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Zero Waste Scotland Design to Reduce Waste Guide
Zero Waste Scotland Design to Reduce Waste Guide
Brian Menzies of Enscape (formerly of EnviroCentre and author of the ICE Demolition Protocol and WRAP Aggregation Demolition Module) was looking for Design Know-how for a Zero Waste Scotland Project Regulated Open Tender:
- Designing Out Construction Waste – Guidance and Pilot Support
- ZWS wishes to appoint a contract for the development of a guidance document specifically aimed towards architects and designers, with the purpose of promoting and encourage the designing out of waste in new build and refurbishment projects.
- Following launch of the guide, the contract will then require the provision of free advice and support to an architect or designer, to implement the recommendations in the guide in a live project and document all achievements.
- There are three key elements to this contract:
- 1) Preparing the guidance document
- 2) Support to an architect and/or designer
- 3) Promotion of the guide
- ZWS proposes that the project begins with the Contract Initiation Meeting and concludes no later than 27 January 2017, although tenderers are encouraged to consider how the project can be fully delivered in advance of this date.
The second of many tenders for a large EU supported programme.
This requires development of a Design Guide to suit.
Brian Menzies approached Brian Murphy of GBE, having been a partner with BRE on a PII Parters In Innovation project in which CPD seminar material was first developed, then GBE are the ideal partner for this one.
The two Brians had previously worked together when Menzies developed ICE Demolition Protocol, Murphy developed the GBS Deconstruction and Alterations Specifications, their supporting appendix and on the WRAP Aggregation website Demolition Module (now gone)
DTI PII Waste and Recycling Project. Lead partner: BRE, Partners: ASWS and NGS
Brian Murphy wrote over 35 hours of Waste focussed CPD for construction, refurbishment, landscape, packaging, demolition/deconstruction, excavation.
- Design to Reduce Waste: 381 slides, 1.5 to 2 hour workshops
- A38 Construction Waste management/minimisation Preliminaries
- C13 Building Fabric Surveys.
- C20 Demolition/Deconstruction Resource Recovery/Waste Minimisation Specifications
- C22 Demolition/Deconstruction Resource Recovery: Services
- C91 Alteration – Resource Recovery/Waste Minimisation
- D20 Excavation/Filling Resource Recovery/Waste minimisation
- Q29 Landscape Resource Recovery/Waste minimisation.
- Each has their own Green Building Specification
Enscape will be lead Partner, Brian Menzies is preparing the proposals and each other party reviewed and contributed.
A proposal will be submitted.
Watch this space
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
21st September 2016
Zero Waste Scotland Design to Reduce Waste Guide
brm-reseff-cv PDF
9 WasteDesignToReduceDiagrams PPTX Show File
9 WasteDesignToReduceDiagrams9H32 PDF Handout
9 WasteDesignToReduceDiagramsS285 PDF Show
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
21st September 2016
Zero Waste Scotland Design to Reduce Waste Guide
See Also:
Topic: Waste
Seminar Title: Waste
GBE Jargon Buster
GBE Projects Information
GBE Checklist
- A38 Construction Waste Management (Checklist) G#1709 N#1611
- A38 Waste (Checklist) G#12806
GBS Green Building Specification
- A38
- C13 Building Fabric Surveys.
- C20 Demolition/Deconstruction Resource Recovery/Waste Minimisation Specifications
- C22 Demolition/Deconstruction Resource Recovery: Services
- C91 Alteration – Resource Recovery/Waste Minimisation
- D20 Excavation/Filling Resource Recovery/Waste minimisation
- Q29 Landscape Resource Recovery/Waste minimisation.
- Each with their own Guidance Notes and Advisory Organisations & Websites
12 supporting Appendices:
- APP SWMP Appendix: Site Waste Management Plan Checklist & Datasheets & Calculator
- APP EWC Appendix: European Waste Catalogue
- APP MWE Appendix: Material Waste Exchanges
- APP TBS Appendix: Take Back Schemes
- APP SDOE Appendix: Site & Design Office Expendables
- APP FFEI Appendix: Furniture, Fittings, Equipment & IT Salvage & Reuse
- APP MRR Appendix: Materials Recovery and Reuse
- APP ROMP Appendix: Recycling Operations: Materials & Packaging
- APP PDA Appendix: Pre-Demolition Audit
- APP SPDQ Appendix: Schedule of Pre-demolition Quantities
- APP ASR Appendix: Architectural Salvage Recovery
- APP RCP Appendix: Recycled Construction Products & Materials
© GBE NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan
20th September 2016 – 21st September 2016