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GBE Echo (Collaborate) G#1064 N#1082

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GBE Echo (Collaborate)
Confirmation Of Manufacturer’s Self-Declared Environmental Claim

GBE Echo (Collaborate)

GBE Echo

ISO 14021

ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations — Self-declared environmental claims
(Type II environmental labeling)

Manufacturer’s Self-Declaration

“The standard makes it clear that the primary responsibility to ensure a claim is accurate resides with the person making the claim.

Effectively, the person making a claim must have the information necessary to verify it before it is made.

Further, this information must be kept for a reasonable period, testing must use accepted test methods and the information must be disclosed to any person who wants it.

This information includes:

  • Identification of test method used
  • Documentary evidence if claim cannot be verified by end-product testing
  • Test results
  • Name and address of independent party if used to evaluate claim”

ISO 14021 SCOPE:

  • ISO 14021 is a guide to self-declaration not a guide to sustainability issues and limits itself to sample generic issues:
  • Compostable
  • Degradable
  • Designed for disassembly
  • Extended life product
  • Recovered energy
  • Recyclable
  • Recycled content
  • Pre-consumer material
  • Post-consumer material
  • Recycled material
  • Recovered [reclaimed] material
  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Reduced resource use
  • Reduced water consumption
  • Reusable
  • Refillable
  • Waste reduction


  • GBE’s Brian Murphy is well placed to offer a comprehensive service:
  • 42 years experience in the construction industry,
    • Architect by training, environmental specification consultant by choice
  • 34 years in specification consultancy
    • Interrogating manufacturer’s literature, advertising and websites
    • Rewriting literature turning guidance into instruction to include in contract specifications
    • Filtering out the marketing from the facts
  • 18 years of environmental specialism
    • Has access to specialist environmental advisors, if required

GBE Echo Service

Under ISO 14021, whilst is it remains the manufacturer’s responsibility to provide the evidence and make the declaration, it can be reassuring to have an independent 3rd party to review the evidence, point out any omission or errors and subsequently make a declaration that is posted in the public domain.

Once the manufacturer has assembled their evidence of conformity, GBE provide an appropriate bespoke service to suit:

  • Review the information
  • Carryout an audit and/or gap analysis
  • Visit factory to verify the evidence and reality match
  • Indicate any deficiencies,
  • Determine and promote solutions or alternative approaches.

GBE PASS criteria:

  • GBE Echo will address any of the issues that GBE considered when assessing at any product or system.
  • GBE currently consider 400 issues with a construction focus in its PASS Product Assessment Sustainability Screening service.

GBE Echo Process:

Initial meeting:

  • Between GBE, applicable specialist advisors (see list below) and the manufacturer.
  • Introduction to the company credential before looking at the product
  • Introduction to product, materials, performance, its application and market sector/product group
  • Identify any competency issues before considering environmental issues
  • Identify and agree environmental advantages and disadvantages of products over average or normal products in the same group

See Schedule at bottom of page

© GBE GBE ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
17th August 2013 – 13th January 2017

GBE Echo (Collaborate) 

GBE Echo

GBE PASS 400 criteria


Glimps at the 400 environmental issues considered in GBE PASS

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
17th August 2013 – 13th January 2017

GBE Echo (Collaborate)
See Also:

  • Via manufacturer or installer

GBE Installers

  • Manufacturer has list of approved installers

GBE Ingredients

GBE Systems

GBE Products

GBE Accessories

  • Accessory Reference: _

GBE Materials

GBE Jargon Buster

Abbreviations & Acronyms

  • BEST
  • BRM
  • DfD
  • EPD
  • FPC
  • GBE
  • GBS
  • LCA
  • MASS
  • NGS
  • PASS

Words and Phrases

  • Accolades
  • Accreditations
  • Assessment
  • Bespoke ISO 14021 declaration
  • Building Element Sustainability Test (BEST)
  • BioBased materials
  • Biodiversity
  • Brian Murphy
  • BrianSpecMan
  • BRMs
  • Carbon Technologies
  • Certification
  • Compostable
  • Degradable
  • Designed For Disassembly (DfD)
  • Documents
  • Documentary evidence
  • Endorements
  • End-product testing
  • Environmental Claim
  • Environmental Claim Verification
  • Environmental Impact
  • Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
  • Equivalency with test methods
  • Evidence of conformity
  • Explanatory Statement
  • Extended Life Product
  • Factory Production Control (FPC)
  • Gap analysis
  • GBE Echo Confirmation Of Manufacturer’s Self-Declared Environmental Claim
  • Independent 3rd Party
  • ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations — Self-declared environmental claims
  • ISO 9000
  • Labels
  • Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
  • Life Cycle
  • Manufacturers’ Self Declaration
  • Material Assessment Sustainability Screening (MASS)
  • Nat. Green Specification Ltd. (NGS)
  • National Green Specification (NGS)
  • Packaging
  • Product Accessory System Screening (PASS)
  • Performance data
  • Post-Consumer Material
  • Pre-Consumer Material
  • Product
  • Qualified Environmental Claim
  • (REACH)
  • Reasonable period
  • Reclaimed Materials
  • Renewable Energy
  • Review current evidence
  • Recovered Energy
  • Recovered Nutrient Material
  • Recyclable
  • Recycled Content
  • Recycled Material
  • Reduced Energy Consumption
  • Reduced Resource Use
  • Reduced Water Consumption
  • Refillable
  • Reusable
  • Self-declared environmental claims
  • Tests
  • Test method
  • Test results
  • Timber & Timber Products
  • Toxicity
  • Type II environmental labelling
  • Verification
  • Verification of claims
  • Waste Reduction

GBE Collaborative Services

  • GBE Incubator
  • GBE PASS: Product Accessory System Screening
  • GBE Civ: PASS for Civil Engineering & Infrastructure
  • GBE Serve: PASS for MEP Services
  • GBE Report: verification against 400 criteria
  • GBE MASS Material Assessment Sustainability Screening
  • GBE BEST Building Element Sustainability Test
  • GBE BEACON Building Element Assembly Code Number
  • GBE LitAudit Literature, Website, Advertising audit, Green-wash check
  • GBE Literature: Literature prepared by NGS promoting the environmental aspects of the product
  • GBE CAD: CAD files for literature or dissemination
  • GBE BIM CAD: BIM ready CAD file and depositing into BIM Libraries
  • GBE BIM Data: BIM Ready datasets for objects in BIM Libraries
  • GBE Library: manufacturers literature deposited into an online product library
  • GBE CPD: manufacturers CPD seminars added to a library of seminars
  • GBE DoRR: Declaration of REACH Requirements
  • GBE Product Data Collection:
  • GBE Product Data Sheet: Facts and figures stripped of any marketing, suitable for specifications
  • GBE Method Statement:
  • GBE Product Page: bringing all the manufacturer’s product information in one place
  • GBE Robust Specification: product accessory and system clauses or work sections

CAPEM Collaborative Services

  • CAP’EM LCA: Life Cycle Analysis
  • CAP’EM Individual Impacts: Embodied energy, Embodied Carbon, Sequestered Carbon, GHGP, ODP, etc.
  • CAP’EM Marginal Analysis: Identifying high impact ingredients
  • CAP’EM DeTox: Product improvement using ToxList, LCA and Marginal analysis
  • CAP’EM EPD: Environmental Product Declaration

© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
17th August 2013 – 13th January 2017

[fancy-ul icon_type=”standard_dash” color=”Accent-Color” alignment=”left”]GBE Echo Process: Determine the scope of a bespoke GBE Echo service selected from the following:

GBE LitAudit

  • Translations of document to English when required
  • Manufacturers’ Self-declaration
  • Literature audit
  • Material Recipes
  • Specifications, Method statements, Product data Sheets
  • Material Health and Safety Data Sheets
  • LCA data
  • Test evidence
  • Materials inventories, Contracts
  • Transport and Storage evidence
  • Website content
  • Advertising review
  • Check for Green-Wash and inaccuracies or inadequacies
  • Filtering or translation of marketing to facts and figures for specifications

GBE LitEdit:

  • Proposal for alternative verifiable wording

Gap analysis:

  • identify missing information, tests and accreditation, etc.
  • Determine relevant assessments, tests, certification, accreditations, endorsements, labels and accolades applicable to the product group
  • Identify where evidence is needed to substantiate statements

Review current evidence:

  • Performance data,
  • Test evidence data
  • Assessment evidence
  • Labels
  • Accreditations
  • Verifications
  • Certification
  • Endorsement
  • Accolades

Additional evidence:

  • Manufacturer to initiate and carry out any agreed additional performance testing or evidence gathering
  • Initiate additional specialist testing accreditations, etc.

Verification of claims against evidence:

  • Factory visit and audit:
  • Open book investigations
  • Check if evidence matches reality,
  • Factory Production Control/ISO 9000 system review
  • Environmental Management Systems EMAS/ISO 14001 review
  • Materials checks
  • Process checks
  • Waste checks
  • Emissions checks

Equivalency assessments:

  • Identify where test evidence shows equivalency with assessment methods.
  • Identify institutions or labels offering testing, assessment, accreditation services to fill the gaps

ISO 14021 Declaration

  • Review the wording of self-declarations to avoid green-wash
  • Propose alternative wording to make robust statements
  • Development of template to a bespoke ISO 14021 declaration

Evidence and ongoing scrutiny

  • Check and development of systems to maintain integrity of evidence for duration of reasonable period
  • Determine the appropriate period for the retention of evidence for scrutiny
  • Check or establish the method of making the evidence available to persons needing to see the evidence
  • Offer GBE Library service on GBE website

GBE Echo

  • Preparation of statement by Nat. Green Specification Ltd. in support of claims by manufacturer.
  • Peer Reviewed by specialist advisors (below)
  • Submission of statement to manufacturer.
  • Promote other GBE Manufacturers Services that can enhance the product’s presence in
    • The normal materials market
    • Green materials market

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