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Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society
International SEEDS Conference 2017
Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society
International SEEDS Conference 2017:
Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (maximum 300 words)Healthy Environments, Buildings and Spaces: Current position and future models Leeds Beckett University, UK 13th and 14th September 2017 |
The built environment has a greater impact on natural resources and produces more waste than any other industry. However, beyond the green rhetoric research is being applied on the ground to address the balance between the built and natural environment. This holistic approach draws together the research themes of energy, building performance and physics while placing health, wellbeing and ecology at the heart of the conference.
Through research and proven practice, the aim of the SEEDS Conference is to foster ideas on how to reduce negative impacts on the environment while providing for the health and wellbeing of the society.
You are invited to submit Abstracts under the themes listed below.
Please submit Abstracts by 20th February 2017 to:You are encouraged to submit abstracts as early as possible in order to receive prompt feedback.
Early acceptance will enable you to take advantage of the ‘early bird’ rate for the Conference and make a £60.00 saving.
Some comments from those who attended the successful SEEDS Conference in 2015/2016 included the following:
The conference has a strong reputation for working with established publishers.
Papers will be put forward for publication with our publishing partners.
You are invited to submit Abstracts under the following themes:
Protecting nature and the natural environment
Building and environment design
Energy efficient modelling, simulation and BIM
Integrating urban and natural environment
Building performance, analysis and evaluation
Thermal comfort, air quality and overheating
Green spaces, enclosures and buildings
Green technologies and IT
Renewable energy
Energy flexibility
Energy behaviour and lifestyle
Dampness, water damage and flooding
Building surveys, thermography, building pathology
Water and air quality Education & Training
Planning and sculpturing positive change
Reducing consumption and waste
Sustainability, ethics and responsibility
Behaviour Change
Community building and masterplanning
Health benefits of alternative and natural materials
Urban heat island and mitigation
Building resilience
Sustainable cities
Zero energy and energy plus buildings
Local producers and urban environments, edible
Trees and green city landscape
Edible urban landscape
Biomimicry and Biophilic Design
Other related fields will be considered.
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
23rd January 2017
Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society
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SEEDS Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society
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Leeds Sustainability Institute Logo
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GBE Abstract
Pending: Overheating Solutions
Speaker (pending) Biography
Brian Murphy is a technician and architect by training, specification writer by choice and environmentalist by action.
He joined the green movement late, speaking at Green is the Colour in 1999 and joining AECB and TGR committees shortly afterwards.
In 2001 he launched the National Green Specification followed by the GreenSpec website in 2003. 2012 saw an exit strategy from GreenSpec to create Green Building Encyclopaedia (GBE) online. So far he has created 1800 pages out of 30,000 anticipated pages of GBE.
Brian has also written over 1000 CPD seminars on environmental construction, specification and professional practice a 9000 term jargon buster and 150 page environmental checklist (do this, avoid that).
GBE CPD Cover slide
Link to GBE Shop (PDF to Show)
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
23rd January 2017 – 31st January 2017
Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society
See Also:
GBE Abstracts
- SEEDS Conference 2017 Overheating (Abstract) G#15198
- Air and Wind Tightness
- Carbon
- Energy
- Indoor Air Quality
- Overheating
- Wind and Air Tightness
Handout PDfs
- Indoor Air Quality
- LCGBLowCarbonGreenBuilding9H
- Overheating
- ZeroCarbonIsItPossible9H
Show PDFs
- BiodiversityLow+ZeroCarbonBuildings100%Workshop
- Carbon Hierarchy
- Carbon Jargon Buster 57 varieties
- Carbon Neutral Company: Kier Sheffield
- Carbon Neutral Toolkit
- Carbon Offsetting Swindle
- Carbon Personal Credits
- Community Low Carbon Lifestyle
- CRC Carbon Reduction Commitment
- Embodied Energy v Embodied Carbon
- Embodied carbon v In use carbon
- Jargon Buster Carbon Dioxide
- Low Carbon Building
- Low Carbon Everything RIBA Salisbury CPD
- Low Carbon Green Building
- Low Carbon Homes D8
- Low Carbon Technologies
- Low V High Carbon Lifestyle
- Jargon Buster Carbon Dioxide
- RIBASalisburyLowCarbonEverything
- Zero Carbon Definition
- Zero Carbon Development Brief
- Zero Carbon Is It Possible? (this page)
- Zero Energy Developments
- Zero Carbon Development Passive Approach
GBE Library
GBE Jargon Buster
- Carbon
- Carbon
- Carbon Dioxide
- Sequestered carbon
GBE ShopG#10800
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
23rd January 2017 – 20th February 2017