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GBE About

National Green Specification (NGS) launched in 2001 and set out its agenda, which included creating an Encyclopaedia of Green Construction, its first major output was GreenSpec website launched in 2003.

In 2009 NGS uploaded 300 CPD, Specification and other information files to Scribd in USA to see if this information was of wider interest, >265,000 reads to 01/05/2014 suggests it was and is.

In 2012 NGS has set off on a third major output and established a separate website to:


  • Out of 30,000 pages planned, 2550 have already been created, so it’s only scratching the surface so far.
  • Over 30 awards received up to December 2020, for the website, business, calculator and the individuals involved.

Green Building Encyclopaedia GBE 8 Award Banner

GBE Collaborative Services

GBE wants to deliver better information to its users, GBE works with Solution Providers to help determine the right information and messages about the competency and environmental characteristics of the products or services.

GBE Solution Providers include: Manufacturer, Suppliers, Installers, Servers (Specialist Services Providers) and Consultants

GBE 6 Core Pages: Providers: Manufacturer, Suppliers, Installers; Solutions: Products, Accessories, Systems.  Providers choose which apply to their part of the supply chain; ideally we have the whole set or the GBE Users don’t have the whole Solution.

Essential to the success of the website is the linking of 6 Core Pages to the relevant pages of the GBE Encyclopaedia, to enrich the users experience of the website to enable greater understanding to enable better informed decisions, the know-how to exploit the special properties of the products and have reason to defend against substitutions.

GBE Product Data Collection: 

Depending upon the service level adopted some or all of the following is offered for consideration initially and for later enhancement:

One process assembles data manually into a single spreadsheet which then automatically feed into many spreadsheets creating content for:

  • GBE Product Page (or Accessory Page and System Page)
    • GBE Product Page Schedules:
    • 1 GBE Images
    • 2 About Product
    • 3 GBE Incubator
    • 4 GBE PASS
    • 5 GBE HERACEY™
    • 6 Manufacturer’s Download Files
    • 7 GBE Product Data Sheet, (& PDF to download)
    • 8 BIM CAD Model
    • 9 GBE BIM Product Data Sheet
    • 10 GBE COBie Data Sheet
    • 11 GBE Robust Product Specification Clause
    • 12 GBE Application data Sheet
    • 13 GBE Accessories
    • 14 GBE Systems
    • 15 GBE Elemental Assembly
    • 16 GBE Elemental Assembly Specification
    • 17 GBE Workmanship Specification
    • 18 GBE Waste Specification
    • 19 GBE FM Spec In use Maintenance Specification
    • 20 GBE End of Life Options
    • 21 GBE Products Passport
    • 22 See Also
    • 23 GBE Echo
    • 24 GBE LCA & EPD
    • 25 GBE Classify
    • 26 GBE Manufacturer
    • 27 GBE Supplier
    • 28 GBE Installer/Applicator
  • Manufacturer Page
    • GBE Manufacturer Page Schedule
  • Supplier Pages
    • GBE Supplier Page Schedule

They are essential for a GBE Product Page to make them significantly more useful to GBE Users/Subscribers, something expressly requested by a previous GreenSpec user survey but never really addressed.

Other services that GBE Collaboration can offer include:

  • 11 GBE Robust Specifications: Product/Accessories/System/Workmanship/Testing/Waste/EOL clauses
  • 15.3 GBE BEST Building Element Screening Test checking competency, compatibility, etc.
  • 15.2 GBE BEACoN: Building Element Assembly Code Number, unique codes for elemental assemblies
  • 18 GBE SWMP: Site Waste Management Plan Checklist data for tender submissions
  • 19 GBE FMSpec Specifications: In use maintenance specifications
  • 20 GBE EndOf: End of Life Scenarios,
  • 21 GBE Product Passport: Reuse potential
  • 23 GBE Echo ISO 14021 manufacturer’s self-declarations & statements review and confirmation
  • 24.1 GBE LCA: Life Cycle Assessment using CAP’EM’s ILCD LCA
  • 24.2 GBE EPD: Environmental Product Declaration using CAP’EM EPD
  • 24.3 GBE Impacts: Individual Impacts to include in literature, e.g. Embodied energy, Embodied Carbon, etc.
  • 24.4 GBE DeTox: LCA Marginal Analysis and proposed replacements of ingredients of product or packaging
  • 25 GBE Classify determines and proposes content of classification labels on product literature and samples within office information systems
  • GBE LitAudit Literature Audits to identify missed opportunities find and replace Green wash and review claims for validity.
  • GBE Marketing can help to write technically sound environmental claims to meet those promotional opportunities
  • GBE can advise on appropriate content of Literature that is being designed, to promote the environmental aspects of a product, GBE can create and provide 3D images to explain details.
  • GBE Compare: Group Comparison table compares products in the same application and a conclusions report based on KPI, EPI and SPI (Key, Environmental and Social Performance Indicators), ranking them and providing average and best in-group scoring.

This page to be read with:


© GBE GBC GRC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ****
1st May 2015 – 3rd January 2024

GBE About

[testimonial_slider style=”default” star_rating_color=”accent-color” autorotate=”12000″][testimonial star_rating=”none” title=”Testimonial” tab_id=”1704296089818-4″ name=”Architect: Jillian Mitchell, MD, Project Logistics Architecture Ltd” quote=”“Brian’s vast knowledge has helped us to be more confident in preparing more sustainable technical information for our Clients; we were able to find sources of further information and industry suppliers who can help us further.
3rd December 2015″ id=”1704296089817-0″][testimonial star_rating=”none” title=”Testimonial” tab_id=”1704296089852-6″ name=”Alisa Yingling, Project Manager – CAP’EM, BSK-CiC – 31/05/2013″ quote=”Interreg iVB NW Europe day trip to UK: CAP’EM’s Build4 Demonstration Centre
“I agree the day was a great success, absolutely enhanced by your presence“” id=”1704296089851-10″][testimonial star_rating=”none” title=”Testimonial” tab_id=”1704296089873-2″ name=”Architect: Jillian Mitchell, MD, Project Logistics Architecture Ltd.” quote=”We are really excited to be able to work with Brian, having his expertise as an extension to our small Practice, and adding credibility to our projects.”
3rd December 2015″ id=”1704296089872-5″][testimonial star_rating=”none” title=”Testimonial” tab_id=”1704296089894-3″ name=”Loic Lopez Facilitator / trainer at FacilitAction (Previously 8 Associates)” quote=”Brian is a fountain of knowledge on everything to do with green specifications and sustainable best practice for the design and construction industry.
His enthusiasm is contagious.
July 12, 2009″ id=”1704296089893-3″][testimonial star_rating=”none” title=”Testimonial” tab_id=”1704296089910-2″ name=”Architect: Jillian Mitchell, MD, Project Logistics Architecture Ltd.” quote=”Knowing that we are improving our standard drawing templates and specifications means we can spend more time on designing and detailing our buildings.
3rd December 2015″ id=”1704296089909-0″][/testimonial_slider]

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
1st May 2015 – 17th December 2015

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