GBE > Shop > Specifications > Work Sections > G#10693
GBS W21 Projection Paint Robust Specification Work Section (Shop)
- Number of Pages: 21
- File Format: Word DOCX
- File Name: GBS-W21-SWS-Projection-B02BRM040416.docx
- File Size: 298 kB
- Scope: Specification Work Section; UK Practice Specification, Canadian Product, all applications described in detail
- Created: for project specification but turned into a complete work section
- Author: BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy BSc Dip Arch (Hons+Dist)
- © ASWS NGS BrianSpecMan 2009-2016,
- Revision/update: B02
- Updated: 4th April 2016
- Previously published on Scribd: 08/12/2009
- Scribd reads: 2067 @06/01/2013
- CI/SfB 1976: Projection Facilities 768, Cinemas 525
- Uniclass+: JW21 Projection
- CAWS+: W21 Projection
- CAWS 2012: _
Specification Work Section Supporting Documents: Guidance (SWG)/Appendix (SWA)
- W21 Projection Paint Robust Specification Work Section (Shop) G#10693
- W21 Projection Paint Robust Specification Reference Documents (Shop) G#10876
- (prepared as clauses to include in spec if you wish)
- W21 Projection Paint Robust Specification Guidance (Shop) G#10874
- W21 Projection Appendix Manufacturers Suppliers (Shop) G#10881
- W21 Projection Robust Specification Applicators Installers (Shop) G#10878
GBE Checklist
- W21 Projection (Checklist) G#1673 N#1580
- GBS CPD W21 Projection (Shop) PDF slides to view and to show G#10923
- GBS CPD W21 Projection (Shop) PDF Handout to print and read G#10930
- GBS CPD W21 Projection (Shop) PPTX to edit and show and view
GBE Manufacturers
- Goo Systems Global G#1779 N#1671
GBE Products
- Screen Goo G#1782 N#1673
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
26th March 2016 – 13th December 2016
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