![Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan BRM @ Build4 CAPEM Showroom](https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/BRMBuild4.png)
GBE > Encyclopaedia > Files > Lectures > Topical > G#9967
CV LSBU EREID Task 1 Lecture
CV LSBU EREID Task 1 Lecture
Dear Students
Thanks for attending this morning’s lecture, to those that did at least,
I will present next week’s task next week at the beginning of the lecture,
So please make sure you set your smartphone alarms
LSBU EREID 2017 page https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=9905
Task 1 Homework https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=9967
Hand in: Week 2
Your Task 1 Homework assignment
- hand in on 1 sheet of A4 or A3 paper at the lecture
- file in dropbox at latest midnight the night before lecture.
one PowerPoint slide with (PPT or PPTX or PDF format file)
- your face (this is essential so I can get to know who you all are) and
- say 7 bullet points telling who you are and what makes you tick
For example:
- Nationality or family origin
- What Music do you enjoy
- What inspired you to come into architecture
- Something special about you, that you are happy to share with the whole class.
- What is your favorite book/author (related to architecture/construction/environmental)
- Who is your favorite architect/engineer/designer (if you do not have one I am happy for you)
- What is your favorite building/structure/product
- What makes you excited about starting a new day (no x rated information)
- or anything that you want to say
The deadline:
- will be midnight the night before the next lecture. (add it to your electronic diaries with advance warnings and early morning wake up calls)
- But the files that arrive sooner will make me happier as a client.
- I will collect the last files at 04:00 am on the day of the lecture.
- If you miss the deadline do the work anyway and do it as soon as possible, it will be taken into account in the final score.
The file naming convention:
- So you do not overwrite each other’s work when you drop files into dropbox
- “Task 1 your name EBB7525 EREID 2017.ppt”
- or .pptx depending upon the version of software you use.
- You can send .PDF versions instead if you prefer (also keeps the file smaller)
You can do it with colour but I will be printing in black and white (only if I need to).
DropBox (how dropbox works let column and scroll down)
- I will open and add your email addresses to a dropbox and invite you to visit to collect files and deliver files there too.
- I will add subfolders which you may not be able to see, and I will move your file to a folder not in Dropbox to ensure you are not excluded use because of a large number of files.
If your office or your computer will not let you use DropBox then email your file to me for the same deadline
- BrianSpecMan@icloud.com
Scoring: In the weeks context marking is:
- was the assignment carried out?
- was it on time?
- did the file name adopt the convention?
- Was it A4 or A3
- did you include your face picture?
- did it follow the brief?
- If it did not follow the brief did it overwhelm it?
Welcome aboard the course
- Its going to be intense,
- I wish to prepare you for life not just pass marks and certificates.
- I hope you’re up for the ride.
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
9th February 2016 – 5th February 2017
CV LSBU EREID Task 1 Lecture
See Also:
LSBU EREID 2017 Task 1 CV 050217 PDF of Doc
GBE Lecture1 GlobalImperative 030217 9H14 PDF Handout
GBE Lecture1 GlobalImperative 030217 S122 PDF Show
GBE Books
- Architects Pocket book ISBN 00-7506-4764-7
- Environmental Design Pocket Book 1st Edition N#554
- The Environmental Design PocketBook 2nd Edition N#1315
- Cradle to Cradle ISBN 13 978-0-86547-587-8 ISBN 10 0-86547-587-3
- A Pattern Language ISBN 0-19-501919-9
- How we can save the planet ISBN 0-141-01692-2
GBE Projects
GBE Events
- Cradle 2 Cradle Circular Economy New Language of Carbon G#14667
- Video Link to Presentation and Q&A
- The same on YouTube
GBE Patterns
- GBE Patterns (Code) G#446 N#452
- GBE Patterns G#2073
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
9th February 2016 – 5th February 2017