GBE > Encyclopaedia > Products > Incubator > G#1794 N#1682
Quercus Oak Fence Panels Incubator
Quercus Oak Fence Panels Incubator
GBE Incubator
Manufacturer: Quercus UK Ltd.
Product Reference: Quercus Oak Fence Panels
- Air permeable:
- better able to resist wind loading
- air drying action prolongs life
- Noise permeable:
- Listen to nature
- Rain permeable:
- beneficial for plant growth on leeward side
- less capillary trapped moiture to degrade components
- Sunlight and daylight permeable:
- beneficial to plant growth on north side
- Solar heat permeable:
- frost pockets less likely on north side
- solar drying action prolongs life
- Oak:
- Robust, Tough
- Strengthens with age
- Durable without preservatives,
- 25 year life expectancy in contact with soil
- >25 years longer life not in contact with soil
- FSC Certified
- Locally sources UK hardwood
- Appearance
- Delightful, beautiful,
- Lovely colour initially
- Lovely different colour finally
- Accessories:
- Range of accessories made of same oak,
- Consistent quality and performance
- Oak:
- is acidic will discolour ferrous fastenings or visa versa
- will generate tannin which can stain adjacent porous surfaces
- use austenitic stainless steel fasteners
- Noise permeable:
- Marginal loss of acoustic privacy
- Light permeable:
- Some loss of visual privacy close to fence
- Slug Permeable:
- Access through gaps?
- (Snail Resistance for all but the smallest)
- Does acidic timber put off slugs?
- Somerset makes transport a bit longer for most.
- Easily climbable by cats, cat burglars, children and neighbours
- Strong enough to be climbed
- GBE PASS Scape
- Pass first time with flying colours
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
15th February 2015 – 2nd February 2017
Quercus Oak Fence Panels Incubator
© NGS GBE BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
15th February 2015 – 17th February 2016
Quercus Oak Fence Panels Incubator
See Also:
GBE Incubator
Manufacturer: Quercus UK Ltd.
Product Reference: Quercus Oak Fence Panels
GBE Jargon Buster
- Air permeable
- air drying action prolongs life
- Noise permeable
- Rain permeable
- leeward side
- capillary trapped moisture
- Sunlight and daylight permeable
- beneficial to plant growth on north side
- Solar heat permeable
- frost pockets
- solar drying action
- Oak
- Robust, Tough
- Strengthens with age
- FSC Certified
- Locally sourced
- Accessories
- acidic oak
- discolour ferrous fastenings
- tannin
- porous surfaces
- austenitic stainless steel fasteners
- Noise permeable
- acoustic privacy
- Light permeable
- loss of visual privacy
© NGS GBE BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
15th February 2015 – 17th February 2016