M50 Rubber/Plastics/Cork/ Lino/Carpet tiling/sheeting
Cradle to Cradle:
- design carpets using only natural biobased materials
- design carpets to avoid mixing natural (biobased) and technical (Plastics petro-chemical chemicals) ingredients
- design carpets to enable easy seperation of composite construction carpets
- design laying/securing method to simplify reclaim for reuse
Resource Efficiency:
- Consider carpet roll widths when planning room sizes
- Select carpet roll width (and multiples) to fit room size
Mat wells:
- Avoid highly textured open weaved carpet which may hinder wheelchairs, trolleys, wheeled luggage, wheeled bins and wheeled furniture
Preparation & Conditioning
- Ensure substrate (bases and backgrounds) screeds and concrete floors have dried out to recommended level
- Follow the correct sequence and duration not the over optimistic programme
- Test with moisture content test kit
- Ensure space and materials are conditioned to manufacturer recommendations for the correct duration
- Ensure all preparatory work by others is complete
- (e.g. electrics and plumbing)
- Ensure all pipes and cables are made air tight through external walls with grommets
- (air leakage, smoke and acoustics) at abutments
- Ensure all pipes and cables are made fire tight through fire resistant construction
- Ensure all air leakage air passage routes are stopped or closed with tapes, sealants or filled with thermal insulation
- (make airtight behind finishes not at finishes)
- Carryout any recommeded preparation and priming to receive finish
- Any underlayment that creaks before laying finish will creak after laying finishes, secure it first
- Acoustic isulation battens create batten zone voids
- (insulate to avoid air movement, thermal flanking, thermal bypass)
- Natural fibre carpets and backings
- Sheep’s wool from small flocks which are not dipped and other non-dipped flocks.
- Switzerland keeps its flocks small to avoid need for dipping.
- Cellulose fibre underlayment boards
- Rubber crumb sheet underlay
- Absorption of UV light
- Reclaimed, locally grown UKWAS or FSC temporate species Plywood
- or other equivalent timber panel products
- Cellulose fibre underlayment boards (thermal and acoustic properties)
- Aerogel thermal insulation quilt or laminated to timber panel products
- Vacuum Insulated panels (in modular resource efficient floor plans)
- Rubber crumb sheet underlay (acoustic isolation impact sound)
- Rubber sheet (acoustic barrier airborne sound)
- Low-smoke halogen-free plastics in underground projects
- (London Underground has a list of permitted materials)
- Linoleum to avoid plastics
- Thin Linoleum or Rubber to exploit solar gains and thermal mass of screed or concrete floors
- Rubber sheet flooring for slip resistance
- Plant fibre carpets and backings to avoid plastics
- Sheep’s wool from small flocks which are not dipped and other non-dipped larger flocks
- Swiss flocks are kept small to avoid need for dipping
- Smooth flat surfaces for ease of cleaning and avoidance of dirt traps
- Integral coved skirtings for ease of cleaning (but beware below)
- Coved skirtings for improved room acoustics
- Phthalate-free PVC coved skirtings below PVC and other resilient flooring
- Phthalate-free PVC capping above coved skirting with PVC and other resilient flooring
- Compatible coving, capping, flooring and adhesives
- Solvent-free adhesives
- Low VOC adhesives
- Water based adhesives
- Low-smoke halogen-free plastics in underground projects
- London Underground have a list of permitted materials
If you have to use PVC flooring:
- Phthalate-free PVC coved skirtings below PVC and other resilient flooring
- Phthalate-free PVC capping above coved skirtings in PVC and other resilient flooring
- Manufacturers are known to change recipes and make their materials incompatible with others
- When failures occur some manufacturers distance themselves and lay blame at any other door
- Some are making REACH illegal recipes of PVC and denying it.
- Plastics in carpets and carpet backing
- PVC in carpet backings See Z50
- Bitumen in carpet backings See Z50
- Polymer migration between plastics
- e.g. PVC to adhesives,
- PCV to coving and capping,
- adhesives to coving and capping
- Floor finishes which will affect the exhibits in museums and art galleries
- British Museum has a database of compatible materials and finishes
- Slip resistance can be obtained with rubber flooring
- Carpet and upderlay over underfloor heating: it will act as a thermal insulator and underfloor heating relies on radiant heat to warm objects in the space
- Carpet and underlay over concrete floors if thermal mass is to be exploited.
- Virgin plastics:
- Petro-chemicals are non-renewable
- Instead use recycled content products, which are becoming increasingly available. See Z50
- Use of PVC: becuase of potentially high phthalate content
- Recycled plastics containing PVC
- (older PVC is probably not REACH compliant)
- All materials and ingredients fit for purpose and not identified and/or restricted by REACH or its supporting lists and guidance.
- SVHC Substances of Very High Concearn
- SIN-list Substitute It Now list
- Not classified as dangerous under:
- Dangerous Substances Directive 67/548/EEC or
- Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC
- Not classified as hazardous under the CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008; or
- Not a substance that is: (as defined in Annex XIII of REACH)
- persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT), or
- very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB); or
- Not a substance that included in the European Chemicals Agency’s ‘Candidate List’ of substances of very high concern for reasons other than those listed above.
Precautionary principle:
- Avoid Phthalates in PVC Plasticisers
- Avoid PVC (recent testing for REACH-compliance found blatent breach of rules)
Resource Efficiency:
- Reduce:
- Match component size (and multiples of them) to the size of the space to minimise waste due to off cuts
- Reduce component size at perimeters to minimise off cut waste
- Reclaimable:
- Use dry laying technique
- Use dry laying carrier system
- Lay without adhesive,
- Use low tack self-adhesive,
- Use adhesive tabs at corners only
- Reuse:
- Reclaimed materials
- Off-cuts to minimuse use of more cutting of whole tiles
- Recycle:
- Off cuts
- Use in recycled textile underlay
- See Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK)
- Interface Europe (US) and Milliken (US) offer recycling services for petrochemical based carpets
- Acoustic isolation: recycled rubber chip sheet underlay to minimise impact noise transmission from above to below
- Recover:
- Nutrients from bio-based materials
- Avoid combustion of plastics due to highly toxic pollution potential
- Remanufacture
- See Centre for Remanufacture and Reuse (CRR)
- Interface will take any manufacturer’s products and refurbish, retexture, reprint and resell or give to charity
Waste Issues:
Waste Category:
- Carpets: Textile
- Textile ban from landfill is in place
- making carpet waste expensive
- Accessories: Adhesives: Hazardous
Waste statistics:
- 30 m tonnes (33% of 90 m. tonnes/year) of waste is offcuts (not all floor finishes, carpet or underlay)
End of Life options:
- reclaim and reuse as much as possible
- reclaim and remanufacture
- reclaim and recycle
Health and safety issues:
Sheep’s wool carpet
- If organophosphates from sheep dipping are still present.
- Organophosphate compounds (OPs) were developed as chemical warfare agents because of their action in inhibiting blood cholinesterase activity: this means that in effect they can cause continual and uncontrolled stimulation of organs and muscles.
- There are a number of recent reviews of OP toxicology.
- The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that there are about 3 million acute severe incidents of pesticide poisoning every year.
- Up to half of these may be due to OPs.
- Dipping is no longer compulsory in UK but it continues.
- Reports of adverse effects following dipping come from many parts of the UK, Australia and New Zealand as well.
- See http://www.pan-uk.org/briefing/sheepdip.htm
Maintenance issue:
- Textured flooring can create dirt traps that the cleaners may not reach.
- Coved skirtings can make internal corners easier to keep clean,
- but beware of PVC coved skirting, coving and capping problems
- There are densly packed fibre carpets and water proof backing that are pee, poo and spew resistant
Information sources:
Liability avoidance:
Consider use of the following in contract specifications:
- GBE DoC Declaration of Conformity
- GBE DoEM Declaration of Excluded Materials
- GBE DoRR Declaration Of REACH Requirements
- GBE Appendix of Approved Installer/Applicators
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
16th December 2012 – 30th June 2016
M50 Rubber/Plastics/Cork/ Lino/Carpet tiling/sheeting
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
16th December 2012 – 30th June 2016
M50 Rubber/Plastics/Cork/ Lino/Carpet tiling/sheeting
See Also:
GBE Jargon Buster
- Carpet
- Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK)
- Carpet tiles
- Contract Flooring Association (CFA)
- Contract Flooring Journal (CFJ)
- Flooring Sustainability Partnership (FSP)
- Lino
- Linoleum
- Resilient Flooring
- SIN-list
- Vinyl (PVC)
GBE Defects
- PVC Skirting/Coving/Capping & Adhesive failures
- Polymer Migration
GBE Solutions
- EcoShowcase Liability v Sustainability
- Resource Efficiency: Flooring
- CRUK at EcoBuild 2013
- Flooring Show
- Resource Efficient Flooring Project
GBE Shop
- GBS M50.1 Gemini Risk Free Capped Coved Skirting (Shop) G#11743
- GBS M50.2 Gemini Risk Free Stair Coving (Shop) G#11752
- GBS M50.3 Gemini Risk Free Reducing (Shop) G#11754
- GBS M50.4 Gemini Risk Free Sit On Skirting (Shop) G#11755
- GBS M50.5 Gemini Risk Free Set In Skirting (Shop) G#11756
- GBS M50.6 Gemini Risk Free Flat Skirting (Shop) G#11757
- GBS M50.7 Gemini Risk Free Tile Cap (Shop) G#11758
GBE Checklist
- M10 Screeds
- M50 (This page)
- Z20 Adhesives
- Z50 Plastics
GBE Links
- SubsPort
GBE Projects
GBE Calculator
- NGS Flooring Waste Calculator
- WasteCost® lite waste cost calculator
- 2D and 3D SketchUp Product files
- SketchUp files of Construction Sections
GBS Green Building Specification
- Robust Specification Clause
- Robust Specification Work Section
- GBS M50.1 Gemini Risk Free Capped Coved Skirting (Shop) G#11743
- GBS M50.2 Gemini Risk Free Stair Coving (Shop) G#11752
- GBS M50.3 Gemini Risk Free Reducing (Shop) G#11754
- GBS M50.4 Gemini Risk Free Sit On Skirting (Shop) G#11755
- GBS M50.5 Gemini Risk Free Set In Skirting (Shop) G#11756
- GBS M50.6 Gemini Risk Free Flat Skirting (Shop) G#11757
- GBS M50.7 Gemini Risk Free Tile Cap (Shop) G#11758
GBE Products
GBE Accessories
- Gemini PVC Flexible Cove Former GCF-038 N#1245
- Gemini PVC Flexible Capping Strip GCS-01 N#1246
- Gemini Grabfast Gold Spray Adhesive N#1243
GBE Manufacturers
GBE Suppliers
GBE Installers/Applicators
- M50
© GBE NGS ASWS BrianSpecMan aka Brian Murphy
16th December 2012 – 25th October 2016