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GBE Screening Criteria (CPD) G#42156

GBE PASS Criteria 31

GBE Screening Criteria CPD

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GBE CPD Screening Criteria

  • Is created by green architects and specification writers for generalist UK architects and specification writers
  • Aim is to make their lives a little easier by signposting lots of green stuff to help them on their way into the world of Green
  • The rest of the world is watching
  • We try to put ourselves in their boots/hats
  • Designing and specifying buildings is complex and time consuming
  • Greener a building even more so
  • They do not know where to look for information
  • They only know conventional sources
  • They want quick easy answers to everything
  • We try to provide it
  • When NGS GBE was launched
  • We were asked will we do environmental profiling
  • We said no, that will delay delivery of information
  • We are not BRE they do that and charge a lot of money for it
  • And in NGS GBE’s view, make a poor job of it
  • It will be far better to bring a lot of information on materials that look green, to the audience quickly
  • Then as we progress, check if there is any evidence to substantiate such views
  • Violet manufacturers want their violet materials to look Green
  • How do NGS GBE find green products?
  • We know of many Green databases
  • We have many guidance books
  • We visit green builders merchants
  • We attend exhibitions, see products and assemblies
  • We learn at conferences, workshops
  • We see and scrutinize advertising
  • How do NGS GBE judge materials?
  • We look at manufacturer’s literature and samples
  • We ask questions about them
  • We make judgements like any architect would but with a greener flavour
  • If it addresses an issue(s) we give it credit(s)
  • If we like it we take note and add to our schedules
  • It can become part of Green Building Calculator
  • If and when we can we add it to GBE to promote it
  • What level of evidence?
  • We do not look for any more evidence than an architect might be expected to look for in normal practice
  • We ask for the literature and any/all supporting evidence and read it
  • We also read the bits that architects get bored with
  • E.g. H&S datasheets and specifications
  • But with our backgrounds we know when greenwash prevails and ask questions
  • When asked do we take any responsibility
  • We can and will justify our opinion
  • The reason we chose something is in its specification or product page data for all to judge for themselves
  • The more we learn the better our judgement
  • We do this full time
  • What do we do that saves architects time?
  • We find, gather and deliver the information in a consistent format that architects can use in practice and in contract documents.
  • Product pages and specifications
  • When we write specifications for products:
  • We collect samples, read the literature and merge the data
  • “The best way to understand something is to try to improve it”
  • We rewrite guidance literature as  instructions and specifications
  • We interrogate the data
  • We reformat it and have to understand it to do so.
  • Transparency
  • NGS GBE discloses:
  • Process
  • Methodology
  • Evaluation
  • Criteria
  • * Ratings
  • Green Product Definition
  • For the purposes of NGS GBE , a ‘green’ product / material is:
  • A commercially available product / material (currently available in the UK) that embodies one or more positive environmental attributes or qualities that distinguish it from other products or materials in the same function category.
  • Evaluation
  • By panel of selected experts
  • In practice one of us reviews the product and records our thoughts on file
  • Forward the file to other panel members and ask if we have missed anything or got it wrong and ask for feedback
  • Usually the first person gets it right
  • Usually products are rejected if manufacturer approaches NGS GBE
  • *, ** or ***
  • NGS GBE assessment is *
  • NGS GBE EPD is ***
  • NaturePlus is *** top 10 % green products
  • CD2E profiling is ** or *** EPD
  • CAP’EM is *** EPD Bio-based SME bias
  • BRE Environmental Profiling is *** but has been superseded by EN 15804 LCA and EPD
  • but strangely biased towards violet
  • Manufacturer’s self declaration is ** rating
  • Building Element Screening Test
  • Elemental Assembly
    Scoring system
  • NGS GBE is now formalising the process with a scoring system
  • Its still about:
  • does it address an issue
  • If Yes score 1
  • if No score 0
  • Total up and there is a score
  • No weightings, yet

GBE CPD Screening Criteria

  • Thermal lag/Decrement delay
  • Thermal mass
  • Energy saving in use
  • Cold bridge reduction/avoidance
  • Breathing construction
  • Hygroscopicity Durability/Long design life
  • Maintains/Improves function over time
  • Absorbs smells
  • Moisture mass
  • Low allergy
  • Exclude methane and radon
  • Electromagnetic radiation absorption/barrier
  • Water demand reduction in use
  • Water harvesting
  • Water recycling in use
  • Avoiding Noise/transfer/vibrations isolation
  • Acoustically insulating
  • Damage prevention/avoidance
  • No site excavations/waste to landfill
  • Stewardship certification/take back schemes
  • Recycled or secondary aggregates
  • Industry bi-product usage
  • Recycled content
  • Recyclable
  • Reusable
  • Reuse of arisings on site
  • Enables deconstruction and reuse
  • Recoverable: Compost/Energy
  • Optimum/Avoidance of excess use of resource
  • Avoidance of adhesives/demountability
  • Low/zero health risks in use/construction
  • Low/Zero VOC/Good indoor air quality Zero/low formaldehyde content/offgassing
  • Avoiding non-renewable petrochemical/plastics
  • Alternative to/Avoidance of preservatives
  • Natural/plant based ingredients renewable Carbon sequestration in growth
  • Renewable/Rapidly Renewable ingredients
  • Abundant, economically and environmentally accessible ingredients
  • Low/Lower embodied CO2
  • Avoidance of synthetic adhesives
  • Low/Lower embodied energy
  • Local sourcing:
    6=Site 5=Local 4=County 3=Region 2=UK 1=Continent 0=World
  • OPC cement replacement/CO2 reduction OPC cement elimination/CO2 reduction
  • Avoidance of chlorine (CFC HFC HCFC HFA PFC)
  • Zero Ozone Depletion Potential
  • Avoiding PVC/emissions/off-gassing
  • Suitable/developed for refurbishment/alteration
  • Low skill requirement/Suitable for DIY/Self build
  • Low/Zero irritant in application
  • Dry construction/Waterless
  • Accommodates thermal insulation thickness
  • Layering: simplified servicing/low penetrations of barriers

Post CAP’EM Spin-offs

  • Specifiers want all green materials in elements
  • Specifiers want a system
  • Want the ability to do own calculations for:
  • unique assemblies
  • Unique buildings
  • Instantaneously
  • Easy
  • Not by government agency (or BRE)
  • Opportunity
  • NGS GBE: Brian & Renuables: Andrew
  • MyNGS GBE Specification assembly tool
  • + CAP’EM product LCA data
  • Elements made of many components
  • Components replaced by products
  • LCA for products > elements
  • Buildings made of elements
  • Feed in areas
  • LCA for whole buildings
  • Funding?
  • Unsuccessful bid
  • TSB Technology Strategy Board
  • Design & Decisions Tools
  • Government Funding
  • 50% funding, 50% match time

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
27th August 2024 1st September 2024



GBE PASS Criteria 31

GBE CPD Cover Image


GBE Product Accessory System Screening

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
27th August 2024

See Also:


CPD Topics N#478

LCA Life Cycle Analysis:



  • Zero Carbon Development Passive Approach (CPD)


GBE In-House CPD

GBE Lectures

RIBA Part 1 Under Graduate

RIBA Part 1 Year 2 2018-2019-2020 (University of Hertfordshire)

RIBA Part 2 Post-Graduate

RIBA Part 2 M Arch Lab 1 University of Hertfordshire 2019-2020

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
27th August 2024

GBE Screening Criteria CPD G#42156 End.

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