GBE > Encyclopaedia > Code > Issues > Proposal > G#15015
Timber Sector Carbon Calculator Proposal
Timber Sector Carbon Calculator Proposal
Timber Sector Carbon Calculator APP
- On a mobile phone or tablet
- With a customer/designer/purchaser
- Within a reasonably short time with some interaction
- For timber components of an installation
- Total carbon or carbon saving
- Total up, calculate and display results
- embodied carbon
- sequestered carbon
- Total carbon
Future Development
- Costs (already exists in Sarah’s app)
- CO2 Compare with alternative materials
- CO2 saving
- Embodied energy
- Embodied water
- Design notes
- Specification clauses populated by tool
Primary issue for development
- How accurately do you want calculations?
- Accuracy dictates price of development
- Is there a budget to work to?
- Where are the drivers for the information coming from?
- What level of accuracy is required by?
- EcoHomes?
- Code for Sustainable Homes: is gone
- Ska?
- Sustainable Procurement?
- Enterprise Carbon Accounting?
Issues dictating accuracy
- Density
- No need to know species but can work from species via density too Moisture Content:
- normally timber is specified to a MC
- Quantity calculation or weigh in
- Carbon calculation approach v LCA
Accuracy Levels:
- Density: Choose Hardwood or Softwood Density ranges
- Species specific densities
- Moisture content
- Green
- Air dried
- Kiln dried %
- range %
- Quantity
- Ex Size
- Wrot size
- Planed size
- Profiled cross section area
- Minimum length
- Actual length
- Weight
- Carbon calculation Via LCA along whole supply chain
- Quoted Carbon calculation at end of line
- Combination Based on what you sell
- Sequestered carbon
- Based on what is wasted as well
- Embodied & Sequestered carbon
- Calculate
- Choose profile of section: drop down menu words & images
- Choose Size of section Drop down menu or type
- Choose or type Length of piece
- Type Number of pieces
- Calculate Volume of timber
- Choose Moisture Content from ranges Drop down menus or type in
- Choose density or Species from drop down menu/look up table
- Add weight if known or Calculate Weight in kg
- for LCA calculations for carbon/C02 calculation
- Equation for kg to Carbon/CO2
- Wastage Factors
- Utilisation of log % v % wastage
- Milling, cutting and planning losses
- Profile losses
- Damage in transport and storage
Out of scope
- Application wastage
- Data needed
- Data assembled as drop down lists
- For consistent entries
- For all available options
- Filtered by users or supplier according to their stock
- Species dataset ICE database including hardwood & softwood
- NGS has created timber dataset excluding carbon
- RICS has launched a Carbon Database
- TTF have developed a Timber Dataset with Carbon
- ____ has an LCA database of timber species
- Timber component section dataset
- EcoChoice Ltd. may have one
- English Woodlands Timber has one
- British Standards have some
Future Development/Optional Extras
Alternative materials dataset
- ICE but inconsistent
- NGS & CAPEM have created Generic materials dataset
- May need completing from other sources
- RICS has launched their Carbon Database
Configuration of Assemblies as look up table
- To add data to all cells to enable calculations
Special Profile data set
- Standard profiles in market
- Need to be collected
- Or create a calculator to work out
- Determine wastage to create profile
Costing datasets
- English Woodlands Timber has one
- EcoChoice Ltd. must have one
- Could there be an interface for all suppliers to add their own?
- Or bespoke it to their current or normal stock?
Installation configuration
Basic configuration with 3D illustration
- Bridge Pier
- Deck Groyne Revetment
- Retaining wall
- Crib wall
- Fencing
- Weatherboarding & battens
- Flooring/Decking
- Stud wall
- Timber framed building
- Lock Gates
- Post and Beam building
Installation quantities
- Overall Size of installation
- Sections
- Spacing
- Length(s)
- Fasteners
Bespoke configuration
- Calculator Collator
- Not easy
- Needs intervention by us to capture and reuse as basic installation configuration
Save function
- For repeat of process with variables
- To user
- To core for other users
Report function
- To present to others in design team
Print function
Email function
Other considerations
Timber sector needs this to compete with other materials
Ideally should not be developed for EcoChoice alone
- Bespoked by each supplier according to stock
- Could be online for all to access
- Useable by all
- Make it an APP for tablet and mobile, etc.
- Sell cheaply to many
- Bespoke it for a fee
- Train in use of it
- LCA may take into account: (Andrew to advise if included in calculations or not)
- Land use change
- Forestry/Plantation impacts
- Transport on land at forest/plantation end
- Transport in rivers
- Transport across oceans by tanker
- Transport locally rail and/or road
- Where in the supply chain is machining?
- Energy and carbon in timber mills
- Biomass waste to energy at mills
Future Development/optional extra
- Water consumption Embodied water
- Durability Life expectancy as species for application
- Need or avoidance of preservative treatment
- Important for LCA Less important for embodied carbon?
- Need or avoidance of kiln drying
- Important for embodied energy
- Could be important for embodied carbon depending on fuel
Species selector
- Choose species based on
- performance requirements
- properties
- appropriate characteristics
- appropriateness to application
- Colour and appearance,
- figure and grain
- Application
- Report on why species shortlisted are suitable
- And why chosen species are not suitable
- Guidance on choosing and reserving logs
Partners and Prior experience
- Sarah Farmer @ English Woodlands Timber
- Timber in the blood
- Created timber stock and price calculator for supplier (employer at the time)
- Used on tablet
- Fast selection species, sizes, quantities
- Delivers price instantly
- Willing to introduce us to Director to consider sharing core of tool with a different output for the wider benefit of the sector
- Dr Andrew Norton @ Renuables
- Timber & Biobased in the blood
- LCA expert (for carbon and other outputs)
- Timber and Biobased expertise
- CAPEM Compass experience
- Brian Murphy @ Green Building Encyclopaedia
- Green blood
- Data hoarder/Excel champion
- CAPEM compass experience
- GreenSpecSTUDIO experience
- Fast learning about crowd funding
- Request from EcoChoice to fulfill if UEA fail
- Website to disseminate results
- CPD and promotion opportunities
- Future Development/Optional Extras
- Dan Ward @ Archisan Architect runs own practice
- Green aspiration
- Graphics champion
- Sketchup Champion: 3D Models, BIM Ready
- Can create a BIM library of installation objects with Carbon & LCA Data
- Paul Jary @ BIM Systems UK
- ITC in the blood
- BIM Level 3 user
- Has integrated CAPEM outputs into BIM
- Has BIM Library online
- Have not even started thinking about it
- Accuracy level dictates level of development and costs
- Keep it simple meet EcoChoice Ltd. requirement and no more
- EcoChoice Ltd. will fund what they want.
- Future development optional extras: later not now
- Optional extras may be of interest for EcoChoice Ltd. later
- Sarah has done something very like this already but focuses on costs
- May be able to work out rough time spent Weeks Months?
- Need some prices from front end interface developer
- Upgrade to mobile as well as tablet
- Start with Excel function, first prove it works
- Then put a good front end on it
- Then price the other activities
- By doing test runs
- Need to work out some costings for activities
- Need to determine any data licences
- We can barter with CAPEM datasets
- Funding further developments
- Need to approach TSB/InnovateUK/LEP about R&D funding
- Need to consider Crowdfunding as match funding to develop further
© 2014 NGS BRM SJF & AN Renuables
Video for TRANSECO: to be developed Involvement in project in abeyance
Revision Comment Author Org Date
A00 %%% Created file after Peterborough B2B 2014 exhibition in readiness for meeting with Grant Fund agencies BRM NGS 26/10/2014
A00 %%% Had meeting with EcoChoice who want Carbon calculator APP for his business discussed with Sarah Farmer BRM NGS 28-30/10/2014
A00 Issue 5 pages on Carbon calculator to SF & AN BRM NGS 30/10/2014
A01 Updated after call to Andrew Norton BRM NGS 30/10/2014
A01 Issue to EcoChoice for consideration BRM NGS 30/10/2014
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
2nd February 2017
Timber Sector Carbon Calculator Proposal
GBE Timber Carbon Calculator APP PDF
GBE Timber Carbon Calculator APP DOC

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© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
2nd February 2017
Timber Sector Carbon Calculator Proposal
See Also:
GBE Proposals
- Capturing AECBs Golden Nuggets and Guru Know-How G#12210
- Bio-Based Building Specification Encyclopaedia (Proposal) G#13083
- GBE 3D View G#736 N#758
- H21 Timber Weatherboarding Expert System (Proposal)
- H21 Timber Weatherboarding (Project) G#549 N#569
- Healthy Building Specification (Proposal) G#12652
- iBuildGREEN N#960
- INSURE Interreg (Proposal) G#12903
- Timber Carbon Calculator (Proposal) (This page)
- Definitive Timber Specification (Proposal)
- Zero Waste Scotland Design to Reduce Waste Guide G#12991
- Zero Waste Scotland Waste Reduction Model Clauses G#12969
GBE Calculators
- Carbon
- Timber
- JargonBusterCarbonDioxide PFD Show
- GBE CPD H21 Timber Cladding 9H8 PDF handout
- GBE CPD H21 Timber Cladding S71 PDF Show
GBE Robust Specification
GBE Shop
- GBE CPD H21 Timber Weatherboarding (Shop) G#11855
GBE Templates
- GBE proposal (template) a01 BRM 151116 PDF
- Sector Topic Building Specification Encyclopaedia Proposal (Template) G#13079
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
2nd February 2017