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CIBSE EA Services EE EC LCA BIM (CPD) G#1106 N#1124

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NGS CPD CIBSE EA Services EE EC LCA BIM S1 National Green Specification, Continuing Professional Development, Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, East Anglia, Embodied Energy, Embodied carbon, Life Cycle Assessment, Building Information Modelling, Cover Slide, BrianSpecMan


GBE > Encyclopaedia > Files > CPD > Topics > G#1106 N#1124


GBE CPD Metadata

  • File Name: NGS CPD Services EE EC LCA BIM CIBSE S92 PDF
  • File Type: PDF of PPTX
  • File Size: PDF Show: 1.3 mb
  • Number of Slides/Pages: PDF Show: 92 Slides of 92
  • Created for: CIBSE EA, Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, East Anglia,
  • Presented to: CIBSE EA, Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, East Anglia, 2013
  • Author: BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy ONC HNC Construction BSc & PGDip Architecture (Hons+Dist)
  • © GBE GBL GBC NGS ASWS 2008-2013
  • Created: 2008
  • Revision: A01
  • Updated: 11/09/2013
  • CAWS 1987: R10 – Y99
  • Tags: CPD, Lecture, NGS CPD CIBSE EA Services EE EC LCA BIM, National Green Specification, Continuing Professional Development, Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, East Anglia, Embodied Energy, Embodied carbon, Life Cycle Assessment, Building Information Modelling, Cover Slide, BrianSpecMan
  • ProductSets: Building Services, LCA Calculations,
  • UserGroups: Services Manufacturers, Services Engineers, Services Students, Services Constructors

GBE CPD Content

(without images; See the slide show for the pictures)


  • NGS is the business name founded in 2001
  • BrianSpecMan founded and funded GreenSpec until 2013
  • GBE is the project of BrianSpeMan of NGS

Life Cycle Embodied Energy – Fact or Fiction?
Brian Murphy of National Green Specification

  • •  Brian Murphy will provide:
  • •  A glimpse into the world of EE, EC, LCA, BIM, D&DT, Validation of manufacturers information
  • •  Offer some tools to help steer a safe root between sustainability and liability
  • •  Suggest new career opportunities
  • © NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx

OE/C > EE & EC

  • •  During the Sustainability Revolution we will progress towards:
  • •  low energy demand buildings
  • •  shift our focus towards
  • •  embodied energy & embodied carbon – building fabric

– services

  • •  If BRE and BREEAM ever catch up

100% Thermal Insulation: Energy in use in building

Materials & Thermal Insulation: Embodied Energy Embodied Carbon (Carbon positive) 100%

0% Now Zero carbon Homes by 2016!

-5 to -20%

Materials & Thermal Insulation: (Carbon negative)

UK Perspective

  • •  bre’s BREEAM Environmental Assessment Method
    • –  Non-domestic, voluntary, going global, fail>pass>excellent>outstanding>green
    • –  Tick box exercise, found wanting in many areas and supporting tools
    • –  Not based on low operational energy buildings so biased (weightings) as a result
    • –  5-7% of credits down to materials (weighting must change & % increase)
  • •  Code for Sustainable Homes (created by bre based on EcoHomes/BREEAM)
    • –  Government (DCLG) requirement for funded housing slow development to higher standards
    • –  Delayed, progressively adopted in private housing development
    • –  No requirement in private houses and self build (many living a >3++++ planet lifestyle + eco bling)
  • •  bre’s Green Guide to Specification
    • –  Backed by Construction Products Association
      • •  Predominantly conventional materials manufacturers
      • •  predominantly big or medium sized enterprises
      • •  Or highly automated low labour force with big turnover
    • –  Predominantly violet materials, but claims a level playing field
    • –  Generic LCA, whole elements, conventional construction
  • •  bre’s GreenBookLive
    • –  Environmental Profiles = EPD,
    • –  products, violet ingredients, carpets, PVC, bitumen
    • –  EPD being worn as a green badge when it is not a green badge
  • •  The UK at least needs an OR EQUIVALENT with a level paying field and green materials included
  • •  bre are breaking into the EU & Global market with BREEAM
  • •  EU and the world needs an OR EQUIVALENT

Carbon in buildings

  • •  Sequestered Carbon in biobased materials
  • •  Embodied Carbon & Energy in materials
  • •  Embodied Carbon in embodied water in materials
  • •  Embodied Carbon in transport of materials
  • •  Embodied Carbon in transport of people
  • •  Embodied Carbon in construction
  • •  Carbon load of mains water in use
  • •  Carbon in Energy & Fuel & Heat
  • •  Operational Carbon in operation & maintenance

Status Quo

  • •  Our industry
  • •  Self serving
  • •  Profit focused
  • •  Compromise happy
  • •  Building is a means to an end
  • •  Competent building is optional
  • •  Competent Appropriate Environmental Construction is unlikely


  • •  Government procurement via Building Information

Modelling (BIM)

  • •  we have the tools to draw and measure/quantify

– but where is the Information & Modelling?

  • •  BIM libraries are appearing:

– full of dumb models

  • •  Design & Decision Tools are needed to:

– analyse, compare, choose appropriate products, materials – make changes to our specification habits.

  • •  Everybody needs to become involved in driving change:

– designer, specifier, cost controllers, value engineers, manufacturer, installer, facilities manager.


  • •  Many Architects don’t fully understand

– physics of buildings and science of materials,

  • •  Focus on philosophy, poetry, art and BS
  • •  Quite often short on knowledge
  • •  Rarely brief the engineers in sustainable approaches to be adopted
  • •  Engineers with calculations can run rings round them


  • •  Engineers are focused on the numbers of structural and services engineering
  • •  whilst Environmental Assessment Method (EAM) are on efficiency drives;

– Tick box exercises

  • •  Engineers need better guidance on the environmental opportunities. © NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx

Services Engineers

  • •  Services Engineers read the journals about novel approaches to:

– low energy lighting, lighting controls,

– sustainable drainage,
– water saving appliances and valves,
– smart meters and smart or intelligent buildings,

  • •  but we still see many dumb solutions born out of:
    • –  some knowledge applied badly,
    • –  fear of health and safety,
    • –  resulting in wasteful practices and higher energy consumption

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx

• Standard specifications are the norm,

– reliant upon the drawing annotation or schedules to point at the specification clauses relevant to the project.

  • Standard specification quite often:
  • –  permit the use of recycled aggregates or OPC replacement
  • –  but do not require their use,
  • –  unless the Engineer is proactive in requesting them,
  • Industry norm will be adopted for familiarity, simplicity and piece of mind.

© NGS 2010-12 BrianSpecMan Murphy LCASimaPro7

QS & Cost controllers

  • •  compromise between what we design and what we build with: – cost cutting,

– value engineering (Another fiction)
• (looking at more than one item at a time and finding cheaper overall solutions)
• Usually cost cutting in disguise

  • •  with low initial cost as the primary criteria for success
  • •  CAPEX v OPEX
  • •  TOTEX no where to be seen

Contractors • substitutions

– (often replacing a good product with a worse one or a different performing product),

  • surreptitious or otherwise,
    – with profit margin as the primary criteria for success.

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx


  • •  Further degradation of ambitions occurs on site through lack of communication from the design team,
  • •  lack of understanding by site agents and managers leading to poor substitutions,
  • •  poor supervision, lack of care or lack of knowledge of new systems or methods
  • •  leading to misguided ambition or poor workmanship.

Sustainability Revolution • Aiming for:

  • Competent Appropriate Environmental Construction, it is possible
  • Falling a long way short mostly
    • Even the dark greens are not always successful
  • Thermal bridging permitted by mixing component size to reduce waste change k value of materials in cavity walls

Resource Efficiency v Effectiveness

Interreg: Cradle to Cradle Network


Effectiveness Efficiency

© C2C Cradle to Cradle


Real Effectiveness Radical Innovation



© GreenSpec 2009-13 ResourceEfficiency


  • Definitions
    • Carbon
    • Carbon Dioxide
    • EE Embodied Energy (fuel choice)
    • EC Embodied Carbon (fuel & reactions) • RC Renewable Carbon (Biobased mats.) • SC Sequestered Carbon
  • •  Carbon C
  • •  Charcoal


  • •  Carbon Black?
    • –  Highly polluting dying ingredient used on rubber tyres
    • –  Fine powder, carcinogenic
  • •  Diamond
  • •  Graphite?
  • •  Buckminsterfullerine C21
  • •  Carbon Steel: Iron and Carbon
  • •  CFC Chloro Flouro Carbon, HCFC, HFC
  • •  PFC (intermittent polluting emission from aluminium production)
  • •  Methane CH4


  • •  Abbreviation: C in Periodic Table
  • •  Atom: 1 part carbon
  • •  A material
  • •  ‘Carbon’ also an unhelpful shortening of Carbon Dioxide
  • •  They are not the same thing and result in different calculations
  • •  Take care to be sure which is being described

Carbon Dioxide

  • •  A gas
  • •  1 part Carbon and 2 parts Oxygen
  • •  Abbreviated CO2
  • •  An important part of the Earth’s Atmosphere

– Not enough and its too cold,

– too much and its too hot
© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Carbon Dioxide

  • •  Can be liquid at cold temperature
  • •  Recently used as a blowing agent in foamed plastics
  • •  Has been used to fill double glazed sealed units
  • •  Used in fire extinguishing? © GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Carbon Dioxide

  • Main Greenhouse Gas (GHG) produced from the burning of fossil fuels
  • such as coal, natural gas and crude oil.

© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Carbon In Fuel & UK Power

UK Carbon Content of Fuel kgCO2/kWh 2009 (Carbon Trust)
Renewable >0
Biomass 0.025 If sourced within 30km of the site
Natural Gas 0.185
LPG 0.214
Oil (Gas oil) 0.252
Coal 0.33
Grid Electricity 0.537

Renewable Carbon

  • •  Carbon in the form of cellulose fibre as grown by plants and trees is renewable over a much shorter period
  • •  Some is naturally fast growing
  • •  Some slower and artificially fast grown

in plantations

  • •  Uses include: Food, Oils, Biomass fuel, Bio-fuels, material for cloths, utensils, boats, construction materials

Renewable Carbon Materials • Materials using plant and tree based cellulose
• Trees: 40-100 years >

– Wood many applications

  • •  Plantation thinnings: much sooner >

– small section and composite timber products, timber fibre and flour

  • •  Wood fibre:

– Thermal and acoustic insulation, underlayment isolation, soft batts and rigid boards

Rapidly Renewable Carbon Materials

  • •  Plants: 1 growing season: – E.g. cellulose fibre

– E.g. Hemp shiv

  • •  Bamboo: 1 growing season >

– animal food
– Flooring, linings, boards, etc. – Liquid store, pipes, scaffolding

  • •  Oils and resins:
    – 1 growing season > Linseed oil,

– Linoleum flooring – Paints, oils

Renewable carbon materials v Non-renewable carbon materials

  • •  Plant based materials with properties of plastics
  • •  Potato starch made into equivalent of expanded polystyrene

– At end of use + water > reverts to starch

  • •  Bio-plastics are being developed using plant based material and plant extract resins

– With the properties of plastics

  • •  Foamed plastics in particular
  • •  Plant based resins in place of synthetic resins

– used to make carpet

  • Resin and cellulose – furniture

Carbon Sequestration

  • •  The naturally occurring or deliberate removal of carbon from the atmosphere
  • •  The storage of carbon in materials or a store or a sink where it will remain.
  • •  Types of sequestration include:
    • –  ‘geological’ where CO2 is captured and buried

underground or under ocean e.g. in porous stone

    • –  ‘biological’ where CO2 is absorbed during the growth of plants and trees.
    • –  ‘Oceanic’ where CO2 is absorbed by the surface of the oceans
    • –  ‘Soil’ where CO2 is absorbed by top soil

Carbon Sequestration in Construction

  • •  usually refers to building products derived from plant materials

– such as wood and hemp,

  • •  where CO2 is absorbed as part of the

growing process.

  • •  The carbon remains ‘locked’ in the material for the lifetime of the building

– And potentially beyond end of first life.
– BRE Green Guide assumes its burned or

– But we have 1⁄2W2L not long until 0W2L

Carbon Trading (a kind of Fiction)

  • •  Kyoto Summit’s Protocol called for Carbon reductions by all nations
  • •  USA and a few others refused to sign up if it meant this might affect their business communities profitability (and profligacy)
  • •  A last minute suggestion to try to get the USA to sign up was to invent a way for the developed countries to do nothing and pay another country for its share of unused ‘carbon credits’

Carbon Offsetting

  • •  A kind of Fiction
  • •  Ask an abstaining couple to abstain from sex
  • •  So you can have affairs when you want
  • •  Everything is in balance

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx


  • •  A kind of Fiction
  • •  Energy or Carbon or Water
  • •  Conceptually Embodied in material
  • •  Not embedded
  • •  But left in the factory or released to the atmosphere or discharged into the drain or disposed in landfill

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx

Embodied Energy

  • •  All the energy required and used to grow, harvest, extract, manufacture, refine, process, package, transport, install of a particular product or building material.
  • •  What about:
    – maintaining and disposing of it?
    – embodied energy of the labour force
  • that made it, stock it & travel to site to install it?

Embodied Carbon

  • Conceptually, Carbon ‘embodied’ in the material but not ‘embedded’ (no longer or never present in the material)
  • Usually the totalling up of the carbon
  • –  used to create a material or product
  • –  Or released in the manufacturing
  • –  Includes the carbon from fossil based fuels used in the manufacturing processes and transporting

Embodied Energy v Embodied Carbon

  • •  Don’t mix them up
  • •  They are not the same thing
  • •  Many materials use energy to manufacturer

– Depending on the fuel choice

  • different levels of carbon outputs
    • Some materials release Carbon/CO2

– To the atmosphere – Plastics
– Cement

  • •  Steels are high embodied energy
  • •  Plastics are high embodied carbon
  • •  Cement is high embodied energy and carbon

Embodied v Embedded Carbon • Embodied is understood

  • Embedded:
    – Unhelpful term too close to Embodied

– Related to Sequestered Carbon? – But ……proposed definition…..

© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Embedded Carbon?

  • •  Plastics are made from hydro-carbons

and still contain them

  • •  The have ‘embedded’ carbon
  • •  They can be ‘un- or re-processed’ back to hydro-carbons
  • •  In time landfills will be mined to reclaim plastics to turn back into hydro-carbons
  • •  to make fuel or other plastics

Carbon Sequestration

  • •  Growing plants, bamboo, wood, etc.
  • •  Turns carbon dioxide from atmosphere into renewable carbon cellulose fibre

– Waste product is oxygen

  • •  Stores carbon dioxide in wood fibre
  • •  Timber in construction stores CO2
  • •  For the life of the building

Renewable Carbon Sequestration

  • •  Carbon8Systems
  • •  Carbon Dioxide, Water and particles
  • •  Combine to grow calcium carbonate ‘stones’ around the particles
  • •  Stones that can be aggregates
  • •  Grow tiles around particles

© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Low Carbon alternatives • OPC Ordinary Portland Cement

  • Replace with OPC substitutes
    – GGBS Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Cement (from steel production)
  • –  Or 65% GGBS blended with 35% OPC
  • –  PFA Pulverised Fuel (High Carbon Coal) Ash Cement
  • OPC replaced partially or completely
  • –  with Lime
  • –  Lower cooking temperature
  • –  Carbon sequestered during construction and during building life

Carbon negative, positive & neutral

  • •  Grow Trees
    – Carbon sequestration from atmosphere

– Carbon negative C-ve

  • •  Convert to wood or paper
  • •  Burn wood or paper
    – Release carbon to atmosphere

– Carbon positive C+ve

  • •  Net result: Carbon neutral C+=-
  • •  But there is a little energy and possible carbon in converting the tree to wood or paper

– not quite Carbon neutral a bit Carbon positive C+ve

Carbon Negative

  • •  Hemp-lime construction
  • •  Uses hemp shiv as an aggregate C-ve
  • •  Uses lime as a binder C+ve
  • •  To make a material like concrete C-ve
  • •  But many other positive properties
  • •  But add cement for fast set C+ve
  • •  Add aluminium oxide to react with cement to foam like aerated concrete E+ve
  • •  But still C-ve

Carbon Positive • Often used confusingly

  • meaning carbon negative with a ‘positive’ swing

© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Carbon Neutral

  • •  Conceptually, a state whereby the CO2 generated by a process is exactly balanced by the amount of CO2 either offset or sequestered by the process.
  • •  A carbon neutral building is one that either uses no fuel that generates CO2 or where its consumption of CO2-generating fuel is equally balanced by exported renewable energy.
  • •  The definition continues to be debated as to the extent of direct / indirect CO2 that is included in the equation
  • •  E.g. CO2 generated in the construction of the building.

© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Carbon Load

  • •  Associated with water supply:
    • –  Water is cleaned with chemicals and energy
    • –  Water is pumped with energy into water towers to deliver by gravity
  • •  A water sector is a major

– User of energy

  • •  The energy sector is a major
    • –  user of water
    • –  waster of energy and heat (75% of input)
    • –  Power stations use steam turbines
    • –  Turbines are fed with water turned to steam
    • –  The steam is cooled in cooling towers
    • –  Steam escapes and some water is recycled
  • •  Its time this was sorted out, where is CH&P,

– whichever fuel they choose

Low Carbon Building (LCB): (In use)

  • •  LCBs are buildings which are specifically engineered with Carbon Dioxide reduction in mind (a major Greenhouse Gas (GHG) with Climate change potential).
  • •  So by definition, a LCB is a building which emits significantly less Carbon Dioxide than regular buildings.
  • •  There is at the moment no emissions threshold under which a building would qualify as a LCB.
  • •  But to be genuinely Carbon or CO2 neutral, a LCB would have to achieve at least 80% Caron or CO2 reduction compared to traditional buildings.

Achieving 80% Carbon Reduction is easy!

Current situation

UsableBuildings Bill Bordass

100% today

Halve the demand Insulation & Airtightness Thermal breaks
Passive Design

Double efficiency Equipment Appliances

Halve the carbon In the supply/mains
Get off mains supply

50% (-50%)

25% (-75%)

12.5% (-87.5%) Some time soon

Education Children then adults

6.25% (-93.75%) Some time soon

Achieving 80% Carbon Reduction is easy!

Current situation

Usable Buildings Bill Bordass

100% today

Definitions: Life Cycle Assessments

© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Life Cycle Assessment

  • •  LCA
  • •  Cradle-to-*
  • •  LCA for transport
  • •  Carbon Sequestration in LCAs
  • •  BRE Green Guide
  • Environmental Profile
  • CAP’EM Project – Low cost LCA
  • Carbon Footprinting

LCA: Materials (cradle to ….)





Solar gains

Heated/vented spaces

Medium, Soil & Compost



Machines Processes Explosives Lubricants Coolants


Primary materials

Secondary materials (filtered or sieved)


Liquids & dust to water

Fumes dust smoke to air

Waste to landfill


Air Drying


Solar drying

Curing Seasoning

Ageing Conditioning

Transport Containing



Fuel Emissions

© NGS 2010-12 BrianSpecMan Murphy LCASimaPro7

Inputs Materials Additives Water Air

Fuel Electricity Heat

Manufacture Machines Processes Catalysts Lubricants Coolants Fixers

Bi-products or Co-products Surplus, Damage & Waste Protection & Packaging Emissions: liquids, materials, fumes, smoke

Transport Fuel Emissions

LCA: Manufacturer (…to factory gate)

To water To air

Waste to land

LCA: Construction ( …. to site)


Materials & Products

Additives & Treatments





Heat & ventilation

Assembly Application







Fixings & fastenings

Building Elements Components Materials Products Accessories Finishes Decorations

Surplus, Damage & Waste

Protection & Packaging

Emissions: liquids, materials, fumes, smoke

To water

To air

Waste to land

Transport Fuel Emissions

© NGS 2010-12 BrianSpecMan Murphy LCASimaPro7

LCA: In Use ( …. )


  • Materials & Products
  • Additives & Treatments
  • Water
  • Air
  • Fuel
  • Electricity
  • Heat & ventilation
  • Maintenance
  • Machines
  • Processes Cleaning
  • Replacement intervals
  • Removal & Costs
  • Replacement & Costs
  • Fixers
  • Fixings & fastenings
  • Refurbishment Elements Components Materials Products Accessories Finishes Decorations


  • Surplus, Damage & Waste
  • Protection & Packaging
  • Emissions: liquids, materials, fumes, smoke
  • To water To air Waste to land
  • Transport Fuel Emissions


  • •  Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is often broken down into phases of lesser ambition.
  • •  Cradle-to-cradle

– Where recyclable / reusable products are the subject

  • •  Cradle-to-grave

– For non-recyclable materials that are destined to be disposed of

  • •  Cradle-to-gate

– production from extraction of raw material and factory production

  • •  Cradle-to-site
    – extraction, factory production and delivery to site

– though these LCAs are useful and more common – they tend not to tell the whole story

LCA for Transport
• We need transport LCA calculators too

  • For all parts of the journey
    – From source by Land to coast or airport

– port to port by sea
– Airport to airport by aeroplane (fantasy) – Coast to site by land
– Trains or trucks?
– What size truck?
– Via logistics centres different size trucks

  • not just by sea (fiction)

Carbon sequestration in LCAs

  • •  BRE Green Guide argue that the carbon sequestered by

plant or tree

  • •  stored in construction materials for life of building
  • •  Will be released when the materials are landfilled or burned (not always the case)
  • •  However Landfill is no longer seen as end of life option so BRE cannot assume this any more
  • •  Designers have a long way to go to habitually design for deconstruction
  • •  But MMC is easy to assemble, dismantle and reassemble

– So lets make things well, durable & robust so they can be reused

Carbon sequestration in LCAs

  • •  BRE argue that materials will be lost to


  • •  but we argue they may also be suitable for composting so they still retain Carbon
  • •  Some plant based thermal insulation materials are robust
  • •  Can be used and reused

Environmental profile

  • •  The output of an environmental profiling process
  • •  Profiling can be of a generic nature using general industry data or it can be of a proprietary nature using product- specific data
  • •  for example as part of the BRE’s ‘Environmental Profiles Certification Scheme’.
  • •  Generic profiles (based on whole sector data) form the basis of the BRE’s ‘Green Guide to Specification’.

– A fiction based on fact

  • •  Product Profiles (based one manufacturer’s product) form

the basis for BRE’s ‘Green Book Live’

  • •  Occasionally Product profiles are used by BRE in Green Guide creating false impressions of green materials

Environmental profiling

  • •  The ‘identifying and assessing the environmental effects associated with building materials’ (BRE)
  • •  usually using a standardised methodology
  • •  The UK profiling market is dominated by the BRE, but other methodologies are currently being developed
  • •  for example CAP’EM project.

CAP’EM project

  • •  An EU Interreg funded project, currently underway,
  • •  to develop a harmonized assessment procedure for building materials based using a simplified LCA-based methodology.

© GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Services © GreenSpec 2008-13 BrianMurphy

Carbon-Free? • Renewable Energy sources

– Carbon-free energy:
• Solar PV, Solar Thermal, wind, hydro, wave, tidal, current,
– Carbon-neutral energy: Biomass

  • Take care to distinguish between renewable energy and energy efficient

– Energy Efficient
• Heat Pump: air, water ground source

  • Must use carbon-free energy-in
    • To get carbon-free more energy-out

Low impact services

  • All natural or passive
  • Natural Daylight Sunlight and Moonlight
  • Passive or Active ventilation no AC – Fabric ventilation systems
  • Passive stack effect buoyancy
  • Aquifer delivering freshwater to surface
  • Gravity & syphonic drainage – Wooden rainwater goods
  • Metals and plastics: better choices than BAU


  • •  Made of plastics, metals, circuit boards, etc. services
  • •  will probably have the biggest impacts despite smaller volumes.
  • •  Plastics: High Embodied Carbon and Energy
  • •  Metals: High Embodied Energy (& Carbon from Fuel)
  • •  Circuit boards: Metals Plastics Chemicals
  • RoHS & REACH & WEEE Regs.
  • I said probably, we will only find out when we start to quantify it all.

• Government Procurement ambitions

– Avoid Errors
– Save Money 20-25% anticipated

  • On top of Egan 10% year on year?
    – Reduce Government Procurement Costs

– Joined up thinking & doing:

  • Design Build Operate
    © NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx

Joined up thinking

  • •  Needs joined up design teams
  • •  Needs joined up building models
    • –  Clash detection
    • –  Artificial Intelligence
    • –  No stretching or snap
    • –  Coordination between disciplines
    • –  Coordination between services teams
  • •  Ideally no iteration (a fiction)
    • –  Service routes worked out accurately
    • –  Ideally designed services (can you do it any more?)
  • not performance specification
  • •  Needs joined up communication
  • •  Needs joined up classification

1987 Common Arrangement • Joined up documents

  • CPI Coordinated Project Information – Drawings

– Specification
– Bills of Quantity

  • RIP: BIM avoids need for all this

– Joined up automatically
© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx


  • •  Specifications to suit O&MM
  • •  Classification to suit FM:
  • •  Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie)
  • • cobie.php

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx


  • SAP & SBEM & rdSAP • Passivhaus & EnerPHit • Carbonlite
    • TSB D&DT

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx

Title Partners Summary Comments

Newbuild residential

Newbuild commercial

Existing residential

Existing commercial
EE Embodied energy
EC Embodied carbon
OE Operating energy
OC Operating carbon
Code for sustainable

Water use
Life cycle cost

interoperable Carbon Assessment toolkit — iCAT AEC3 (UK) Ltd Nicholas Nisbet • BSRIA Limited
• RIBA Enterprises Ltd
• Faithful+Gould Ltd• University of Bath
• University of Northumbria • Autodesk Ltd
Combines compliance checking for energy performance with carbon embodiment and building modelling data from mainstream design and analysis tools.

Emphasis on the early, feasibility and pre- design stages.
Allows designers to create new construction forms.

Provides guidance

Needs other design tools to work. Newbuild, commerial and residential, operating and embodied energy. Mentions Carbon cost through out the life cycle. Y Y Y Y Y Y
Carbon Buzz • Aedas Architects Limited, Judit Kimpian
• XCO2 ENERGY Limited • Feilden Clegg Bradley
www benchmark and track project energy use from design to operation.
The project will broaden CarbonBuzz’s scope to create an authoritative database on design and actual energy use of buildings.Does little to record the building fabric that achevied the energy performance BRM
Newbuild, commerial and residential,

operating energy only.

Checked web site, Benchmarking only at moment. 10 projects are available to view, 2 deal with residential

Concept to Completion Design Tools for sustainable building HouseBuilder XL Limited (HBXL), Adrian Wild
• University of the West of England • Federation of Master Builders• RICS/BCIS
• Builder Focus Group
Design tool 2D and 3D. Product and CAD data from suppliers.
So automatic LCC and carbon impact assessments can be made.Research to provide environmental and technical data in a standard format.
Estimating software focus on life cycle costs with carbon impact assessments relying on suppliers to provide data.
Difficult to tell if OE or EE or both, more likely EE due to the focus on products.
Project Whole Life Carbon Calculation and Mitigation Tool —
Davis Langdon LLP John Connaughton

• CADline

• Autodesk.

Building on DL existing embodied energy tool provide a low cost highly integrated tool with information to design for carbon reductions. Focus on EE, low energy demand, renewables, transport strategy Low energy demand could be fabric issues rather than OE modelling but not sure Y? Y Y Y Y? Y?
BLP LCC for sustainability BLP LCC for sustainability.
An on-line toolkit modelling capital costs, operational costs, embodied and running energy costs and CO2 emissions for dwellings
An on-line toolkit modelling capital costs, operational costs, embodied and running energy costs and CO2 emissions for dwellings Brian Murphy GreenSpec and Andrew Norton Renuables on user group committee Potential hook up with GreenSpec STUDIO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Rapid Prototyping and Analysis Tool for Environmental and Cost Performance Improvement and Emissions Reductions

in Low Impact Buildings (RAPIER)

BDSP Partnership Limited Neil Campbell
• Greenspace Live Ltd
• Cyril Sweett Limited• Architype Ltd.
Carbon and cost impacts evaluated over the project life cycle.
Internet based.
Dynamic thermal modeller.Additional modules egBuilding reg compliance, customisable defaults
Y? Y Y? Y? Y Y Y
Passive Design Assistant software tool Arup, Jake Hacker
• The Concrete Centre (MPA)
Software to calculate indicative building energy consumption and internal Not sure if applies to commercial, no reason why not. Y Y? Y Y? Y Y
  • Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) temperatures highly visual, free package. AHMM do a lot of commercial work with Nic Crawley Newbuild and refurb concrete so this must be their objective

Willing to share with NGS

Tool — carbonCurve

  • Autodesk.

tool with information to design for carbon reductions. Focus on EE, low energy demand, renewables, transport strategy


BLP LCC for sustainability


BLP LCC for sustainability.
An on-line toolkit modelling capital costs, operational costs, embodied and running energy costs and CO2 emissions for dwellings


An on-line toolkit modelling capital costs, operational costs, embodied and running energy costs and CO2 emissions for dwellings


Brian Murphy GreenSpec and Andrew Norton Renuables on user group committee Potential hook up with GreenSpec STUDIO

Y uild residentia ild commercia Y ing residentia ng commercia Y bodied energy Y bodied carbon Y erating energy Y erating carbon Y ainable homes Y Life cycle cos Water use
Rapid Prototyping and Analysis Tool for Environmental and Cost Performance Improvement and Emissions Reductions in Low Impact Buildings (RAPIER) BDSP Partnership Limited Neil Campbell
• Greenspace Live Ltd
• Cyril Sweett Limited

• Architype Ltd.Carbon and cost impacts evaluated over the project life cycle.
Internet based.
Dynamic thermal modeller.

Additional modules eg
Building reg compliance, customisable defaults
Y? Newb Y Newbu Exist Existi Y? EE Em Y? EC Em Y OE Op Y OC Op Code for sust Y

Passive Design Assistant software toolArup, Jake Hacker
• The Concrete Centre (MPA)
• Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) Nic CrawleySoftware to calculate indicative building energy consumption and internal temperatures highly visual, free package. Newbuild and refurbNot sure if applies to commercial, no reason why not.
AHMM do a lot of commercial work with concrete so this must be their objective Willing to share with NGSYY?YY?


IMPACT – Computational

whole- building life cycle assessment and life cycle costing

BRE Global Limited, Daniel Doran • IES Ltd.
• WD Re-Thinking Ltd
• AEC 3 LtdLCA and LCC.Development of Envest.
Aitkins are also involved in this bid
IES already have a sophisticated modelling tool
Envest is very crude modelling
Strange they are working together
A Whole Life Carbon Management (WLCM) ‘Key’Southfacing Services Ltd. Dr Ben Cartmell
• Element Energy Ltd
• David Langdon LLP

• Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd

• Feilden Clegg Bradley LLPLCC, CO2 emissions, through out the life cycle. Develop a whole life carbon management processI’m assuming that all building types and carbon sources are included.YYYYYYYY
CarbonCounterC4Ci Limited, Dr Luke R.J. Whale • St Gobain/Jewson
• Kier Partnership Homes
• HPW Partnership LimitedNew housing.
Building product performance data linked to building performance analysis to do what ifs informing cost/performance impacts of design decsions.Seems to be housing only and costs relate to capital only.
Need to confirm.

Advanced Design + Optimisation (ADOPT)DesignBuilder Software Ltd, Dr Andy Tindale
• De Montfort University
• Zero Energy Design Ltd.Optimisation tool for cost effective energy saving measures.
library of components, templates, cost and carbon emission modelsDesigner builder front end for energy plus. Not clear the full extent of what is covered ie EE and LCC.
If based on energy plus them most likely OEYYYYY?Y?YYY?

Low Energy and Sustainable Solutions Online kNowledge System
(LESSONS)Pick Everard, John Thompson, • IES Ltd
• Vanguard Homes
• De Montfort UniversityNew and existing homes and schools. Sketch-up integrating information from existing research and past projects. High level design toolMentions CfSH projects as a source for data therefore assume this is included in the scope of their projectYYYYY?Y?YYY?

A Simulation-based Optimisation Tool for the Minimisation of Building Carbon Emissions and Water UsageIES Ltd. Dr Craig Wheatley • AECOM
• Loughborough University • Mott MacDonald

• Davis Langdon • CIBSE
• Archial GroupDesign optimisation tool to minimise carbon emissions, capital costs and water use. Sensitivity of factors determinedI suspect this is for commercial mainlyY?Y

Integrated Carbon, Waste and Cost Modelling for Design of Low Impact BuildingsBest Foot Forward Ltd. ,Craig Simmons • Bill Dunster architects ZEDfactory Ltd • DesignBuilder Software Ltd
• Oxford Brookes Universitymeasure embodied carbon emissions, waste, costs and time.
Will use case studies to validate modelNot clear if cost is CC or LCC, nor if OE is included.



  • •  NGS PASS

– Product Assessment Sustainability Screening

  • •  NGS MASS (materials ditto)
  • •  NGS ECHO Confirmation of Manufacturer’s Self-declaration ISO 14021
  • •  NGS DoC Declaration of Conformity
  • •  NGS DoEM Declaration of Excluded


  • •  NGS DoRR Declaration of REACH Requirements


  • •  Product Assessment Sustainability


  • •  Group Comparison
  • •  Group Comparison Conclusions
  • •  KPI Key Performance Indicators
  • •  EPI Environmental Performance Indicators
  • •  SPI Social Performance Indicators


  • •  Similar to PASS
  • •  Material Assessment Sustainability Screening
  • •  Sold without a name
  • •  Timber steel cement concrete mortar, screed, timber

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx


  • •  Confirmation of Manufacturer’s Self-declaration
  • •  ISO 14021
  • •  Claims must be based on evidence – Evidence held available for scrutiny
  • •  It must be transparent
    – If its commercial in confidence its not permitted
  • •  It must be explicit and not ambiguous


  • •  NGS DoC Declaration of Conformity based on ISO
  • •  NGS DoEM Declaration of Excluded Materials
  • •  NGS DoRR Declaration of REACH Requirements

© NGS 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx


  • I thought PVC was PVC (fiction) • But its blended to order
    • REACH regulations (Facts)
    • SIN List Substitute it Now
  • SVHC Substances of Very High Concern • Maximum 0.1% or must inform customers • Plasticisers: (Phthalates) up to 30%
    • PVC must change or it will disappear

PVC skirting

  • • Adhesive failures
  • • Polymer migration from high plasticisers coving into adhesive
  • •  Coved Skirting shrinking – No longer fits

– Gap created
– Place for Bacteria

  • •  Adhesive fails
    – No longer adheres

– Cannot re-adhere

  • •  PFI hospitals and schools
  • •  Temporary loss of rooms & corridors to replace skirtings


  • •  Re Classification of MEP Specifications

– To Uniclass for BIM or wait for NBS Engineering

  • •  Project Specifications

– Pro-actively Green rather than optional

  • •  B Information M

– Information gathering, collating and dissemination

  • •  B I Modeling

– 3D CAD BIM ready models with Information added

  • •  D&DT APPS
    • –  GURUs who understand the Principles, Properties, Materials, Science
    • –  Develop the APPS that bring the information together

© NGS 2008 – 2013 Services LCA EE EC BIM.pptx

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
30th April 2014 – 4th July 2024



NGS CPD CIBSE EA Services EE EC LCA BIM S1 National Green Specification, Continuing Professional Development, Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, East Anglia, Embodied Energy, Embodied carbon, Life Cycle Assessment, Building Information Modelling, Cover Slide, BrianSpecMan

GBE CPD Cover Image


  • Handout PDF to print
  • Show PDF to view
  • Show PPTX to present go to GBE Shop _____


© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
30th April 2014 – 4th July 2024

See Also:

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CPD Topics N#478



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RIBA Part 1 Year 2 2018-2019-2020 (University of Hertfordshire)

RIBA Part 1 Year 2 (LSBU 2016/2017)

RIBA Part 1 year 3 (2016/2017)

RIBA Part 2 Post-Graduate

RIBA Part 2 M Arch Lab 1 University of Hertfordshire 2019-2020

GBE Issue Papers

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
30th April 2014 – 4th July 2024

CIBSE EA Services EE EC LCA BIM (CPD) G#1106 N#1124  End.

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