GBE Guest Post Collaborate
GBE > Advertise > Collaborate > Services > Guest Post > G#38304
GBE Guest Post Collaborate
Scope of Guest Posts on GBE websites
- Whatever you read here applies to all GBE’s websites
- Green Building Encyclopaedia (home page)
- (this website)
- Green Building Learning
- Https://
- Green Building Calculator
- Others will follow
Articles, Adverts or Services
- This page is about adding articles, by other parties
- Most of the page comments apply to how GBE would choose adverts that might be considered to be added to our websites.
- If educational, then there is no need for it to indicate it is ‘Sponsored’
- If promotional and relevant to GBE, then there is no need for it to indicate it is ‘Sponsored’
- If it is unrelated to GBE content it won’t get on the site.
- If it promotes a service, the same issues apply
- If it promotes a search facility then environmentally focused searches are interesting, general searches are not.
- If it promotes refurbishment improvements, adding value to the house is not as much interest as reducing waste, saving water, lowering energy demand and reducing carbon.
- We are more interested in carbon-back periods and less interested in pay-back periods.
Guest topics will be in UK English
- But may also have translations
- Layout to be determined, possible two columns side by side
Editorial Control
- GBE Green Building Encyclopaedia has its scope, but this is broad and expansive
- All Guest Posts need to be related to this scope or it is irrelevant to GBE existing users
- It needs to be educational and informative and aspire to improve our situation
- Occasionally there are positives and negatives, the positive must outweigh the negatives
- Low cost alone is not a positive, low cost often comes with plastics and chemicals.
- GBE’s Focus is UK
- Since many good product available in the UK are manufactured in the EU we extend this to EU manufacturers, EU Databases and EU websites
- For International products to be included requires the products to be significantly better performance than those available in the UK and EU
- International product offering something unique, solving a problem, not available in UK or EU, may be of interest.
- GBE would consider developing other websites to support other continents
- GBE are not interested in promoting cheaper copies of Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM’s) products
- GBE promote innovative products that meet HERACEY™ (below)
Guest Posts should engage with one of more of the following overarching issues:
- GBE’s Definition of Sustainability: HERACEY™
- Healthy
- Environmental
- Resourceful (Circular economy issues)
- Appropriate (Right for the task)
- Competent (or Social depending upon the product or service)
- Effective (or Ethical depending upon the product or service)
- Yardstick (means to calculate, measure or benchmark)
Guest Posts will not include or link to:
- Unhealthy materials, products, accessories or systems and their installation or application
- Non-environmental materials, products, accessories or systems and their installation or application
- Wasteful materials, products, accessories or systems and their installation or application
- Inappropriate materials, products, accessories or systems and their installation or application
- Incompetent materials, products, accessories or systems and their installation or application
- Ineffective materials, products, accessories or systems and their installation or application
- Insufficient data for benchmarking and calculating
Materials, products, accessories or systems and their installation or application
- (Except prices and data in GBC & GRC for existing building or for alternative comparison)
- High chemistry
- High embodied carbon (carbon dioxide)
- High embodied water
- Petrochemicals, hydrocarbons
- Oil, gas or coal fired heating services
- Plastic insulation for historic building fabric or timber framing
- Plastics (unless there are no alternatives)
- OPC (CEM I) cements, concrete, materials or products (Except data in GBC for comparison)
Other stuff irrelevant to GBE, GBL & GBC audiences
- Profits before People before Planet
- Consumerism and consumption
- Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobacco, etc.
- Pornography
- Gambling
- BIT Coins or other financial stuff
- Anti-social content
- Politically incorrect content
- Links to ‘anti-social media’
- Others upon consideration
The topic of Guest posts must be related to:
- Environmental & Social: (Must address some positive issues/criteria)
- Development
- Infrastructure
- Surveying
- Construction
- Buildings
- Structures
- Services
- Interiors
- Landscapes
- Occupation & Facilities Management
- Maintenance & Repair
- Refurbishment
- Deconstruction, Reclaim, Repair, Reuse
- Other issues will be considered on application
- Economic:
- Wider Value Engineering opportunities
- VE good stuff into a project
- Not VE good stuff out of a project
- Multi-functional materials avoiding multi-labour activities
- But we are not interested in:
- Cheap-only products
- Individual cost cutting
- Individual cheaper substitution
- Plastics unless they offer effectiveness to other parts of the adjacent materials or systems
- E.g. Membranes
- Chemicals and chemical recipes if natural alternatives are available
- Hazardous materials
- Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)
- Substitute It Now SIN-listed
- On other violet or red lists (non green lists)
- Wider Value Engineering opportunities
Guest Posts may take the format of any of the following:
- Information and Education:
- Case Study
- Evidence Based Case Study
- Performance Calculations
- Value Engineering
- Carbon Effectiveness
- Questions & Answers
- Problems & Solutions
- Articles without product promotion (but see Promotion below)
- Design Method
- Calculation Method
- Equations
- Calculators
- Data Sets
- Manufacturing Methods
- Building Method
- Method Statement
- Jargon Busters: Technical or Architectural Philosophy
- Checklist: Design, Process, etc.
- Issue Paper
- Brainstorming a project
- Brain Dumping a Subject
- Others on application
- Promotion
- Problem Solving Product, Accessory, System promotion
- Educational Articles with Problem Solving Product promotion
- Book Promotion
- Publication Promotion
- Service Promotion
- Consultancy Promotion
- Company Promotion
- Software or App Promotion
- CPD Promotion
- Others on Application
- ICT Formats
- Word or Text, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, or equivalents on application
- Seminar: PowerPoint, PPT or PPTX or equivalent on application
- Webinar Video: on GBE, YouTube, Vimeo, or provider’s website
- Podcast Audio: on GBE, On other sites with links
- PDF Attachments for downloading or reading on line
- Product information or specifications must not be locked to prevent writing project specifications from the content
- PNG Images
- Datasets: Excel, Calculators, Equations, (No locked cells, sheets or files)
- HTML off-site data interrogation codes not permitted on GBE Website
- But will consider for other dedicated websites
- No embedded code for interrogating or gathering anything
- Others on application
- Any combination of the above or others on application
Links to other websites
GBE will not link to website pages which:
- Are not illustrated with relevant images
- Have placeholders for images that take too long to appear, if at all
- Have many adverts by other providers
- Have many adverts that do not relate to the content of the page
- Have adverts that generate income, but add nothing to the page
- Meet the above criteria initially but later change to play other functions
GBE will link to website pages which:
- Add to the topic of the GBE page of the outbound link
Naked Links are permitted
- Format: ‘websitename.extension’
- But links must be to ‘https://’ websites since search engines and virus software highlight anything less as unsafe
- Users will be discouraged to visit anything less
- GBE need to see the URL and inspect the content in advance
In-content links:
- including embedded do-follow external links:
- For the user to be taken away from the GBE page to another website the landing page needs to reinforce the topic of the leaping page
- Landing page must meet the criteria listed above under this topic.
All Guest Posts
- Will have their own dedicated page
- With their own long URLs and Short URL page number
- For inbound links
- In bound links to be Rel: DoFollow (Reciprocal link(s) required)
- (H1) Heading to suit subject (ideally 4 words maximum)
- Dedicated topical image(s) (PNG provided by guest)
- 1/3 width column for text 1/3 column for image 1/3 column for links (GBE standard format)
- About or Index or both (H2)
- Text/Image/Links
- Footer: © source, author and date
- (2 HTML links: Company website, Author website)
- Outbound link to be Rel: DoFollow (Reciprocal link(s) required)
- May include Download files (PDFs)
- 2/3 width column for text and images 1/3 column for links (GBE Second format)
- 3rd Column will be for GBE to link all relevant pages to and from the Guest Post.
- Page or Post Topic Group navigation pages (H2) (HTML links to Navigation pages)
- Pages or Posts (HTML to individual page) (currently >2000 pages to choose from)
- SEO optimized, enabled by Yeost (Green traffic light ideally, orange at worst if green is impossible)
- Comments enabled (managed, edited or filtered by GBE)
- Others on application
- Since you may be paying for the post/page it will be added same day as the agreed text and images arrive.
- In exceptional circumstances (e.g. meeting major deadlines) it may occur overnight.
- If you provide the files at the end of the week it may occur over the weekend.
No cost:
- Read and assess the topic
- GBE Initial Assessment Yes, Possible or No for GBE,
- If No:
- No further progress, inform Agent
- If Possible:
- Review and suggest improvements, via Agent
- Reconsider improved Guest Post
Costs include:
- If the following costs do not work for you make an offer that works for both of us
- If Yes…..
- Agree 1/3 or 2/3 page block format
- Processing time to add page or posts
- Add Guest Post text and reset format to GBE page format
- Add any images and files to media library and to pages or posts
- Add links to website and author
- 1/3 column right hyperlinks to other pages of GBE website
- SEO of page, images and files
- Outbound links: Default Rel: DoFollow
- Initial cost; £250 for 12 months (No VAT)
- Annual renewal:
- Educational: None
- Promotional: £125 (No VAT currently)/annum
- If these prices do not make sense to you, speak with us
- We would rather have the content than not
- We both need to make a living
Reduced Costs
- Presence on the GBE website can be at a lower cost
- Less time is available so no additional page with Author’s details
- Less time to link to the guest page from many other relevant GBE pages
- Initial cost: £125 (No VAT) for 12 months
- Renewal cost: £125 (No VAT currently) annually
Optional extra costs:
- If the Guest post is to be written by GBE
- Receive all relevant information
- Read and assess the topic
- GBE Initial Assessment Yes or No for GBE, if Yes:
- Write Article
- Send for review
- Edit Article
- Initial Cost: £500 (No VAT)
- Annual renewal:
- Educational: None
- Promotional: £125 (No VAT Currently)/annum
Optional GBE Collaborate Services:
- There is a full range of additional services and a budget calculator on GBE website
© GBE GBC GRC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ****
2nd April 2020 – 16th December 2023
GBE Guest Post Collaborate
This page is continually being updated, as enquiries arrive raising new issues, the files below are not being updated to keep pace with this page.
Guest Posts on GBE A01 BRM 020420 PDF
Guest Posts on GBE A01 BRM 020420 DOCX
GBE Incubator Product Schedule A01 BRM 161215 (PDF)
© GBE GBC GRC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ****
2nd April 2020 – 16th December 2023
GBE Guest Post Collaborate
See Also:
GBE Guest Posts
- Guest Post (Collaborate) G#40818
- Pultrusion (Guest Post) G#40852
- Storage (Guest Post) G#40818
- Biophilia (Jargon Buster) G#16602
- Growing Your Own (Guest Post) G#42187
GBE Collaborate
- Collaborate (Navigation) G#2892
- Collaborate Services (Navigate) G#3026
- Collaborate Services (About) G#670 N#692
- Overheating Solution Provider: First contact (Collaborate) G#2639
- Service Band Options Prices (Collaborate) G#2168
- Service Budget Calculator (Collaborate) G#3288
GBE Collaborate Services
- Applicator Page (Collaborate) G#
- CAD (Collaborate) G#556 N#576
- CAPEM EPD LCA (Collaborate) G#542 N#562
- CAPEM EPD (Collaborate) G#532 N#552
- CAPEM Marketing Guide (Collaborate) G#1110 N#1129
- Classify (Collaborate) G#1479 N#1440
- Compare (Collaborate) G#964
- Compare Conclusions (Collaborate) G#1030 N#1048
- Echo (Collaborate) G#1064 N#1082
- Guest Page (Collaborate) G#38304 (this page)
- Incubator (Collaborate) G#899 N#919
- Ingredient Page (Collaborate) G#
- Materials Page (Collaborate) G#
- Manufacturer Page (Collaborate) G#1262 N#1259
- Performance And Competency of Elements PACE (Collaborate):
- Product Data Collection (Collaborate) G#14563
- Product Data Sheet (Collaborate) G#543 N#563
- Product Page (Collaborate) G#529 N#549
- Product Passport (Collaborate) G#1098 N#1116
- Robust Specification (Collaborate) G#541 N#561
- Samples (Collaborate) G#1482 N#1442
- Supplier Page (Collaborate) G#1261
- SWMP (Collaborate) G#1786 N#1676
- System Page (Collaborate) G#1260 N#1257
GBE Incubator
GBE Navigation
- Incubator (Navigation) G#8816
- Manufacturers (Schedules) G#621 N#643
- Manufacturers (Navigation) G#3635
- Products All (Navigation) G#484 N#491
- Products: Building (Navigation) G#1751 N#1649
- Products: Civil Engineering & Infrastructure (Navigation) G#1724 N#1626
- Products Interiors (Navigation) G#1753 N#1651
- Products Landscape (Navigation) G#1752 N#1650
- Products MEP Services (Navigation) G#1725 N#1627
- Products: Recycled (Navigation) G#1754 N#1652
- Products: Accessories (Navigation) G#3014
- Products: Accessories (Schedule) G#1242
- Products: Ingredients (Navigation) G#1728 N#1630
- Materials (Schedules) G#487 N#499
- Suppliers (Navigation) G#610 N#631
- Distributors (Navigation) G#610 N#631
- FSC Timber Suppliers (Navigation) G#610 N#631
- Applicators Installers (Navigation) G#611 N#632
- Kit (Navigation) G#1808 N#1694
GBE Templates
- Product Incubator (Template) G#14339
- Product Data Sheet G#543 N#563
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
2nd April 2020 – 17th October 2024