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Price of GBE Robust Specifications G#12626

GBE Robust Specification, clauses, work sections, Legend, Product, System, Details, Sub-elements, Elements, Whole Building

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Price of GBE Robust Specifications

Price of GBE Robust Specifications

Features and Benefits of GBE Robust Specifications describes each type of clause in detail

GBE Robust Specification Product Clause (RSPC)

  • E.g. brick, airtightness membrane, wall tie or timber joist, each in separate clauses
  • Includes: individual Product, Accessory, Component, Materials in separate clauses
  • Cost: £25 each
  • Each product will be used with other components to make up systems

GBE Robust Specification System Clause (RSSC) or Sub-system Clause

  • E.g. airtightness membrane with lapped perimeter joint and service penetration accessories
  • Includes: cross references to relevant Product, Accessory, Component, Materials clauses
  • Cost: £25 each
  • Each system or sub-system will be used and abut with other systems and sub-systems requiring an interface detail

GBE Robust Specification Detail Clause (RSDC)

  • E.g. junction between wall airtightness membrane and floor airtightness membrane at skirting position
  • Includes: cross references to relevant Product, Accessory, Component, Materials clauses
  • Cost: £25 each
  • Each detail may relate to and join a number of sub-systems or systems

GBE Robust Specification Sub-Element Clause (RSSEC)

  • E.g. Part of roof, floor or wall: e.g. Core, cladding or linings, including their components and membranes
  • Includes: cross references to relevant Product, Accessory, Component, Materials, System, Detail and Element clauses
  • Cost: £25 each
  • Each sub-element combines with other sub-elements to make up whole elements
  • E.g. One cladding, one core and one lining make up a wall

GBE Robust Specification Element Clause (RSEC)

  • E.g. roofs, floors or wall from inside finish to outside finish including all components and membranes
  • Includes: cross references to relevant Product, Accessory, Component, Materials clauses
  • Cost: £25 each
  • Element Performance can be divided and separated out from RSEC to make its own clause
  • Element clauses can be combined to make whole building clauses

GBE Robust Specification Elemental Performance Clause (RSEPC)

  • E.g. roof, wall or floor performance requirements without describing methods of manufacture without naming manufacturers and products
  • Includes:
    • Building Regulation requirements, Energy Standard, Environmental Assessment Method (EAM) requirements,
    • Building function performance and/or other client requirements to be achieved
    • Or a product or system performance that can be achieved
  • Cost: £25 each

GBE Robust Specification Whole Building Clause (RSWBC)

  • E.g. Assembly of roofs, floors and walls: including all elements or sub-elements, components and membranes
  • Includes: cross references to relevant Product, Accessory, Component, Materials, System, Detail, Sub-element, Element and Element Performance clauses
  • Cost: £25 each
  • Whole building clauses combined with other clause types above combine to make whole work sections

GBS Robust Specification Work Sections (RSWS)

  • E.g. M21 External Insulated Render (including all accessories, trims thermal breaks, etc.)
  • Usually focuses on one trade and can include any or all of the preceding Product, Accessory, Component, Materials, System, Detail, Sub-element, Element and Element Performance clauses in one specification chapter (work section)
  • Cost: £250 each

For your bespoke combination of Robust Specifications

  • GBE have created a budget calculator for a bespoke services; you can cherry pick or choose from all the options available, choose service levels, add number of products, specifications, pages and document uploads.
  • GBE add a % for discount for quantity. You get a price for set-up costs, annual renewal costs in £ or €
  • Read More: Collaborator Service Bespoke budget calculator G#3288

GBE offers readymade package of Company & Product pages, Specifications, Uploads

  • GBE schedules the services offered in each price band: Basic, Standard, Enhanced and Premium all of which include pages on the website and product information uploaded for users to download
  • There is a standard budget calculator where you can add the number of products and get a price for the service.
  • Read More: Collaborator Service Band Scope & Prices G#2168

GBE Compares the services offered and prices charged by GBE and competitors

© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
11th August 2016 – 12th August 2016

Price of GBE Robust Specifications

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© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
11th August 2016

Price of GBE Robust Specifications
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© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
11th August 2016 – 12th August 2016

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