GBE Criteria
GBE Criteria
Air Impacts
- Indoor
- Indoor Air Quality: Good
- Overheating
- VOC content off-gassing: Low/Zero
- Formaldehyde content/off-gassing: Low/Zero
- Synthetic adhesives: Avoidance
- Methane and radon: Excluded (GPM, GPC)
- Absorbs smells
- Breathing (Vapour open) construction
- Air/Wind tight construction
- Vapour tight/Breather membrane
- Dust accumulation/attraction
- Passive/Active ventilation enabling
- Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery >85% efficient (MVHR)
- Air-conditioning: Avoidance
- Local
- Reduced Smog
- Avoidance of Thermal Pollution: Hot or cold, to air, land or water
- Petrochemical oxidation
- Eco Toxicity: Air
- Chlorine avoidance: CFC HFC HCFC HFA-free
- Chlorine avoidance: PFC
- Acidification (Air, soil and water)
- Carbon sequestration in growth
- Carbon sequestration in use
- OPC cement reduction/elimination (CO2 reduction)
- OPC cement replacement (CO2 reduction)
- Embodied CO2: Low
- Ozone layer depletion-free
- ODP Ozone depletion potential: Low/Zero
- ODP in manufacture, in use and/or in demolition and disposal: Low/Zero
- GHG green house gases: Low/Zero
- GWP Global Warming Potential: Low/Zero
Water impacts
- Eco Toxicity: Water
- Avoidance of Thermal Pollution: Hot or cold, to air, land or water
- Ground water
- Water extraction
- Surface water
- Water recycling in use
- Water courses
- Eutrofication
- Fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity
- Water harvesting
- Potable water
- Water consumption
- Water saving/water demand reduction in use
- Dry/Waterless Construction/Installation
- Carbon load of water: reduced
Soil Impacts
- On Site
- Subsoil: Reuse on site:
- Off site
- Eco Toxicity: Soil
- Avoidance of Thermal Pollution: Hot or cold, to air, land or water
- Global
- Abiotic depletion
- Mineral extraction
- Natural Resources: abundant and accessible
- Landscape Issues
- Forestry
- Ancient Forest-free
- Plantation
- Use of thinnings (laminated for larger sections)
- Monoculture
- Locally Grown
- Home Grown (UK)
- Grown in Britain
- Stewardship: Timber Plantation Certification: UKWAS, FSC
- Stewardship: Timber Chain of Custody Certification: FSC
- Stewardship: Timber Reclaimed
- Mining
- Landscape degradation
- Landscape rehabilitation
- Use of virgin aggregates
- use of secondary aggregates
- use of virgin bauxite for virgin aluminium production
- use of recycled aluminium
- Landfill
- Inert waste
- Contaminant free
- Inactive waste
- Active waste
- Biodegradable
- Mixed waste
- WEEE waste
- WEEE waste take back infrastructure
- Stable non-reactive hazardous waste
- Hazardous waste-free
- EWC European Waste Catalogue listed
- Biohazard-free
- Reduced land impact
- Landscape: Soft
- Landscape: Hard
- Permeable Pavement
- Water harvesting
- Solar thermal pavement
- Landscape: Wet
- Permits reuse of excavation arisings
- Facilitates common service trench
- Flora and Fauna
- Biodiversity
- Monoculture remediation
- Imported aggressive species-free (E.g. Japanese Knot Weed)
- Indigenous species
- Drought tolerant (plant species)
- Pollinator Nectar providers
- Endangered species
- CITES listed endangered species: Appendix I, II or III-free (Trees, Plants, grasses, bamboos)
- Red List: Listed
- IUCN: Listed-free
- Habitat
- Habitat degradation
- Habitat mitigation
- Habitat enhancement
- Facilitates safe temporary services supply to temporary activities
Energy Consumption
- Energy Consumption
- In manufacture
- Embodied energy: Normal/Low/Lower/Zero
- Unfired/Un-autoclaved
- In Construction
- Construction Accommodates thermal insulation thickness: Framed
- Thermal bridge reduction/avoidance
- Layering: simplified servicing/low penetrations of barriers
- Airtightness/wind tightness capability
- In use
- Energy saving in use
- Low operational energy
- Thermal lag/Decrement delay
- Hygroscopicity
- Hydrophobic
- Moisture resistance
- Natural/Passive solar gain enabling
- Thermal mass at surface/exposed/accessible
- Air/wind tight installation maintained
- Natural daylight enabling
- Passivhaus Accredited
- Natural/Passive/Active ventilation cooling enabling
- Packaging
- Eco Packaging
- Distance travelled
- Shipping/rail/truck/flying
- Vehicle size to suit part of journey
- Emissions
- Logistics Centres
- Milk round from Logistics centre to site(s)
- Off-loading capability/Logistics to work areas
- Design
- Waste reduction by design
- On site
- Reuse or recycling of arisings on site
- No site excavations/waste to landfill
- Take-back Schemes: Offcuts
- Solid waste
- Off site/Waste Transfer station
- Waste Segregation to recycling sector
- Waste treatment before landfill
- Landfill site
- Methane capture & storage
Trouble Risk
- Failure Modes
- Short term loss of appearance leading to replacement
- Fashion replacement (Short cycle, 5-7 year retail/commercial refits)
- Moisture permeability
- Breathing (Vapour open) construction
- Damage prevention/avoidance
- Electrostatic shock
- Health Risk & Stress
- Allergy: risk high
- Allergy: Low/Zero
- Life Cycle Carcinogens
- Life Cycle Carcinogens: Elimination
- Irritant in application
- Skin Irritation
- Human Toxicity
- Radioactivity
- Risk of Injury
- Terrestrial ecotoxicity
- Wellbeing
- Acoustically isolating (including vibration isolation)
- Acoustically absorbing
- Electromagnetic radiation absorption/barrier
- Life Cycle Toxicity: Reduced/Free
- Toxicity to the environment:
- Preservatives: Alternative to/Avoidance of
- Insecticides: (moth repellent) Avoidance
- Health risks in use/construction: Low/Zero
- Health risk in fires
- Manufacture, contractor and occupant health: low/Reduced Off-gassing
- PVC-free: Avoidance (emissions/off-gassing/leaching/polymer migration)
- Moisture mass/moisture management
- CHIP Transport, Packaging & Labelling (Hazardous materials)
- COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health: Compliance
- H&SDS Health & Safety Data Sheet
- CDM: Construction Design & Management: Compliance
- Risk Assessment
- RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances: Compliance
- REACH Registration, Evaluation And Authorisation Of Chemicals: Compliance
- 160,000 REACH list-free
- 27 SVHC Substances of Very High Concern: Free
- 300 SIN-LIST Substitute It Now: free
- CLP Annex VI List: free
- EWC European Waste Catalogue: Deleterious substances-free
- Noise: Avoidance/transfer/vibrations: isolation
- Local labour employment
- Local sourcing
- Low skill requirement: Suitable for DIY/Self build
- Fair trade & Equivalents: Rug mark, etc.
- CSR activity in local community
- Happy maker
- Economy
- Supports Local economy
- Initial Cost: Low
- Running Costs: Low/Zero
- WLC Whole Life Costs: Low
- Ease of maintenance
- Spill repellent
- Spill absorbent
- Abundance
- Abundant, economically and environmentally accessible ingredients
- Mineral
- Reduce
- Resource Efficient
- Use of resource: Optimum/Avoidance of excess
- Renewable ingredients
- Non-renewable petrochemical/plastics: Avoidance
- Renewable ingredients
- Natural: Tree based ingredient
- Rapidly renewable ingredients
- Natural: plant based ingredients
- Organic: Soil Association
- Genetically Modified: GM-free
- Natural: Bamboo based ingredient
- Reusable
- Durability
- Long design life
- Stewardship: leased product
- Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
- Reusable
- Upgradability
- Avoidance of adhesives/ease of demountability
- Enables deconstruction and reuse
- Reclaim / Reuse potential
- Reuse of as found in building
- Take-back Schemes: Soft-strip
- Use of lime for demountability
- Recycled content
- Post Consumer Recycled Content
- Post Industrial Recycled Content
- Recycled or secondary aggregates
- Commonly Recycled
- Industry bi-product usage
- Agricultural By-products / Waste
- Recyclable
- Recyclable
- Recyclable
- Downcycled
- Enables disassembly segregation and recycling
- Recoverable
- Technical and Biological cycles separated (C2C)
- Recoverable: Energy
- Recoverable: Materials
- Recoverable: Compost
- Competence
- Maintains/Improves function/performance over time
- Made to National, CEN or ISO standard
- Maintains/Improves function/performance when moist
- Proper Material: BSI or CEN Kitemarked
- BBA Certified
- Proper Material: CE marked
- Proper Materials: ETA European Technical Approval
- Warranties
- Guarantees
- Back to back guarantees: manufacturer/installer
- Application
- Refurbishment/alteration: Suitable/Designed for
- Office/Retail Fit out: Suitable/Designed for
- Historic fabric: Compatible
- Self build/manage: Suitable/Designed for
- New Build: Suitable/Designed for
- Flood zone applications: Suitable/Designed for
- Fire test certificate/assessment/evidence
- Acoustic test evidence/assessment/certificate
- Thermal performance evidence
- Wear test evidence
- LCA or EPD exists
- Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) exists
- Maintainable
- Accessible
- Long life to first maintenance
- Inexpensive to maintain
- High Energy Maintenance
- Natural cleaning materials
- ISO 9000
- Environmental Management System (EMS)
- ISO 14001
- BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing
- CSR activity in local community
- Green Labels exist (can be expanded)
- ISO 26000
- Rapid filter
- Barbed wire-free enclosures
- Biohazard
- Boycott Call
- Child labour-free
- Chlorine-free
- Climate Change-avoidance
- Company Ethos
- Cost effective
- Deleterious materials-free
- Embodied Water
- Environmental Reporting
- Ethical Consumer
- European Corporate Governance Initiative (ECGI)
- EWC European Waste Catalogue: Hazardous Waste
- Factory farming-free
- Guarantees: Back to back manufacturer/installer
- Habitats & Resources-protected
- Human Rights: United Nations Universal Convention of Human Rights Articles 23 & 24 compliance
- Irresponsible marketing
- Large discounts available
- LCA & EPD Impact Categories
- Low embodied carbon
- Low embodied energy
- Natureplus Green Label
- Non-renewable-free
- Not water soluble
- Nuclear power: avoidance
- PFC-free
- Political Activity
- Pollution & Toxins-free
- Product Competency certification Proper Materials (if missing then exclude?)
- Product Sustainability
- PVC & Chlorine free
- Rapid filter
- REACH: Substitute it Now (SIN) List-free
- Readily available
- Resists corrosion
- Resists erosion
- Rugmark (Social mark for rug making)
- Sacrificial construction avoided (EA recommended for flood zones)
- Scalable delivery logistics
- Scalable Production
- Site/Landscape
- Thermal bypass resistance
- Voltage Optimisation
- Water pollution
- WEEE waste: Supply chain engaged
- Wind wash resistance
- Worker’s rights
- World Economic Forum (WEF) Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI)
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ZODP): CFC, HCFC, HFC, HFA-free
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ZODP): PFC-free
- Zhaga Compliant (LED component compatibility)
- Acoustically insulating
Animal Husbandry
- Animal rights
- Animal testing-free
Anti-Social Finance
- Arms & Military Supply
- Carbon black-free
- Gypsum replacement
- Infrastructure
- Infrastructure
- Proper Materials: ETA European Technical Approval
- PVC-free
- Soluble chromium-free
- Supply Chain policy
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
10th March 2014 – 7th November 2015
GBE Criteria
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
10th March 2014 – 7th November 2015
GBE Criteria
See Also:
Air Impacts
- Indoor
- Indoor Air Quality: Good
- VOC content off-gassing: Low/Zero
- Formaldehyde content/off-gassing: Low/Zero
- Synthetic adhesives: Avoidance
- Methane and radon: Excluded (GPM, GPC)
- Absorbs smells
- Breathing (Vapour open) construction
- Air/Wind tight construction
- Vapour tight/Breather membrane
- Dust accumulation/attraction
- Passive/Active ventilation enabling
- Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery >85% efficient (MVHR)
- Air-conditioning: Avoidance
- Local
- Reduced Smog
- Avoidance of Thermal Pollution: Hot or cold, to air, land or water
- Petrochemical oxidation
- Eco Toxicity: Air
- Chlorine avoidance: CFC HFC HCFC HFA-free
- Chlorine avoidance: PFC
- Acidification (Air, soil and water)
- Carbon sequestration in growth
- Carbon sequestration in use
- OPC cement reduction/elimination (CO2 reduction)
- OPC cement replacement (CO2 reduction)
- Embodied CO2: Low
- Ozone layer depletion-free
- ODP Ozone depletion potential: Low/Zero
- ODP in manufacture, in use and/or in demolition and disposal: Low/Zero
- GHG green house gases: Low/Zero
- GWP Global Warming Potential: Low/Zero
Water impacts
- Eco Toxicity: Water
- Avoidance of Thermal Pollution: Hot or cold, to air, land or water
- Ground water
- Water extraction
- Surface water
- Water recycling in use
- Water courses
- Eutrofication
- Fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity
- Water harvesting
- Potable water
- Water consumption
- Water saving/water demand reduction in use
- Dry/Waterless Construction/Installation
- Carbon load of water: reduced
Soil Impacts
- On Site
- Subsoil: Reuse on site:
- Off site
- Eco Toxicity: Soil
- Avoidance of Thermal Pollution: Hot or cold, to air, land or water
- Global
- Abiotic depletion
- Mineral extraction
- Natural Resources: abundant and accessible
- Landscape Issues
- Forestry
- Ancient Forest-free
- Plantation
- Use of thinnings (laminated for larger sections)
- Monoculture
- Locally Grown
- Home Grown (UK)
- Grown In Britain
- Stewardship: Timber Plantation Certification: UKWAS, FSC
- Stewardship: Timber Chain of Custody Certification: FSC
- Stewardship: Timber Reclaimed
- Mining
- Landscape degradation
- Landscape rehabilitation
- Use of virgin aggregates
- use of secondary aggregates
- use of virgin bauxite for virgin aluminium production
- use of recycled aluminium
- Landfill
- Inert waste
- Contaminant free
- Inactive waste
- Active waste
- Biodegradable
- Mixed waste
- WEEE waste
- WEEE waste take back infrastructure
- Stable non-reactive hazardous waste
- Hazardous waste-free
- EWC European Waste Catalogue listed
- Biohazard-free
- Reduced land impact
- Landscape: Soft
- Landscape: Hard
- Permeable Pavement
- Water harvesting
- Solar thermal pavement
- Landscape: Wet
- Permits reuse of excavation arisings
- Facilitates common service trench
- Flora and Fauna
- Biodiversity
- Monoculture remediation
- Imported aggressive species-free (E.g. Japanese Knot Weed)
- Indigenous species
- Drought tolerant (plant species)
- Pollinator Nectar providers
- Endangered species
- CITES listed endangered species: Appendix I, II or III-free (Trees, Plants, grasses, bamboos)
- Red List: Listed
- IUCN: Listed-free
- Habitat
- Habitat
- Habitat degradation
- Habitat mitigation
- Habitat enhancement
- Facilitates safe temporary services supply to temporary activities
Energy Consumption
- Energy Consumption
- In manufacture
- Embodied energy: Normal/Low/Lower/Zero
- Unfired/Un-autoclaved
- In Construction
- Construction Accommodates thermal insulation thickness: Framed
- Thermal bridge reduction/avoidance
- Layering: simplified servicing/low penetrations of barriers
- Airtightness/wind tightness capability
- In use
- Energy saving in use
- Low operational energy
- Thermal lag/Decrement delay
- Hygroscopicity
- Hydrophobic
- Moisture resistance
- Natural/Passive solar gain enabling
- Thermal mass at surface/exposed/accessible
- Air/wind tight installation maintained
- Natural daylight enabling
- Passivhaus Accredited
- Natural/Passive/Active ventilation cooling enabling
- Packaging
- Eco Packaging
- Distance travelled
- Shipping/rail/truck/flying
- Vehicle size to suit part of journey
- Emissions
- Logistics Centres
- Milk round from Logistics centre to site(s)
- Off-loading capability/Logistics to work areas
- Design
- Waste reduction by design
- On site
- Reuse or recycling of arisings on site
- No site excavations/waste to landfill
- Take-back Schemes: Offcuts
- Solid waste
- Off site/Waste Transfer station
- Waste Segregation to recycling sector
- Waste treatment before landfill
- Landfill site
- Methane capture & storage
Trouble Risk
- Failure Modes
- Short term loss of appearance leading to replacement
- Fashion replacement (Short cycle, 5-7 year retail/commercial refits)
- Moisture permeability
- Breathing (Vapour open) construction
- Damage prevention/avoidance
- Electrostatic shock
- Health Risk & Stress
- Allergy: risk high
- Allergy: Low/Zero
- Life Cycle Carcinogens
- Life Cycle Carcinogens: Elimination
- Irritant in application
- Skin Irritation
- Human Toxicity
- Radioactivity
- Risk of Injury
- Terrestrial ecotoxicity
- Wellbeing
- Acoustically isolating (including vibration isolation)
- Acoustically absorbing
- Electromagnetic radiation absorption/barrier
- Life Cycle Toxicity: Reduced/Free
- Toxicity to the environment:
- Preservatives: Alternative to/Avoidance of
- Insecticides: (moth repellent) Avoidance
- Health risks in use/construction: Low/Zero
- Health risk in fires
- Manufacture, contractor and occupant health: low/Reduced Off-gassing
- PVC-free: Avoidance (emissions/off-gassing/leaching/polymer migration)
- Moisture mass/moisture management
- CHIP Transport, Packaging & Labelling (Hazardous materials)
- COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health: Compliance
- H&SDS Health & Safety Data Sheet
- CDM: Construction Design & Management: Compliance
- Risk Assessment
- RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances: Compliance
- REACH Registration, Evaluation And Authorisation Of Chemicals: Compliance
- 160,000 REACH list-free
- 27 SVHC Substances of Very High Concern: Free
- 300 SIN-LIST Substitute It Now: free
- CLP Annex VI List: free
- EWC European Waste Catalogue: Deleterious substances-free
- Noise: Avoidance/transfer/vibrations: isolation
- Local labour employment
- Local sourcing
- Low skill requirement: Suitable for DIY/Self build
- Fair trade & Equivalents: Rug mark, etc.
- CSR activity in local community
- Happy maker
- Economy
- Supports Local economy
- Initial Cost: Low
- Running Costs: Low/Zero
- WLC Whole Life Costs: Low
- Ease of maintenance
- Spill repellent
- Spill absorbent
- Abundance
- Abundant, economically and environmentally accessible ingredients
- Mineral
- Reduce
- Resource Efficient
- Use of resource: Optimum/Avoidance of excess
- Renewable ingredients
- Non-renewable petrochemical/plastics: Avoidance
- Renewable ingredients
- Natural: Tree based ingredient
- Rapidly renewable ingredients
- Natural: plant based ingredients
- Organic: Soil Association
- Genetically Modified: GM-free
- Natural: Bamboo based ingredient
- Reusable
- Durability
- Long design life
- Stewardship: leased product
- Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
- Reusable
- Upgradability
- Avoidance of adhesives/ease of demountability
- Enables deconstruction and reuse
- Reclaim / Reuse potential
- Reuse of as found in building
- Take-back Schemes: Soft-strip
- Use of lime for demountability
- Recycled content
- Post Consumer Recycled Content
- Post Industrial Recycled Content
- Recycled or secondary aggregates
- Commonly Recycled
- Industry bi-product usage
- Agricultural By-products / Waste
- Recyclable
- Recyclable
- Recyclable
- Downcycled
- Enables disassembly segregation and recycling
- Recoverable
- Technical and Biological cycles separated (C2C)
- Recoverable: Energy
- Recoverable: Materials
- Recoverable: Compost
- Competence
- Maintains/Improves function/performance over time
- Made to National, CEN or ISO standard
- Maintains/Improves function/performance when moist
- Proper Material: BSI or CEN Kitemarked
- BBA Certified
- Proper Material: CE marked
- Proper Materials: ETA European Technical Approval
- Warranties
- Guarantees
- Back to back guarantees: manufacturer/installer
- Application
- Refurbishment/alteration: Suitable/Designed for
- Office/Retail Fit out: Suitable/Designed for
- Historic fabric: Compatible
- Self build/manage: Suitable/Designed for
- New Build: Suitable/Designed for
- Flood zone applications: Suitable/Designed for
- Fire test certificate/assessment/evidence
- Acoustic test evidence/assessment/certificate
- Thermal performance evidence
- Wear test evidence
- LCA or EPD exists
- Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) exists
- Maintainable
- Accessible
- Long life to first maintenance
- Inexpensive to maintain
- High Energy Maintenance
- Natural cleaning materials
- ISO 9000
- Environmental Management System (EMS)
- ISO 14001
- BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing
- CSR activity in local community
- Green Labels exist (can be expanded)
- ISO 26000
- Rapid filter
- Barbed wire-free enclosures
- Biohazard
- Boycott Call
- Child labour-free
- Chlorine-free
- Climate Change-avoidance
- Company Ethos
- Cost effective
- Deleterious materials-free
- Embodied Water
- Environmental Reporting
- Ethical Consumer
- European Corporate Governance Initiative (ECGI)
- EWC European Waste Catalogue: Hazardous Waste
- Factory farming-free
- Guarantees: Back to back manufacturer/installer
- Habitats & Resources-protected
- Human Rights: United Nations Universal Convention of Human Rights Articles 23 & 24 compliance
- Irresponsible marketing
- Large discounts available
- LCA & EPD Impact Categories
- Low embodied carbon
- Low embodied energy
- Natureplus Green Label
- Non-renewable-free
- Not water soluble
- Nuclear power: avoidance
- PFC-free
- Political Activity
- Pollution & Toxins-free
- Product Competency certification Proper Materials (if missing then exclude?)
- Product Sustainability
- PVC & Chlorine free
- Rapid filter
- REACH: Substitute it Now (SIN) List-free
- Readily available
- Resists corrosion
- Resists erosion
- Rugmark (Social mark for rug making)
- Sacrificial construction avoided (EA recommended for flood zones)
- Scalable delivery logistics
- Scalable Production
- Site/Landscape
- Thermal bypass resistance
- Voltage Optimisation
- Water pollution
- WEEE waste: Supply chain engaged
- Wind wash resistance
- Worker’s rights
- World Economic Forum (WEF) Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI)
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ZODP): CFC, HCFC, HFC, HFA-free
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ZODP): PFC-free
- Zhaga Compliant (LED component compatibility)
- Acoustically insulating
Animal Husbandry
- Animal rights
- Animal testing-free
Anti-Social Finance
- Arms & Military Supply
- Carbon black-free
- Gypsum replacement
- Infrastructure
- Infrastructure
- Proper Materials: ETA European Technical Approval
- PVC-free
- Soluble chromium-free
- Supply Chain policy
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
10th March 2014 – 7th November 2015