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Others Surveys
If you want to promote a survey here contact BrianSpecMan
Others Surveys
Launched 18th August 2018
Still active 18th August 2018

- QUB SWMP Survey
- Gavin Rogers 10:00 AM
I am studying an MSc at Queens University Belfast and I require responses to a questionnaire on the impacts of site waste management plans, I was wondering if you could complete this survey to aid with my research? The survey will only take 5 mins
Gavin Rogers 1:52 PM
Queens University Belfast – MSc Research Survey on “The Impacts of Site Waste Management Plans”
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
10th August 2018 – 18th August 2018
Others Surveys
Launched 10th August 2018
Still active 10th August 2018

Interreg SB+WRC Logos

Interreg SB+WRC Logo
SB&WRC Interreg Research Project
Short survey for construction professionals
As part of our Sustainable Bio & Waste Resources for Construction (SB&WRC) project, lead partner Nomadéis has produced a short survey to understand the opinions of construction professionals regarding bio-based construction products and building materials made from waste sources.
The information provided will feed in to the design process of the three insulation prototypes which are being developed as part of the project, and also allow the project partners to identify any barriers to the massification of the materials in the construction market.
If not otherwise requested, this short survey is anonymous and should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.
All fields marked with a (*) are mandatory.
The SB&WRC project is supported by the INTERREG VA France (Channel) England programme and receives financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
To follow the project more closely, participate in the SB&WRC community on Construction21.
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
10th August 2018
Others Surveys
Posted 18th February 2014
Still active 10th August 2018
Michael Carus
CEO bei nova-Institut GmbH
Dear all,
Please give your input to improve the market uptake of bio-based products
The FP7 research project KBBPPS (Knowledge Based Bio-based Products’ Pre-Standardization) carries out pre-normative research on bio-based products that will feed into the work of CEN/TC411 for truly horizontal standards of bio-based products.
One task within this is to analyse which circumstances hamper the development of the bio-based economy.
More information can be found on www.kbbpps.eu
For this task, we are conducting a survey that asks concerned industry players for their experience with aspects that are negative for the market uptake of their bio-based products.
It would be very valuable to us to get your opinion on this matter.
Please take a little time to fill out the questionnaire – it is only three questions long!
The anonymised results will be published within the scope of the project. If you would like to be notified, please indicate your contact details in the survey. Of course, your data and your answers will be treated with highest confidentiality!
This is your opportunity to contribute to improving the framework of a bio-based economy in Europe! Many thanks for your support!
Best regards
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy aka BrianSpecMan
18th February 2014 – 10th August 2018
Others Surveys
Posted 9th December 2013
Still live 10th August 2018
Reading University Engineering Department
Research on Biodiveristy
Survey on protecting biodiversity in built environment
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
30th July 2013 – 10th August 2018