NGS NEWS April 20131: GreenSpecDOWNLOAD development continues 2-5: Windsor Walk Medical Centre 3: Breathing wall construction, non toxic paints and finishes D&B project 3: GreenSpecPASS Hand drier preview 4: Skirting coving capping & Adhesive Specification finalised 4: Added Julie Futcher as Team member and UHIE Information & Consultancy 5-7: Windsor Walk Medical Centre 8: Loft Storeage Stilts 8-12: Windsor Walk Medical Centre 10: RIBA Publishing and BCT Bat Conservation Trust 9: Urban Heat Island Effect & Julie Futcher Discuss possibilities to bring GreenSpecCODE and GreenSpecPATTERS and UHIE into a project and seek funding for it
10: GreenSpec Steering Group Meeting Discussed:
GreenSpecPASS & TP Tick meeting next week
GreenSpecWEBSITE developments GreenSpecPRODUCT PAGE SCHEDULE proposed content GreenSpecPROSPECTS
other wishful thinking
15: CAP’EM COMPASS & +10% Meeting, GENT Belgium 16: CAP’EM Steering Committee, GENT Belgium 15-17: CAPEM+10% Match Funding Quest paper 17: TGR Steering Group Meeting 17: BrianSpecMan speaking at TGR BiteSized CPD ‘Resource Efficient Design’ Resource Efficient Design is increasingly needed to minimise the 77m tonnes of waste the UK construction industry generates each year, to avoid shortages in the future, to enable reuse of all materials at the end of life. Cancelled 22: EcoConstruction Trumps 22: Sustainable Materials Innovation, London: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, InCrops, Kingston University London, and KTN Materials InCrops and Kingston University London also launched match funded Innovation Voucher schemes up to total value of £10,000 for future materials consultancy. 22: Met Materials Council (Ex Foster and Partners Materials specialists) who are keen to bridge the chasm between manufacture and design; manufacturers with new material properties and communicating these in appropriate ways to designers. 22: Remet Econovate (Papercrete Blockwork) who after years of prototyping, recipies and proving their products have succeeded in government and crowd funding and are assembling their manufacturing plant right now ready to go into production for sale. Can’t wait to get them through GreenSpecPASS and onto GreenSpecPRODUCT PAGES. 29: GreenSpecDownload Added Other diciplines and Self-build 29: GreenSpecROBUST SPECIFICATION SIPFIT fasteners schedule update and comment 30: GreenSpecPASS & PRODUCT PAGE DATA COLLECTION TEMPLATE 30: GreenSpecDownload Added Other’s Blogs 30: GreenSpecPASS & PRODUCT PAGE & SCHEDULE Procedures 30: CAP’EM +10% Extension Match funding quest organising meetings Contact BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy |
NGS NEWS May 20132: CAP’EM +10% Matchfunding meeting GreenSpec & Renuables 2-3: GreenSpecPRODUCT PAGE CONTENT 3-10: CAP’EM Generic Materials & their Properties 5: SIPFIT ROBUST SPECIFICATION 7: Travis Perkins GreenSpecPASS 9-15: CAP’EM LCA Generic materials properties schedule 10: ‘Architects dont need LCA: PowerPoint to VIBE event organiser. 16-17: natureplus annual meeting, symposium & international LCA Confrence Gent BrianSpecMan offered to present and proposal accepted: ‘Architects dont need LCA: Designers and Specifiers going about their normal duties do not need LCA if they filtered out the bad stuff by judging ingredients, product and their application first’. See GreenSpecPASS for beginings of this argument. 20: Meeting: Coporate Social Responsibility 21: GreenSpecMEDIA PACK 21: Architects Don’t Need LCA Powerpoint 22: GreenSpecINDEX 23-24: GreenSpecINDEX many Hand Dryer comparison table 25-27: GreenSpecDOWNLOAD Meta Data file update 28: GreenSpecCompass testing invitation issued 28: GreenSpecINDEX GreenSpecPASS Hand Dryers 29: GreenSpecMediaPack review 30: GreenMaterials & CAP’EM Compass PowerPoint Updates 31: GreenMatrials & CAP’EM Compass Presentation at Build4
BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy |
NGS NEWS June 20131-2: BrianSpecManDownload Meta data update 2: CAP’EM Compass Beta test and feedback 4-6: LSBU London South Bank University 5-7: Update GreenSpecPASS GROUP COMPARISON 6: Carbon Buzz launch at GLA 7-9: GreenSpecPASS SERVE 9: Open Farm Sunday 10: GreenSpecPASS GROUP COMPARISON 11: GreenSpecPASS & Travis Perkins Green Tick 12-13: GreenSpecPASS GROUP COMPARISON 14: LSBU London South Bank University 15: GreenSpecPASS Powerpoint update 15: GreenSpecDOWNLOAD updates 17-18: CAP’EM Steering Committee Lille & CAP’EM+10% Extension Committee Lille 19-21: CAPEM Compass Pop-Up Texts 19-21: GreenSpec & NGS National Green Specification Split 21: Video Gemini Skirting Solution Video 24-30: BCT & RIBA Publishing Book: Biodiversity for Low and Zero Carbon Developments: A Technical Guide 25: NBS Create Software Training at PTEa 26-27: SusStations Final Conference Belfast 26-27: From energy efficiency to sustainable energy, the role of eco-materials: BrianSpecMan, CAP’EM, SusStations Final Conference Belfast Sustainable Energy WorkshopProject end conference Location: Belfast City Centre, Date: 27th June 2013 Following on from the site visit to Antrim Integrated Bus & Rail Centre on 26 June, Translink, the SusStation Project and the Envireo cluster are delighted to host a workshop on sustainable energy in Belfast city centre. We are pleased to acknowledge support of the Interreg IVB North West Europe programme in holding thtis event. Through the workshop we will tackle important questions in a participatory way: – what does “sustainable energy” mean?; – what are the barriers to sustainable energy? and – what can we do to realise sustainable energy? Findings from the event will be shared and disseminated. Refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge – but attendance is limited. Registration: contact SusStation Project Coordinator Jo French by email 30: Boycott Monsanto BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy |