GBE Building Envelope Principles Lecture
GBE > Encyclopaedia > Files > Lectures > Topical > G#31815
GBE Building Envelope Principles Lecture
GBE Lecture Metadata
- File Name:
- File Type:
- PDF Handout,
- PDF Show,
- PPTX Show
- File Size:
- PDF Handout: 0.7 mb
- PDF Show: 4 mb
- PPTX Show: 11 mb
- Number of Slides:
- PDF Handout: 6 Pages
- PDF Show: 47 Slides
- PPTX: 47 of __ Slides
- Scope: Building Envelope Principles, Principles of Element Design, Floors/Soffits, Walls, Roofs, Actions, Reactions, Forces, Performance
- Created for: RIBA Part 1 Year 2 Architecture & Interior Design Architecture students
- Presented to: University of Hertfordshire,
- Author: UH
- Updating Author: BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy BSc Dip Arch (Hons+Dist)
- © UH 2017-18 © GBE 2018-19
- Created: 2017
- Revision: N
- Updated: 21/11/2019
- Previously published on Scribd: N/A
- Scribd reads: N/A
- CI/SfB: (NN)
- CAWS 1987: LNN
- CAWS 2012: NN:NN:NN
- Uniclass 1 1997: LNNNN
- Uniclass 2 2012:
- Uniclass 3 2015:
- Tags: GBE, Building Envelope Principles, Lecture, Principles of Element Design, Floors/Soffits, Walls, Roofs, Actions, Reactions, Forces, Performance,
- ProductSets: Methods of Construction, Materials, Building Elements,
- UserGroups: Students, Architects, Assistants, Technicians, Structural Engineers, Constructors
GBE Lecture Text
For images see the middle column or watch the Lecture .
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
22nd November 2019 – 7th December 2024
GBE Building Envelope Principles Lecture
University Logo
GBE Cover Slide
GBE Handout Cover
GBE Documents
- 5CTA1140_Lecture 01_Building Envelope Principles A02BRM211119 9H6 PDF Handout
- 5CTA1140_Lecture 01_Building Envelope Principles A02BRM211119 S47 PDF Show
- 5CTA1140_Lecture 01_Building Envelope Principles A02BRM211119 PPTX Show
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
22nd November 2019 – 7th December 2024
GBE Building Envelope Principles Lecture
See Also:
GBE Links
Lecture topic to GBE Posts and Pages and to External links to Websites or Documents
- UH Part 1 Year 2 Task Schedule (Links) G#17699 2018 & 2019
GBE Lectures
- Subjects
- GBE Lectures Subjects G#715 N#737
- GBE Lectures G#480 N#486
- GBE Lectures Satisfied Customers
RIBA Part 1 Under Graduate
RIBA Part 1 Year 1 Elements LSBU London South Bank University (2008)
- C11 Ground Investigation (Lectures) G#403
- (11) Site, Ground, Floor (Lectures) G#2111
- (13.1) Ground Floor (Lectures) G#2112
- (16.4) Foundations (Lectures) G#2113
- (16.4) Groundworks RC Raft Foundation (Lectures) G#2114
- F132 Basements (Lectures) G#269
- (21) Masonry External Walls (Lectures) G#2115
- (21) Other External Walls (Lectures) G#2123
- (21) Timber External Walls (Lectures) G#2116
- (21) Timber Frame (Lectures) G#2117
- (21.4) Glass External Walls (Lectures) G#2118
- H11 Curtain Walling (Lectures) G#295
- H13 Structural Glass Assemblies (Lectures) G#296
- (22) Partitions (Lectures) G#2119
- (23) Upper Floors (Lectures) G#2120
- (24) Stairs Ramps Balustrades Ladders (Lecture) G#19526
- (27.1) Flat Roofs (Lectures) G#2121
- (27.2) Pitched Roofs (Lectures) G#2122
- (66) Lifts Escalators (Lecture) G#19526
RIBA Part 1 Year 2 (2016/2017) (LSBU)
- Energy Efficiency
- EnergyEfficiency-9H5 PDF Handout
- EnergyEfficiency-S43 PDF Show
- EnergyEfficiency PPTX
- Design to Reduce Waste
- Waste DesignToReduce Diagrams 9H32 PDF Handout
- Waste DesignToReduce Diagrams S285 PDF Show
- Waste DesignToReduce Diagrams PowerPoint
RIBA Part 1 Year 2 2018/19/20 (University of Hertfordshire)
- S1 Adopt A Material (Studio Lecture) G#19183 2018-2020
- L1 Building Envelope Principles (Lecture) G#31815 2019/20 (this page)
- L2 Introduction to Materials (Lecture) G#31821
- L4 External Walls, Openings Windows Doors (Lecture) G#19226 2018/19
- L5 Floors Ceilings Partitions (Lecture) G#31829 2019/2020
- L6 Future Systems: Services (Lecture) G#31831
- L9 Future Systems: Sustainability (Lecture) G#20396
- L14 (24) Stairs Ramps Balustrades Ladders (Lecture) G#19526
- L14 (66) Lifts Escalators (Lecture) G#19526
- L15 Design and Detailing to Perform (Lecture) G#20475
- L17 Future Systems: ITC Technology (Lecture) G#20897
RIBA Part 2 Post Graduate
RIBA Part 2 M Arch Lab 1 University of Hertfordshire 2019-2020
- 1 Sustainability Introduction
- Sustainability Introduction (Lecture) G#31739
- 2 Green Or Violet Insulation Materials
- Green or Violet materials Which do you use (CPD) #G15560
- 3 Low and High Rise Construction
- 3A Low Rise Building
- Low Rise Building (Lecture) G#31778
- 3B High Rise Building
- High Rise Building (Lecture) G#31780
- 4 Air Movement in Building
- Air Movement In Buildings (Lecture) G#31812
- Air Movement in Buildings (CPD) (Navigation) G#2089 N#229
- Lecture Air Movement In Building (Shop) G#11038
GBE Shop
GBE Lectures
- Shop: Show, File, Handout
- 1 Global Imperative (Shop) G#10999
- 2 Resource Efficient Design (Shop) G#11036
- 3 Air Movement In Building (Shop) G#11038
GBE Lectures: Elements
- (11) Ground (Shop) G#11562
- (13.1) Ground Floors (Shop) G#11561
- (16.4) Groundworks Raft Foundation (Shop) G#11563
- (16.4) Foundation (Shop) G#11564
- (21) Timber Frame Defects Site Visit (Shop) G#11556
- (21) Timber External Walls (Shop) G#11557
- (21) Other External Walls (Shop) G#11558
- (21) Masonry External Walls (Shop) G#11559
- (21) Party Walls (Shop) G#11560
- (21.4) Glass External Walls (Shop) G#11565
- (21.4) H11 Curtain Walling (Shop) G#11566
- (21.4) H13 Structural Glass Assemblies (Shop) G#11567
- (27.1) Flat Roofs (Shop) G#11501
- (27.2) Pitched Roofs (Shop) G#11500
RIBA Part 1 Tech & Env 2
- GlobalToMaterials9H PDF Handout
- GlobalToMaterials PDF Show
RIBA Part 1 Tech & Env 3
- B571 EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
GBE Checklist
- Decent Homes (Checklist) G#1571 N#1507
- Refurbishment Decent Homes (Checklist) G#1253 N#1252
- Green Deal Refurbishment (Checklist) G#730 N#752
- Other issues (Checklist) G#1570 N#1506
- GBE New Build Checklist (Navigation) G#606 N#627
- A12 The Site/Existing Buildings (Checklist) G#1698 N#1600
- A39 Packaging Waste Management (Checklist) G#1712 N#1614
- A90 Performance Specification (Checklist) G#1715 N#1617
- A94 Airtightness testing on-site (Checklist) G#1720 N#1622
- A95 Infra-Red Thermographic Surveys (Checklist) G#1721 N#1623
- E In situ concrete/Large precast concrete (Checklist) G#649 N#671
- E41 Worked Finishes to Concrete (Checklist) G#723 N#745
- F10 Brick/Block Walling (Checklist) G#1647 N#1561
- G Structural/ Carcassing metal/ timber (Checklist) G#1596 N#1526
- G20 Carpentry Timber Framing First Fixing (Checklist) G#1597 N#1527
- H Claddings Coverings (Checklist) G#1735 N#1635
- H21 Timber Weatherboarding (Checklist) G#11946
- K43 Raised Storage Access Systems (Checklist) G#13934
- L10 Windows (Checklist) G#1605 N#1534
- L10 Windows Rooflights Screens Louvres (Checklist) G#1604 N#1533
- M21 Insulation With Rendered Finish (Checklist) G#9442
- Z10 Purpose Made Joinery (Checklist) G#1593 N#1524
GBE Issue Papers
- Overheating G#145
- Squashed Loft Insulation G#13919
GBE Jargon Buster
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Ground Investigation
- Site Investigation
- Survey
GBE Jargon Buster Theme
- Air Wind Tightness (Jargon Buster Theme) G#1420 N#1391
- Biodiversity (Jargon Buster Theme) G#645 N#667
- Environmental (Jargon Buster Theme) G#1891 N#1748
- Flood (Jargon Buster Theme) G#1357 N#1341
- HERACEY™ (Jargon Buster Theme) G#1429 N#1399
- Urban Design (Jargon Buster Theme) G#1392 N#1366
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
22nd November 2019 – 7th December 2024