GBE > G#15324
LSBU EREID 2017 Task 8
LSBU EREID 2017 Task 8
Dear Students
Your Task 8 > W9 Homework assignment
Life skill
- Read this more than once before you start, often during and at least once after you think you are finished.
- Read with highlighter in hand and highlight the important issues that you need to address
- Check off the highlighted items against your work until you have done it all
- Add deadlines to your electronic diaries with advance warnings and alarm calls on days of submission and attendance and no not press snooze or you will snooze through life.
x pages with:
- Learning from your previous brief and your building’s uses.
- Learning from your previous site and surrounds investigation, building and adjacent building survey/analysis.
- Learning from your previous elemental performance task
- Update any or all of the above if you find they are not detailed enough.
- Keep in mind an ambition to stick to ‘Fabric-First’ approach to be explored in next week’s homework
- Fabric-first means: very well insulated, airtight, thermal bridge-free construction needing little or no energy input once human, equipment, cooking, washing and bathing heat and humidity is added.
- Examine your proposed building’s potential to exploit or control your site’s external and internal conditions to meet the necessary conditions for your building’s internal functions.
- Bear in mind that the internal conditions will be bespoke to the function of the building.
- Endeavour to use natural, passive or active measures where possible before resorting to Carbon and energy intensive Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health services and avoid Air-Conditioning except in exceptional circumstances (Museums and Organ Donation?)
- Topics:
- Light, Heat & Coolth
- Ground, Air, Water, Heat and Coolth
- Wind, Passive/Active Ventilation and Humidity
- Food, Calories, Waste, Sewage, Compost, Nutrients, Water bodies, Food
- Power, Solar, Wind, other
- Other services unique to your project
- Other sources, services, systems
- Some of your sites are remote and do not have some services (Gas or electricity for example) and getting a pipe or cable to the building may be expensive and landscape or environmentally damaging.
- How does your building manage without them?
- What renewable sources can you use?
- Consider the fuel or heat source(s) for heating your building (Solar, Gas, Biomass, Methane, Coal, Oil, Nuclear, Human, Animal, Electricity, Wind, Solar, Air Source, Water Source, Ground Source, Tidal, Current, Wave, Anaerobic digestion, etc.)
- Decisions are needed for Task 9 calculations
- Include illustrations of the Issues addressed
- Consider one illustration per issue/paragraph one issue/paragraph per illustration
- You can substitute: icons, schedule, picture, cartoon, diagram, chart, etc. for illustrations.
- Make your slide or page interesting to look at and consider them as part of the work hung on the wall with your scheme
- Use bullet points (summery of the issue) not long sentences with bullets at the beginning
- Front load your bullets with the information that’s important
- Number your bullets
- This becomes a checklist for presenting your scheme on crits and allows others to understand your scheme in your absence
What not to do:
- Do read the Academic Comments File (in the dropbox folder) and see what others did badly and do not do the same.
- Do not show passive air flows through the building ignoring internal partitions
- Hot air rises do not show it falling, unless under pressure, explain where the pressure is coming from
For example:
- Make sure you are answering the requirements of the homework
Remember you are about to start ‘designing’ by determining what can be added to the design mix
- Remember you’re considering what can be considered when developing the building design
- Not ‘designing’ yet, you may be prematurely thinking about methods of construction and materials (try to resist)
- The information you create now will help you choose the right methods of construction and the right materials in subsequent home works.
Handing it in
- hand in at the next lecture, on 1 or many sheets of A4 or A3 paper depending on how much you want to say;
- If you plan to use A4 make sure the font is 10 point at A4
- If you use multiple A4 or A3 bind, staple or footnote each (name and page number) so they can be found and read together
- File in dropbox homework folder, at latest midnight the day before lecture W9.
- If you have updated previous home works add them to their dropbox but add a number (starting with 2) for me to consider and improve your score if applicable.
The deadline:
- Will be midnight 23:59/00:00 the night before the next lecture.
- Life skill: add it to your electronic diaries with advance warnings and early morning wake up calls, turn off snooze function and get up.
- But the files that arrive sooner will make me happier as a client.
- I will collect the last files at 04:00 am on the day of the lecture.
- If you miss the 12:59/00:00 deadline do the work anyway and do it as soon as possible, it will be taken into account in the final score minus points for lateness.
The file naming convention:
- So that you do not overwrite each other’s work when you drop files into dropbox
- “W8 your given and family nameEBB7525 ERIED 2017.doc” or .docx” or .pdf”
- depending upon the version and software you use.
- Do not add extra hyphens or brackets or gaps to the file name, do not close gaps that I put there.
You can do it with colour but I will be printing in black and white (only if I need to).
Replacing previous homework files with a better one:
- g. “W2 your given and family nameEBB7525 ERIED 2017 2.doc” or .docx” or .pdf”
DropBox (how dropbox works let column and scroll down)
- I have opened and added your email addresses to a dropbox and invited you to visit to collect files and deliver files there too.
- I added subfolders which you will be able to see and I will collect your file and move it to the subfolder as I mark it.
- Let me know if you still have not had an invite to dropbox.
Scoring: In the weeks context marking is: (6 points)
- Was it on time?
- Was it delivered by dropbox?
- Was it delivered on paper at the lecture?
- Did the file name adopt the convention?
- Did it follow the homework brief?
- Did you number items to allow cross referencing? To Week 3, 4, 5,…. Etc. To the end
Scoping of resubmitted work
- Did you upgrade your previous homework(s) in response to this one?
- If the previous score was low then they may be upgraded
BrianSpecMan BrianSpecMan@icloud.com
13th March 2016 – 25th March 2017
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
26th March 2017
LSBU EREID 2017 Task 8
See Also:
Website page
LSBU EREID PGDip Architecture 2017 G#9905
Homework AssignmentsG#10189
Task 8 > Week 9
Task 7 > Week 8 Homework Whole Building EE EC & SC calculation
Task 6 > Week 7 Homework Elemental U-values
Task 5 > Week 6 Homework Elemental Assembly + Materials
Task 4 > Week 5 Homework
Supporting Lectures: Go to
Task 3 > Week 4 Homework
Task 2 > Week 3 Homework
Task 1 > Week 2 Homework
LSBU EREID 2016 page
Previous year’s feedback
- Academic Comments on Student Submissions G#1023 N#1042
Extract for this homework only
You need to be invited to Dropbox with a valid email address
Let me know if you have still not got access
(how dropbox works let column and scroll down)
GBE Lectures
- AirMovementInBuildingsTotalCutDown 240317 S366
- Slides for viewing
- GBE Lecture AirMovementInBuildingsTotalCutDown 240317 9H41 Handout for reading and printing
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
13th March 2016 – 26th March 2017