GBE Jargon Buster Collection A54 (Shop) G#40448


GBE Jargon Buster Collection A54 (Shop) G#40448

  • Pages: 562
  • Jargon: approximately 9000 items
  • Author/Editor: BrianSpecMan
  • Update: A54
  • Date of update: 09/01/2023
  • File format: PDF of DOCX
  • Content: Abbreviations, Acronyms, Initials, Classifications, Numbers, Words, Phrases, Sources, Themes,


BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy ONC & HNC Construction BSc (Hons) PGDip (Dist) Architecture
Author and editor of:

GBE Jargon Buster

Latest update: 09/01/2023 19:20
Update A54 (562 Pages 09/01/2023) can be obtained from GBE Shop for £6.88
Earlier versions of this file can be found in GBE Shop:
Update A53 (461 Pages 30/12/2019) can be obtained from GBE Shop for £4.88
Update A49 (451 pages 06/12/2015) can be obtained from GBE Shop for £4.88
Update A30 (265 pages 02/12/2011) can be obtained from GBE Shop for free

GBE Jargon Buster: Introduction

  • GBE’s BrianSpecMan regularly attends steering group meetings where three letter acronym ping pong goes on, he and other people are bemused and remain uninformed if they do not ask for clarification:
  • -some are too embarrassed to ask,
  • -some will never admit they do not know,
  • -some try to work it out by listening to the whole sentence the acronyms occur in, that does not always bear fruit, since 50% of the sentence may be acronyms

  • GBE’s BrianSpecMan was once asked by an architectural design tutor to run a short series of seminars on design issues for Architectural Students.
  • BrianSpecMan asked for the tutor’s definition of the architectural philosophical jargon titles he requested to be presented but the tutor struggled to give anything useful.
  • Did he ask BrianSpecMan to present titles straight from the RIBA Syllabus without understanding it himself?
  • BrianSpecMan had to make up his own definition and then develop the seminar; fortunately he had 40 years of experience in design, construction and environment so came up with a seminar that was well received by the students.

  • GBE have assembled a large Jargon Buster or glossary of terms, drawn from meetings, GBE CPD, GBE Lectures, GBE Checklists, GBE Brainstorms, GBE Braindumps, GBE Projects or publication outputs, plus a large number from other published sources.
  • GBE chooses to reproduce those other sources because they may be succinct, precise so to make GBE versions would probably have to dilute them.
  • GBE have attempted to seek permission for their use but so far have only had a few replies, some organisations no longer existing or the author cannot be traced.
  • Some times GBE choose the other sources and edit them to bring them up to date or correct an error (in GBE’s opinion).
  • GBE always indicates where they are from or if GBE has written them or edited them. (Bracketed information after each)
  • Some times there are more than one definition from various sources with similar or different scopes.

GBE Jargon Buster: What it is

The Jargon and their busts included here are specific to the construction industry and relate to:

  • urban and rural design, planning,
  • building, environmental building, sustainability
  • social, health and wellbeing,
  • landscape,
  • interiors,
  • Structural and civil engineering, & infrastructure,
  • Mechanical, Electrical, Public Health & Environmental services,
  • ICT, CAD, BIM,
  • Regulations, design standards, campaigns,
  • specification, procurement, contracts
  • construction, materials, plastics,
  • Weather, climate, geography, biodiversity,
  • Calculators, material assessment,
  • Education, business responsibility;

And may be used differently from other contexts.
Jargon changes and evolves, so do let GBE know what is missing or if GBE have got something wrong!
Definitions are not set in stone.

GBE Jargon Buster: What it is not

GBE Jargon Buster: Student Homework Exercises 

  • Whilst Architecture students seem not to be taught architectural philosophical jargon, but are expected to know it or absorb it by osmosis by listening to their tutors speaking fluently in this foreign language and expecting them to know what the hell they are talking about.
  • After 5 or more years of exposure to it they begin to recite it without necessarily understanding the true meanings.
    In the parallel seminar service on building technology and environmental science I developed the Jargon Buster into homework tasks.
  • (Not addressing architectural philosophical jargon since those lists do exist, see links above)
  • Each student would pick a word or phrase (from a long list provided by GBE Jargon Buster (the Jargon without the buster) that they may have heard and may not have understood.
  • They were expected to do research to find their definition(s) and record them in a short (maximum 7 Bullet Points) Powerpoint presentation, which they would present to the whole class the following week.
  • My ambition was to set them off on a quest to educate themselves
  • The feedback from the students was excellent, they loved the exercise and could see it as an important tool for personal and career development.

© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
9th January 2023


GBE Jargon Buster Collection A54 Shop

GBE > Encyclopaedia > Code > Jargon Buster > Collection > G#40448


  • Pages: 562
  • Jargon: approximately 9000 items
  • Author/Editor: BrianSpecMan
  • © GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan 2015-2023
  • Update: A54
  • Date of update: 09/01/2023
  • File format: PDF of DOCX
  • Content: Abbreviations, Acronyms, Initials, Classifications, Numbers, Words, Phrases, Sources, Themes, Symbols, Nomenclature,

GBE Jargon Buster Collection A54 Shop

GBE Jargon Buster A54 Cover 1P PNG

© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
9th January 2023



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