GBE > Advertise > Collaborate > Services > Specification > G#12588
Features Benefits Robust Specification Templates RST Collaborate
Features Benefits Robust Specification Templates RST Collaborate
Legend: F = Features, B = Benefits
- F Being customer service focused helps to build stronger longer lasting relationships with your customers
- F Robust Specification/Templates maybe an essential part of your service
- B Offering a comprehensive service makes life easy for specifiers wanting to use your products
- B Being able to respond immediately to information requests is commonplace and expected from all
- B Improves the total experience with your company and product, for all parties, encouraging future business
- F Any Robust Specification
- F Gathers together the essence of your products, extracted from literature, certificates, websites, advertising
- F Assembles the information in a logical order
- B Ensure consistency with industry standard approaches
- F Carried out once by the manufacturer
- B Saves many designer/specifiers hours of specification writing
- B Saves specifier’s time finding the information to manually complete a clause in their contract specification
- B Allows designer/specifiers choosing your product to easily include clauses into contract specifications
- F Includes pre-completed fixed and/or optional values into clauses for different models in your product range
- B Allow confident specifiers to complete a specification for your products without your representative’s help
- B Manufacturers specification sales team may not be available immediately
- F Should be made available via website(s)
- B Allow specifiers working all night or weekends 24/7/356 access to specifications to allow then to go to tender urgently
- F Tells all parties at all stages all the information they need to know
- B Avoids endless calls from all parties asking for more information or asking questions
- F Includes all manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements in the specification
- B Avoids delays waiting for sight of manufacturers literature
- B Avoids the need to refer to the manufacturer or their representative
- F Multiple Product Manufacturers need Robust Specifications:
- F Declare variable properties to allow correct selection
- B To enable product differentiation
- B To ensure correct choice
- F Client customization:
- F Bespoke variation opportunities can be indicated
- B All possibilities, options and alternatives can be clearly defined
- F Bespoke variation opportunities can be indicated
- F Declare variable properties to allow correct selection
- F Robust Specification Work Sections (RSWS)
- F Merge together all of the following into one well structured document:
- F Robust Product, Component or Accessory Specification
- e.g. Brick or block
- e.g. Airtightness membrane or Airtightness tape
- F Robust System and Sub-system Specification
- e.g. Brickwork including mortar
- e.g. External insulated render including all thermal break and perimeter accessories
- e.g. Wall airtightness membrane with service penetration, joint and perimeter seals
- F Robust Detail Specification
- e.g. Junction between wall and roof airtightness membranes
- e.g. Thermal bridge threshold to External Insulated Render
- F Robust Element Specification
- e.g. Wall Panels with external cladding and internal linings and finishes
- e.g. Panels, Modules, Pods
- F Robust Whole Building Specification
- e.g. Complete buildings excluding foundations
- e.g. Complete building including fitted furniture
- F Robust Product, Component or Accessory Specification
- F Cross reference between Product, Component, Accessory, System, Sub-system, Detail, Element and Whole Building Specification clauses
- B Reduces repetition
- B Ensures complimentary clauses are easily found
- F Merge together all of the following into one well structured document:
- F Robust Specification Product, Component or Accessory Clause:
- F Declare your product’s performances
- B Available for designer/specifier’s consideration, choice and inclusion in projects
- B Include the reason why they chose your product in the first place
- B Highlight the exceptional characteristics of your product to meet performance requirements
- B Enable comparison with ‘or equivalent’ products and survive in Specification
- B Help defend your product in Specification Substitution
- B Enable dismissal of ‘or similar’ inferior products by comparing properties in your Robust Specification and their literature
- F Describe the multifunctional characteristics that helped Value Engineer your product into a project
- B Help defend your product in Value Engineering exercises
- F Declare your product’s performances
- F Robust System or Sub-system Specifications:
- F Bring together Product (or Component) and Accessory specifications
- B To make Robust System specifications
- F Describe ingredients, recipes, build ups, locational order and sequences
- B Helps avoid mistakes on site
- B Enable all parties to know what is required
- B Ensure no components are missing
- F Bring together Product (or Component) and Accessory specifications
- F Robust Detail Specifications:
- F Describes details at junctions between elements or sub-elements, systems or sub-systems
- B Competent junctions make competent buildings
- F Allows dissemination of many individual detail specifications
- B Avoiding specifiers having to editing down whole work sections with many product, accessory, system, element and whole building specification clauses to delete
- F Describes details at junctions between elements or sub-elements, systems or sub-systems
- F Robust Elemental Specifications
- F Include all of the competent Robust Product or Components Specifications in the appropriate order
- B To make effective Elements
- B Compatible with Elemental Performance requirements in Building Regulation
- B Compatible with Elemental cost data
- B Compatible with Elemental Life Cycle Assessments (LCA)
- B Compatible with BIM Ready Elemental models
- F Include all of the competent Robust Product or Components Specifications in the appropriate order
- F Robust Whole Building Specifications:
- F Join up robust elements to make robust whole buildings
- F Includes all of the Robust Element Specification
- B Makes sure all the junctions are assembled, joined, fixed, proofed, finished and work competently
Green Building Specification Robust Specification Opportunities
- F Acceptance and disclosure of selection criteria by Green Building Encyclopaedia
- B Provides users with confidence that the product has some HERACEY™ Criteria
- B Provides a level of transparency that is increasingly demanded by a discerning audience
- F Marketing of GBE Readymade Robust Specification to potential designers/specifiers
- B Allows them to add them to their lists of products to consider
- F Presence on website
- F Promotion in GBE Newsletter
- B Currently reaching >900 practices >1900 total readers
- F Promotion via Pinterest and Social Media campaign
- B Reaching a much wider audience via followers and lists
- F Promotion in GBE Newsletter
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
6th August 2016 – 16th August 2018
Features Benefits Robust Specification Templates RST Collaborate
GBE Features+Benefits RST Specifications 080816 PDF
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
8th August 2016 – 16th August 2018
Features Benefits Robust Specification Templates RST Collaborate
See Also:
GBE Robust Specification Proposal 2016: Links to related documents:
- GBE HERACEY™ (JB) G#1429 N#1399
- Specifications, Matrix and Product Pages G#4591
- Collaborator Service Band Scope & Prices G#2168
- Collaborator Service Bespoke budget calculator G#3288
- Collaboration Service Comparison G#12389
- Manufacturer Specification to GBE Robust Specification G#12493
- Why do you need a GBE Robust Specification Templates G#12540
- Features + Benefits of Robust Specification Templates (RST) G#12588
- Justifying the costs of Robust Product Specification Templates G#12547
- Members Newsletter No 3 January 2016 G#9384
- Solution Provider News No 3 January 2016 G#9293
- Features + Benefits of Practice Specification Templates
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianMurphy
aka BrianSpecMan
6th August 2016 – 16th August 2018