GBE Potential Stakeholders
- Of information and know-how to capture it before the gurus retire
- potential seed funding to make project start faster
- Seed funding to be repaid to contributors once site is autonomous
- Ongoing benefits there after (see below)
NGS National Green Specification:
- Contributing time testing ideas and working out organizational structure and templates
- Fleshing out samples and working out time and costing pages
- Developing costs and charges calculators
- GBE CPD Provider (>800 PowerPoints)
- GBE Calculator Developer
- GBE Robust Specification Writer (>100s exist)
- Product Assessor
- Content Writer & Editor
AECB Association for Environment Conscious Building
- Membership: information users
- Information Gurus: Information contributors
- Tool developers
- CPD Providers
- Regional membership
SEDA Scottish Environmental Design Association
- Membership: information users
- CPD Providers
TGR The Green Register of Construction Professionals
- Membership: information users
- CPD Providers
- Regional membership
ASBP Alliance for Sustainable Building Products
- Manufacturer and suppliers and associations
- Information users
- Information Providers
- CPD Providers
STBA Sustainable Traditional Building Alliance
- Information Providers
- Tool developers
- Potential joint development
GHA Good Homes Alliance
- Information Providers
- Information users
Manufacturer and suppliers:
- pay for own company, product and system pages
Constructors, fabricators, installers and applicators
- pay for own company pages
- Membership find the website useful
- Could promote their specialist services
- AECB Association for Environment Conscious Building
- SEDA Scottish Environmental Design Association
- TGR The Green Register of Construction Professionals
- Payment for Pages, pays for the pages to be created with no profits
- Pages must be seen to generate activity (document downloads) before payments are due
- Renewal remuneration could be voluntary and should reflect the number of document downloads
- Updating of the information will be charged for
- (If the pages are not generating activity, are not valued or paid for then the pages will be removed)
- In some cases a 50% initial charge with 50% installments
- Attract and generate new membership for stakeholder association and alliances
Membership fees to be shared with contributors:
- in proportion to time contributed
- minimum 51% to website development
- maximum 49% to associations and alliances
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
– 14th September 2015 – 15th November 2015
Extracted from GBE 2D View Page