EU-Wide Green Building Encyclopaedia
- In the UK NGS is already developing an on-line Green Building Encyclopaedia (GBE) with some considerable success
- This is a large task, only 5% of it is complete, and one way to speed it up is to join forces with projects generating information useful to a GBE
- NGS are hoping to develop GBE into an EU-wide network with EU funded research projects
- The first satellite was proposed in Build4LIFE the CAPEM team LIFE funding project proposal which waits its go-ahead
- The second satellite could be the legacy CAPEM website after the CAPEM project completion
- NGS GBE has already approached 23 future Interreg Projects offering to help create, develop and maintain their project websites.
- NGS is offering Consultancy to Interreg projects to create, develop and maintain relevant parts of project websites in a consistent format to work as satellite GBE websites and with other project websites
- Each project website focusing on the project’s topic; can be developed to become a topical satellite GBE
- Linking to and from the GBE being developed in the UK
- As more projects come on line then each GBE satellite will be interlinked with each other as appropriate
UK’s GBE’s core objective
- is to identify and promote ‘problems > solutions > solution providers’ these are developed as ‘6 Core Pages’: Manufacturer > Supplier > Installer & Product > Accessory > System
- UK GBE’s core content includes: Jargon Buster, Environmental Checklist (New-build and Refurbishment), Design Guidance, CPD seminars, Specifications and a raft of other page groups
- Incorporates the neural-network technique developed on UK GBE website to maximise the number of page reads whilst visitors are on the website to enrich their experience, increase their understanding of any subject and enable better, informed decisions.
Satellite Project Websites
- The core features of the project websites would ideally mimic the UK’s GBE’s content and format
- NGS will receive project updates from project teams,
- incorporate them as new pages,
- update existing pages,
- neural-network linkages into the website
- linkages to and from each GBE to drive more traffic to each project site containing related content.
- Train the team to add and update their-own pages in the same fashion as the remainder of the site.
- Drive up project indicators for 6 month and yearly and final reports to funding bodies
- Monitor and generate website statistics to feed indicator reports for funding bodies.
UK’s GBE’s Website Performance
- NGS GBE site has 1717 pages (5% of 30,000 pages anticipated)
- 18,500 page updates so far
- after 500 days of monitoring (well withing a 2 year project duration)
- 265 document uploads generates
- 22,350 document downloads in total
- it generates 100,000 page views per month
- 1,000,641 page views in 12 months
- 1,381,300 total page views; 17 months
- Individual websites are likely to have less pages and a narrower scope and may generate less page views
Making a Difference?
- Projects can get up to 60% co-funding if they demonstrate they can achieve a measurable change (=results) on the NWE territory in an economic, efficient and effective way.
- UKs GBE exploits social media to engage with its target audience
- Depending upon the scope of any project and its outreach activity it has the potential to attract, corall and engage its target audience.
- Achieving measurable changes is possible and the 60% co-funding may be achievable.
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
16th March 2015