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James Allen (Team) G#1677 N#1583

By 24 February 2015December 3rd, 2018About, GBE Contact, GBE Team

GBE > About > Contact > GBE Team > G#1677 N#1583

James Allen Team

James Allen Team


  • 7 or more bullet points
  • what makes you tick
  • what are your strengths
  • what is it you enjoy doing or are good at
  • e.g. passion for lime and stone construction


  • 7 or more bullet points
  • e.g. I am making this all up, it needs to be in your words
  • NB: If you can put numbers to this all the better


  • 7 or more bullet points
  • Help Architects to choose appropriate species of timber for applications
  • Guide and advise …… Specifications, Applications,
  • Project managed Excel calculator with specialist developed user interface
  • Project managed Exhibitions, design, construction, assembly and logistics

Relevant Experience:


© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
© James Allen aka Jim
24th February 2015 – 28th October 2018

James Allen (Team)

Insert Portrait Photos

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
© James Allen aka Jim
24th February 2015 – 28th October 2018

James Allen (Team)
See Also:

Internet Presence:

  • Website:
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  • Slide Share:
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© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
© James Allen aka Jim
24th February 2015 – 28th October 2018

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