GBE Time Gap (Opinion)
GBE > Encyclopaedia > Opinion > State of the Industry > G#41207
- These Opinion Posts have the potential to contribute to filling part of the ‘knowledge-gap’ and I am planning to ring every bit of 50 years of experience in violet construction, 40 years of specification consultancy and 24 years of green construction into its content.
- GBE Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars will also be created and published to support this paper and its promotion.
- Ever shorter programmes:
- Asked for by naive client and demanded by Government procurement campaigns.
- Encouraged and enabled by QS and Project Managers (PM).
- Different procurement methods overlap processes to speed up programme.
- Insufficient setting, curing, drying time before next trade rushed in.
- Faster programmes usually require more chemistry in the mix.
- More chemistry introduces more opportunities for ill-health.
- Violet = more chemistry.
- Factory production:
- Dry method of construction.
- Advanced procurement, advanced reservations.
- Advanced construction can have sufficient time if planned well.
- Timber can be part of that:
- But is harvested seasonally.
- Needs time to season or energy and carbon to kiln-dry.
- Or needs chemistry to protect from rot.
- Time to care:
- Skilled craftsmen can do a job well.
- They need sufficient time to do a good job.
- Gives them the time to do it.
- Project Management & Site Management:
- Must prioritise sequence and due process, over rushed programme.
- Let the skilled artisan do the whole job, right first time.
- Don’t put incompetent time pressure on trades persons and artisans or materials or expect failure.
- Correcting incompetent work will cost more time and more money.
- Pay them promptly for a job well done.
© GBE GBC GRC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ****
28th November 2023
GBE Opinion
GBE State of the Industry
- Knowledge-Gap (Opinion) G#41163
- Current Architectural Education (Opinion) G#41163
- Absence or inadequate Architectural Education (Opinion) G#41163
- Finance Gap (Opinion) G#41199
- Time Gap (this page)
- Skills Gap (Opinion) G#41209
- Performance Gap (Opinion) G#41216
- Building Regulations Approved Documents A-Z & 7
- Durability Gap (Opinion) G#41218
- Carbon Gap (Opinion) G#_____
- I used to be a Master Builder, Architect’s don’t do that
- Universal man v One Planet Woman
- Barriers Drivers towards more Sustainable Profitable UK Cement Industry G#182
- Barriers Drivers Sustainable Profitable UK Cement Industry G#1920 N#1771
GBE Greenwash
- GBE Greenwash (Navigation) G#734 N#756
- Polished Concrete Floors (Greenwash) G#737 N#759
- Green Cement (Greenwash) G#735 N#757
- Fibre Cement Cladding (Greenwash) G#948 N#966
- I used to be a Master Builder v Architect’s don’t do that
- Universal man v One Planet Woman
- Green or Violet materials Which do you use (CPD) #G15560
- Violet (CPD) G#408 N#409
GBE Jargon Buster
- Violet (Jargon Buster) G#1583 N#1516
© GBE GBC GRC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ****
28th November 2023 – 30th December 2023