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Greening Your Own Office CPD
Greening Your Own Office CPD
Greening your own office
- You buy Ecover hand and dish washing liquids and you have a recycling bin for paper.
- You may think you are being green but this is only tokenism, there is so much more that a practice can do or adopt.
- We are surrounded by many violet default actions that need a little guidance towards greener alternatives.
- There is plenty of evidence that staff appreciate a good employer and a green one more so, but tokens are not enough, today we all expect much more than that.
- This CPD will introduce a raft of ideas for your consideration, that can be implemented with ease and others that need management and staff buy in.
- This CPD engages topics as wide as:
- Information Sources and Standards, MOBS, ISO 14001, WELL, Health and Wellbeing, Fit out and refit, Ska.
- Getting to work, Urban/Rural, Public transport/bikes, Conference calls, using lifts/stairs,
- ITC, Kitchen, Food, water, Waste/segregation/recycling, WCs, soap, FSC paper/recycled, hand drying,
- Monitoring/metering/controls, Space ownership, Power, Energy, Heating, Ventilation, Lighting, Emergency lighting/signage,
- Furniture, Stationery, Information Library.
There is something for every shrinking violet or darkest green practice.
- Number of Slides: 237 of 284
- FileSize: 41.7 Mb (PPTX) 24.6 Mb (PDF) 11.4 Mb (PDF handout)
- File Name: GBE CPD D32GreeningYourOffice
- File Format: PDF of PPTX
- Scope: Greening Your Own Office
- Extract: none
- Content: Travel, Waste, Energy, IT, Food, Paper, Water, etc.
- Created for: Designer wanting to get ISO 14001
- Presented to: Architects CPD, TGR SBS Day two workshop
- Author: BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy BSc Dip Arch (Hons+Dist)
- © GBE NGS ASWS 2003 – 2017
- Created: 20/02/2003
- Revision: 295
- Updated: 14/11/2017
- Previously published on Scribd: DD/MM/YYYY,
- Scribd reads: NNNN at 06/01/2013
- CI/SfB: many
- CAWS: many N13, N20, X10, Q50,
- Uniclass: D32
- CAWS 2012: NN:NN:NN
- Tags: Behaviour Change, Habits, Procedures, Office, Travel, Transport, Energy, Waste, Recycling, IT, Food, Water, Paper, MOBS, Ska, Well, Healthy, BREEAM,
- ProductSets: Behaviour Change
- UserGroups: Architects, Designers, Office users,
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
6th April 2014 – 14th November 2017
Greening Your Own Office CPD
Cover Slide

GBE CPD D32 Greening Your Own Office CPD B02 BRM 141117
Handout Cover

GBE CPD D32 Greening Your Own Office CPD B02 BRM 141117 9H1 Handout
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
6th April 2014 – 14th November 2017
Greening Your Own Office CPD
See also:
- GBE CPD D32GreeningYourOffice S237 (PDF Show)
- GBE CPD D32GreeningYourOffice 9H27 (PDF handout)
- GBE CPD D32GreeningYourOffice B02BRM141117 (PPTX)
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© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
6th April 2014 – 14th November 2017