LSBU PGDip Architecture EREID 2017
Hi Students
The two calculators are now in DropBox for your homework (listed on relevant page)
- They are also in GBE Shop https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/shop/
- If you cannot get at the Dropbox let me know then I will reset the price to special offer ‘free’ for a set period of time to let you get it for free.
- Or I will email them to you.
Final hand in
- Full timers: Your final hand-in day is last week of April as previously indicated.
- Submit it at the Faculty Office as normal mark it for Brian Murphy attention.
- (I will make sure that they have a pigeon hole for me)
- I will start marking week commencing 1st week of May
- I will do the marking in the University and leave the scores with Lilly that week
- (I will leave your marked up home works in the Faculty Office for any one that needs to; to collect them to do more work)
- Part timers: Following your request
- So your final hand in date is: first week of May
- Submit it at the Faculty Office as normal mark it for Brian Murphy attention.
- (I will make sure that they have a pigeon hole for me)
- I will start marking week commencing second week of May
- I will do the marking in the University and leave the scores with Lilly that week
- (I will leave your marked up home works in the Faculty Office for any one that needs to; to collect them to do more work)
- Must complete the marking for all of your work by 3rd week of May
- I will do the marking in the University and leave the scores with Lilly that week
- (I will leave your marked up home works in the Faculty Office for any one that needs to; to collect them to do more work)
Good luck
But you should not need it if you have done all the work well enough so far.
- Student Attendance List & Marking
- Homework series
- PNG format image
- PDF File in DropBox Folder
- Lecture Series (see below)
- Coursework Ambitions
- Coursework Brief
- (Word Doc format)
- Academic Comments on Student Submissions G#1023 N#1042
- (File in DropBox Folder) Students only
Homework Series
The series is likely to be this content but the order might change
Task No. | Topic |
1 | CV |
2 | Brief |
3 | Site Survey Analysis Response |
4 | Building Function & Element Performance |
5 | Element Assembly & Material Choices |
6 | Elemental U values |
7 | Embodied/Sequestered Energy/Carbon |
8 | Services/Air movement through buildings |
9 | U value energy demand CO2 In use |
10 | Design to reduce Waste & Calculations |
11 | Jargon Buster |
- Files are mostly under 100mb and can be loaded here
- exceptionally file sizes are too large to upload here so they are accessible from a Dropbox folder
- Your email address needs to be added to the Dropbox folder for you to be invited to use the Dropbox files
- If you have not been invited then I have not got your email address or it is wrong in the list
- Email me at BrianSpecMan@icloud.com from your email account so I can pick up your email address.
- there are still many ‘no shows’: students registered but not attending the seminars
- If you know somebody that is not attending please let them know they are likely to fail this part of the course work if they do not attend (based on previous year’s results)
Dropbox works like this
- Drop box is a shared on line folder that I created and I populated with files so that you, my invited guests can see and use those files.
- The contents is synchronised between my computer and the online folder when I am online and between the online folder and the folder on your computers when you are on line.
- I can update the files in my computer in my shared folder, and every time I go on line the folders will synchronise and reconcile the files so you can all see the latest version in the folder you see on your computer next time you go on line and the folders synchronies and reconcile.
- Somebody deleted the files and pasted them back in
- But somebody else deleted them altogether, they disappeared from the online folder and from my computer too.
- If you want to keep the files you can COPY not MOVE them into your own directories and folders but do not DELETE them and don’t delete the folder.
- Dont delete the on line shared folder and don’t empty the shared online folders or nobody can see the files I am sharing with you all.
- The files I loaded disappeared, the student that deleted them has put them back.
- I will add some more files now.
- Now that you know how this works, please engage your brains before action.
© GBW NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
5th February 2016 – 5th March 2017
LSBU PGDip Architecture EREID 2017
Website page
LSBU EREID PGDip Architecture 2017 G#9905 (this page)
Homework Assignments
- LSBU EREID 2017 page (this page) G#9905
- LSBU 2017 Task 1 Email G#9967
- Task 1 > Week 2 Homework CV G#9967
- Task 2 > Week 3 Homework Brief G#10033
- LSBU 2017 Week 2 Email G#10033
- Task 3 > Week 4 Homework Site/Building Survey G#10189
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 3 G#10189
- Task 4 > Week 5 Homework Elemental Performance G#10290
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 4 G#10290
- Task 5 > Week 6 Homework Elemental Assembly & Materials
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 5
- Task 6 > Week 7 Homework U Values of Elements
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 6
- Task 7 > Week 8 Homework Embodied/Sequestered Energy/Carbon Calculations
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 7
- Task 8 >Week 9 Homework Servicing Your building
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 8
- Task 9 >Week 10 Homework In use Carbon Calculations
- LSBU EREID 2016 Task 9
- Task 10 > Week 11 Homework Waste Calculations
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 10
- Task 11 >Week 12 Homework Jargon Buster
- LSBU EREID 2017 Task 11
Previous year’s feedback
- Academic Comments on Student Submissions G#1023 N#1042
Extract for Survey homework only
You need to be invited to Dropbox with a valid email address
Let me know if you have still not got access
(how dropbox works: left column and scroll down)
Score Sheet
EREID students list 2016-17 W1-2 PDF
Week 1
GBE Lecture1 GlobalImperative 030217 9H14 PDF Handout for printing
GBE Lecture1 GlobalImperative 030217 S122 PDF Show for viewing
Task 3 Site Survey & Analysis
- GBE Lecture3 SurveysTests 9H15 PDF Handout for printing
- GBE Lecture3 SurveysTests S130 PDF Slides for viewing
Week 4 Elemental Performance
- GBE Lecture4 A90PrinciplesOfElementDesign 260217 9H6 PDF Handout for Printing
GBE Lecture4 A90PrinciplesOfElementDesign 260217 S52 PDF Slides for viewing
Week 5 Task 5 Elemental Assemblies and Material Choices
Week 6 Task 6 U values of Elemental Assemblies
Week 7 Task 7 Embodied/Sequestered Energy/Carbon Calculators
GBECalculator Whole BuildingEE EC SC A10BRM150416 XLSX
Week 8 Servicing Your Building / Air Movement Through Buildings
567 AirMovementInBuildingsS364 PDF Show 364 slides
567 AirMovementInBuildings9h41 PDF Handout 9 slides per page 41 pages
Week 9 Task 9 U Values Areas, Volumes, Energy Demands, Elemental %, Fuel Choice, In-use carbon Whole Building Calculations
GBECalculator BuildingUVtoWattsCO2 A05BRM150416 XLSX
Week 10 Design to Reduce Waste
WasteDesignToReduceDiagrams PDF Show (for viewing)
WasteDesignToReduceDiagrams9H PDF Handout (9 slides to page) for printing and reading
Waste Cost Calculator
Week 11 Task 11 Jargon Buster
Feedback on students coursework submission
(Word DOCX format) click image above
© GBW NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
5th February 2016 – 26th March 2017
LSBU PGDip Architecture EREID 2017
See Also:
GBE Lectures
- Lectures Navigation
- Lectures N#486
- Lectures Subjects N#737
- Lectures Past Recipients N#736
- Lectures Satisfied Customers N#735
- CPD Navigation G#7755
- CPD N#462
- CPD In-House N#738
- CPD Past Event List N#698
- CPD Satisfied Customers G#669 N#691
- CPD Title Navigation G#742 N#764
- CPD Topics Navigation G#472 N#478
GBE Calculators
- All files are in Dropbox but if you cannot use Dropbox then let me know, they are in GBE Shop I will set a ‘special offer free’ to allow you to get it for free.
- Calculators Navigation
- GBECalculator Whole BuildingEE EC SC A11BRM210416 XLS
- GBECalculator Whole BuildingEE EC SC A10BRM150416 XLSX
- LSBU EREID 2016 Task 9 CalculationsWholeBuilding DOCX
- LSBU EREID 2016 Task 11 WasteWholeBuilding DOCX
- Task 9 > 10
- LSBU EREID 2016 Task 9 CalculationsWholeBuilding.docx
GBE Shop
- GBE Calculator Whole Building Uvalue to In Use Carbon A05 XLSX (Shop) G#11009
- GBE Calculator Whole Building Uvalue to In Use Carbon A06 XLS (Shop) G#11095
- GBE Calculator Whole Building EE EC SC A10 XLSX (Shop) G#10445
- GBE Calculator Whole Building EE EC SC A11 XLS (Shop) G#11090
GBE Information N#739
GBE DataSets
- ICE Database N#1037
GBE Projects
- CAP’EM Compass Building Products Comparison System G#1026 N#1045
- Academic Comments on Student Submissions
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
5th February 2016 – 18th February 2017