside GBC
- Do Green, competent Cost Planning
- –not win the ‘race to the violet bottom’
- Do real Value Engineering of green stuff into the project, not out of it
- –not cost-cutting disguised as Value Engineering;
- –but will they look at the bigger picture?
- Do Whole Life Value without charging an extra fee
I want procurement to:
- Focus on the client expectations
- –No more novated designers without whistleblowing clauses
- Not focus on low cost and fast delivery
- At the expense of performance & quality
- –Craft supervisors not QA box tickers
- –Not sub-contracted snagging
- Not create long supply chain barriers between designers and craftsmen
- Manage interfaces between packages
- –Deliver consistency of end results for whole building
- –Easy to maintain by client’s FM
- Go back to General Contracting if that’s enough
I want manufacturers to:
- Make multi-functional materials, products and systems:
- –But avoiding composites and mixing natural with technical materials
- –To replace many singular function alternatives
- –That succeed in Value Engineering processes
- Because they are difficult to substitute
- Make low impact materials and products
- –Not hide behind BRE GGtS Generic Materials Assessments
- at industry sector level: aggregated average grey not green or violet
- Make their independently verified credible data available
- –as ‘big open data’ in ‘consistent formats’
- –Readily interrogated by calculators with intelligent search functions
- Populate GBC Product Data Collection tables to create a single robust source and allow integration into GBC & bespoke Calculators
- –Or share NBS Source datasets
- In BIM provide:
- –High Levels of Information (LOI)
- –Before High Levels of Detail (LOD)
- –Enable High Levels of Accuracy (LOA)
I want tenderers
- To be able to use the built-in calculator
- –as the Bill of Quantities Tender Document
- To not have to price the job with every intention of making claims
- –Because retention moneys will never be paid without a fight
- –Dutch bargaining discounts will be expected
- –Main-Contractor levy or discounts will be expected
- –Payments will be late: 3 months is normal today
- –Especially on Guaranteed Maximum Price GMP domestic tenders
- To be able to price the job properly:
- –not chasing some false illusion cost plan,
- –to allow trades people to have the time to care
- –and do a competent job using proper materials
- –Accurate and complete tender documents can invite accurate pricing
I want Specification Substitution to be done:
- –Transparently with all the facts and figures available
- –about the consequence of every change,
- –other than just cost savings for the contractor or shared with the client
I am reminded to
Be the change you want to see in the world
- Mahatma Gandhi
Green Building Calculator Website
V2 Component Parts
- Product Information Providers
- Product Data Collection
- Excel mechanisms
- Data Sources
- Data inputs
- Generic Materials Datasets
- Choosing targets & Data sources
- Option Switches for more detail
- Choosing
- Price Information
- Chosen Elements
- Choosing Components
- Choosing Materials or Products
- Number Crunching
- Checking Targets Met
- GBC Users
- Dashboard
- Summary Sheets
- Purpose of Green Building Calculator
V3 – V33 Component Parts
- Product Information Providers
- Product Data Collection
- Elemental & Sub-elemental Assemblies
- Specifications
- Prices
- Scope of Work
- Other Disciplines
- Choosing targets & Data sources
- Impacts
- LCA & design Life
- Interiors
- Waste
- Plastics
- Circular Economy
- Self Build
- Biodiversity
- Preliminaries
- MEP Services
- Regional International Variations
- Bespoke Modules
Green Building Calculator Case study:
- International Timber Competition
- 28th May 2020
Design Review and Carbon Data
- Architectural Competition Entry
- –Metsa Timber Technology Competition 2020 Entry
- exStudent Samael Coco LSBU Post Graduate Architecture EREID Module
- Entry requires carbon data
- –Samael needed help
- –Called on GBC to provide it
GBC evolved out of calculators
- 2 of GBC’s component parts were developed during EREID course
- –Energy and Resource Efficiency in Design
- –Whole Building Energy & Carbon in use
- –Whole Building Embodied Energy and Carbon & Sequestered Carbon
- –The part time students took the calculators back to their offices
- –And used them on live projects
- Replacement of 1960’s tower block load-bearing precast concrete facade
- Load-bearing solid wood panel
- Kerto LVL Laminated Veneer Lumber
- Jigsaw inter-connecting edges
- Connected to an interlocking solid timber super-structure
- GBC carried out a critique of the proposal to help in its development and refinement
- Samael prepared drawings and a report and investigated alternative insulation materials
- Samael Coco presentation Rising From Aches Rev2PDF
GBC prepared and provided:
- U value calculations with each insulation option
- In use Energy & Carbon comparisons:
- –Building Regulations AD L
- –AECB Carbon lite,
- –Passivhaus
- –LETI U values
- Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon and Sequestered carbon
- before and after calculations
Elemental U values comparisons
Elemental Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon and Sequestered Carbon
Int. Timber Competition Entry
Green Building Calculator Q&A
- A few Polls first
Poll 3: Your wants?
What do you want in a MS Excel based Design & Decision Tool focused around carbon counting?
- –Blue sky thinking: no holes barred, no pebbles unturned
- –Write down as many as possible
- –Short phrases initials or acronyms if possible?
- –And ranking of most popular
Poll 4: Scope of Costs
What would be useful to you soonest?
- Bill of Materials > Bill of Quantities
- Green Building Price Book within GBC
- Cost Planning function:
- –Record recent tender rates into look up table
- –Record Sub-contract quotes into cost plan
- –Build Cost
- –Prelims profits overheads and Fees
- Tendering
- In use fuel Cost
- Cost pay back
- Carbon pay back
- Value Engineering (Not cost cutting)
Poll 5: Scope of Calculations
What would be useful to you?
- Areas, Volumes, Quantities & Weight calculations
- Form factor calculation
- Insulation thickness per U value calculations
- Analysis at levels:
- –Component
- –Element
- –Building
- U value Calculator
- Condensation check: Version 3 or 4
- Decrement Delay Overheating check: Version 2 or 3
Green Building Calculator
GBE V2 In Detail
V2 Singular/Multiple Switches
- Was on every page
- Now on it own page
V2 Schedule of Accommodation
V2 Roofs Parts
- Future: Other Roof Geometry
V2 Room By Room Heat Losses
V2 Form Factor
V2 Scope: Building Elements
- U value Envelop Elements
- Non-U value Envelop Elements
V2 Building Element Areas
- Outside of Uv Envelope Building Elements
- Foundations
- Structural Frames
- Secondary Elements
- N Furniture Fixtures Equipment (FFE)
- Landscape
- Domestic MEP Services
V5 Non-Domestic MEP Services
V4 Bespoke Project Specific Items
V2 Singular/Multiple Switches
V2 Engage Singular/Multiple
V2 U values Etc. Targets
- Regulations, Public Consultations, Design Standards, Campaigns
Materials > k values > U values > Thicknesses
V2 Decrement Delay
- Insulation Thickness
- (In Development)
V2 39 No. Elements
- U or R value
- 12 secondary element U/R values
- Refurb Actions
V2-V3 Condensation Check
V2-V3 Decrement Delay Overheating Avoidance
V2 Bill of Materials Quantities Labour Accessories Products Costs
V2 Elemental Costing
ICE 3.0 database carbon reporting options
EN 15978
EN 15804
- Each row is a component of an element (3 to 20 components make up an element)
- –(framing insulation lining)
- Each group of components makes an element (up to 39 make up a building)
- –(partition, wall, floor, roof)
- Each column is an EN 15804 stage A-D or subdivision column
- Each group of columns is an environmental impact (7 groups 7 impacts 1 is carbon=)
V1 Resistances V2 no change
V2 Conductivities
V1 Properties of Products
V2 Secondary Elements Windows & Glazing options
For U Value Calculations
V1 U value > Watts > CO2 In Use
V2 Carbon Mains Electricity EU
V2 UK Fuel Carbon Factors 2020
V2 Fuel Costs Dataset
V2 In-use Energy Carbon Costs
Green Building Calculator Demonstration
Green Building Calculator Q&A
Poll 6: Scope of Work
What would be most useful to you soonest?
- –New Build,
- –Retrofit,
- –Domestic,
- –Non-domestic
- –All of the above
Poll 7: Scope of Parts
What would be most useful to you soonest?
- –Building
- –Structure
- –Interiors
- –Services
- –Landscape
- –Infrastructure
- –All of the above
Poll 8: Scope of Analysis
What would be most useful to you soonest?
- –In use Energy
- –In use Carbon
- –Embodied Energy
- –Embodied Carbon
- –Sequestered Carbon
- –Life Cycle Assessment
Poll 9: Performance Targets:
What would be most useful to you soonest?
- –Building Regulations AD L, (E, W, S, NI)
- –Design Standards: AECB, PHI, LETI,
- –Campaigns: ACAN, Superhomes,
- –Challenges: RIBA
- –Client Standards: TfL,
- –Planning Standards: WAG TAN6
- –Other national Regs or design standards
Poll 10: Scope of datasets:
What would be most useful to you soonest?
- Materials & properties
- Insulation materials & properties
- Products, Accessories & properties
- Materials & Product Costs
- Fuel & costs
- ICE 3 Embodied Carbon
- LCA & EPD datasets
Poll 11: Scope: Future Versions
What would be most useful to you soonest?
- Selection from 33 versions planned:
- Post-Grenfell competency
- Links to GBE websites:
- –Low carbon materials guidance
- –Self build guidance
- –Waste reduction in design guidance
- Plastic avoidance, plastic %, recycled plastics
- Recycled content,
- Circular economy:
- –Dismantle-ability, reclaim-ability, reuse-ability,
- Waste awareness:
- –Waste calculator,
- –Waste cost calculator
- –Embodied energy and carbon in Waste
© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
4th October 2021 – 10th October 2021
TGR Events
GBC Events
- GBC TGR Twilight Talk (Event) G#40053
GBE CPD Cover Image
GBE CPD Images
- Handout PDF to print
Show PDF to view
© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
4th October 2021 – 10th October 2021
TGR Twilight Talk GBC CPD
See Also:
GBE Future Events
GBE Events
GBE In-House CPD
- CPD Your In-house CPD G#2404
GBE Lectures
RIBA Part 1 Under Graduate
RIBA Part 1 Year 1 (LSBU 2007-2008) Elements
- C11 Ground Investigation (Lectures) G#403
- (11) Site, Ground, Floor (Lectures) G#2111
- (13.1) Ground Floor (Lectures) G#2112
- (16.4) Foundations (Lectures) G#2113
- (16.4) Groundworks RC Raft Foundation (Lectures) G#2114
- F132 Basements (Lectures) G#269
- (21) Masonry External Walls (Lectures) G#2115
- (21) Other External Walls (Lectures) G#2123
- (21) Timber External Walls (Lectures) G#2116
- (21) Timber Frame (Lectures) G#2117
- (21.4) Glass External Walls (Lectures) G#2118
- H11 Curtain Walling (Lectures) G#295
- H13 Structural Glass Assemblies (Lectures) G#296
- (22) Partitions (Lectures) G#2119
- (23) Upper Floors (Lectures) G#2120
- (27.1) Flat Roofs (Lectures) G#2121
- (27.2) Pitched Roofs (Lectures) G#2122
RIBA Part 1 Year 2 2018-2019-2020 (University of Hertfordshire)
- L15 Design and Detailing to Perform (Lecture) G#20475
RIBA Part 1 Year 2 (LSBU 2016/2017)
- Energy Efficiency
- EnergyEfficiency-9H5 PDF Handout
- EnergyEfficiency-S43 PDF Show
- Design to Reduce Waste
- 9 WasteDesignToReduceDiagrams9H32 PDF Handout
- 9 WasteDesignToReduceDiagramsS285 PDF Show
RIBA Part 2 Post-Graduate
RIBA Part 2 M Arch Lab 1 University of Hertfordshire 2019-2020
- 1 Sustainability Introduction
- Sustainability Introduction (Lecture) G#31739
- 2 Green Or Violet Insulation Materials
- Green or Violet materials Which do you use (CPD) G#15560
GBE Issue Papers
- Overheating (Issue Papers) G#145
- Squashed Loft Insulation (Issue Papers) G#13919
- Urban Risks due to Climate Change (Issue Paper) G#12500
CPD Manufacturer’s
- GBE LitEdit LoftZoneCPD A02BRM100117 9H5 PDF handout
- GBE LitEdit LoftZoneCPD A02BRM100117 S39 PDF Show
- GBE LitEdit LoftZoneCPD A02BRM100117 PPTX Show with working hyperlinks
GBE Manufacturer
- Eco Answers Ltd t/a LoftZone G#13890
GBE System
- StoreFloor G#13287
© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
4th October 2021 – 9th October 2021