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GDL Expert Takeovers (Q+A) G#41658

By 3 April 2024May 21st, 2024Code, Encyclopaedia, Q&A
Grand Designs Live HiiGuru Expert Takeovers 3 Q&A video

GDL Expert Takeovers Q+A

GBE > Encyclopaedia > Code > Question+Answer > G#41658


GDL Expert Takeovers Q+A

  • Leading up to Grand Designs Live (GDL) in May 2024
  • GDL invited some experts to answer questions raised by potential visitors
  • Tuesday 2nd April public were invited to ask questions
  • Wednesday 3rd April experts were asked to choose 3 and reply with 1 minute videos
  • Thursday 4th April the videos are published for public to see the answers
  • The other 9 deserve answering
  • One minute videos are extremely limiting and the subjects cannot be explored throughly.


  1. How can I check my house for thermal insulation?
  2. What materials are environmentally friendly for building?
  3. How can I make sure my home is both warm in the winter and cool in the summer?
    1. See Link below
  4. What are the most simple ways of saving energy? (See A 7)
  5. How can I determine if a material is sustainable or not?
  6. Which is better: a recycled material or natural material or construction use?
    1. See Link below
  7. If you could change one thing in the home to save energy, what would it be?
    1. See Link below
  8. Why’s my house cold? (See A 7)
  9. Can you Brian make my house sustainable?
  10. What is a healthy material? (See A 6)
  11. My house is too hot, how do I fix this? (see A 3)
  12. How can I make my home extension eco-friendly?  (See A 6)


  • BrianSpecMan provided 3 No. 1 minute videos for Q3, Q6 & Q7
  • See Links to videos below.

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© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
3rd April 2024 – 21st May 2024


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GDL Expert Takeovers Q+A

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Expert Takeovers

Grand Designs Live, HiiGuru Expert Takeovers, 3 Q&A video, presenter: BrianSpecMan, Questions: Recycled v Natural materials, One thing to do, Winter v summer insulation.

GrandDesignsTV Live Q&A with Industry Experts 1GrandDesignsTV Live Q&A with Industry Experts 3 This week Brian MurphyGrandDesignsTV Live Q&A with Industry Experts 2 How it worksGrandDesignsTV Live Q&A with Industry Experts 5 What?

GrandDesignsTV Live Q&A with Industry Experts 4 Scope of topics

© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
3rd April 2024 – 21st May 2024

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© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
3rd April 2024

GDL Expert Takeovers (Q+A) G#41658 End.

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