GBC Green Building Calculator
GBE > Encyclopaedia > Files > Calculators > Whole Building Calculators > G#38491
[interactive_banner banner_title=”GBC Green Building Calculator website” banner_desc=”Register for GBC Green Building Calculator eNewsletter with latest development programme update” icon_disp=”with_heading” banner_icon=”Defaults-external-link” banner_image=”id^38530|url^https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/GBE-Green-Building-Calculator-Logotype-Dark.png|caption^null|alt^GBE Green Building Calculator Logotype Dark|title^GBE Green Building Calculator Logotype Dark|description^GBE Green Building Calculator Logotype Dark” banner_height=”ult-banner-block-custom-height” banner_height_val=”205″ link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2FGreenBuildingCalculator.uk|title:GBE%20Green%20Building%20Calculator’s%20sign%20up|target:%20_blank|” banner_overlay_bg_color=”rgba(103,145,115,0.9)”]
GBC Green Building Calculator
GBC Introduction:
- GBC Green Building Calculator
- Was developed initially to help 5th year Post Graduate Student Architects to asses and compare their studio designs, and get them over the 50 mm thermal insulation threshold that text books still show.
- Whole Building, Elements, U Values, Areas, Temperatures differences, Heat loss, Element %, Fuel choice, CO2
- To a man the part time students took it back to their offices and used it in the real world.
- It is here in the GBE shop
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=11095
- It proved challenging for the students but they persevered and succeeded.
GBC Green Building Calculator
- During COVID-19 lockdown GBC decided to get it out and tidy up the inconsistencies caused by rushing week by week to create it.
- GBC simplified many functions into their own pages and worksheets
- GBC Green Building Calculator U To Watts To CO2 A13 BRM 210520 PNG
- GBE have added more functionality with:
- room by room calculator; work out size of radiators or insulate to meet a boiler size

GBC Green Building Calculator Room By Room Losses A13 BRM 250520 PNG
- Bill of materials, quantities, labour and costs.
The second whole building calculator for the same students was the GBE Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon and Sequestered Carbon Calculator (EE EC SC) which is planned to merged into the first.
- GBE Whole Building EE + EC + SC Calculator
- The 2 files merged will allow us to do whole building assessments of U values, allow choice of materials and assessment the Life Cycle Assessment of the whole Building and experiment with alternative materials.

GBE Green Building Calculator Schedule Accommodation A13 BRM 250520 PNG
- BrianSpecMan also joined an Interreg funded project to develop an LCA & EPD method and Tools, GBE intend to merge its functionality into GBC Green Building Calculator
- CAPEM Compass is here
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=546

CAPEM Compass Home Page
- I was asked to advise a product designer to assist with specifications
- On analysis of their video I insisted on doing a Psi calculation to check their U values
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=14582
- GBE Calculator LoftZoneStoreFloorUValue Summary A05BRM100117
- BrianSpecMan also did a Project with BRE on waste minimisation and recycled content and created GBE Waste Cost lite calculator I shall merge its functions into GBC Green Building Calculator eventually.
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=531
- During Next week I will approach custodians of some datasets and tools to see if they will work with GBE to add on: to see if there will be a license cost to stick in the ‘overheads’ column.
- GreenGauge Advanced Details (Thermal bridge & Psi values)
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=25033
- ICE for (EE EC SC Database v3) (currently using 1.6)
- ICE Database (Jargon Buster) G#1018 N#1037

ICE 2011 BSRIA Guide
- A Thermal Mass Calculator
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=16163
- Renuables (LCA and EPD data sets)
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=17689
- During the next year GBE have 20 updates on the launch version to create or merge Including:
- Items mentioned above and:
- Decrement Delay (overheating prevention)
GBC Green Building Calculator Decrement Delay A13 BRM 250520 PNG
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=31148
- Condensation Check
- Landscape
- Civils & Infrastructure
- The intention is to develop a low cost way into Environmental design and Specification that improves on some aspects of BREEAM and Green Guide to Specification to avoid the greenwash and get real calculations for real buildings with real materials and real products.
- In the meantime screenshots are being added to a page on GBE website.
- See Right column top to see many related pages
© GBE GBC GRC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ****
2nd June 2020 – 2nd December 2023
See Also:
GBE Satellite Website
- https://GreenBuildingCalculator.uk
- Home
- Awards (Scroll down)
- Q&A
- Bespoke
- Buy-now
- Contact Us
GBC Green Building Calculator
- GBC Introduction (Calculator) G#38491 (this page)
- GBC About (Calculator) G#38802
- GBC ScreenShots (Calculator) G#38796
- GBC Development Versions (Calculator) G#38792
- GBC Features Benefits (Calculator) G#38788
- GBC Competition Carbon Data (Case Study) G#38838
- GBC Building Type Analysis (Calculator) G#38___
- GBC Bespoke Developments (Calculator) G#38___
GBC Others
- GBC V2 Launch BSP (Podcast) G#40304
- GBC Product Data Collection (Collaborate) G#40086
- GBC TGR Twilight Talk (Event) G#40053
- TGR Twilight Talk GBC (CPD) G#40045
- GBC Futurebuild 2022 (Event) G#39934
- GBC Poster (CPD) G#39556
- GBC MaD Hangout (Event) G#39538
- GBC Video (Outline) G#38901
- GBC Design Specification Review (Collaborate) G#38867
- GBC Building Type Analysis (Collaborate) G#38851
- GBC Competition Carbon Data (Case Study) G#38838
GBC Case Study
- GBC Competition Carbon Data (Case Study) G#38838
GBE Collaborate Service
- CPD Events (Zoom/Teams)
- Introduction to GBC V1.0.0. and V2-V20 ambitions
- Competition Entries
- GBC Design Review
- GBC Questions and Answers
- GBC Carbon Data
- GBC Building Type Analysis (Calculator) G#38___
- Element Analysis
- Development of Bespoke requirements within or without GBC
GBC Building Type Analysis
- GBC Building Type Analysis (Calculator) G#38___
- Developer EcoHouse Type being considered
GBC Bespoke Developments
- GBC Bespoke Developments (Calculator) G#38___
- C#____
- Cost and Carbon effective Window Upgrades being considered
- GBC CPD Green Building Calculator PDF Show
- GBC CPD Green Building Calculator V1+ STBA 061020 S87 PDF
GBE Past Event
- SPAB STBA Conference 2020 (Event) G#38634
GBE Shop
- GBE Green Building Calculator Big Practice (Shop) G#38525
- GBE Green Building Calculator Small Practice (Shop) G#38524
- GBE Green Building Calculator Student (Shop) G#38520
GBE Video
GBE Projects
- CAP’EM and CAP’EM Compass
- Interreg funded project to develop an LCA & EPD method and Tools,
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=546
GBE Calculator
Psi calculation
WasteCost® Lite
- GBE Waste Cost lite calculator
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=531
Whole Building Calculators
- GBE shop
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=11095
- It proved challenging for the students but they persevered and succeeded.
- GBE Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon and Sequestered Carbon Calculator (EE EC SC)
GreenGauge Advanced Details
- (Thermal bridge & Psi values)
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=25033
GBE Datasets
- ICE for (EE EC SC Database v3) (currently using 1.6)
- ICE Database (Jargon Buster) G#1018 N#1037
Thermal Mass Calculator
LCA and EPD datasets
Decrement Delay
- (overheating prevention)
- https://greenbuildingencyclopaedia.uk/?p=31148
Condensation Check
© GBE GBC GRC GIC GGC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ******
31st October 2020 – 21st March 2024
GBC Green Building Calculator
See Also:
GBE Shop
- Timber Species Schedule (Shop) G#10656
GBE Equations
- Condensation Check
- Decrement Delay Factor (Equation) G#31148
- Form Factor (Equation) G#38342
- R values
- Thermal Mass
- U values
GBE Datasets
- Generic Materials (Dataset)
- Glazing G k Ug Uf Uw values (Dataset)
- Insulation Materials k values (Dataset)
- Secondary Elements U values (Dataset)
- Timber Species (Dataset) G#1371 N#1351
GBE Calculator
- Bill of Materials Quantities Labour Costs (Calculator)
- Form Factor (Calculator)
- Insulation material k to U value (Calculator)
- Loft Insulation U value Raised deck support Psi value (Calculator) G#14582
- Room by Room Energy Loss (Calculator)
- Whole Building EE EC SC (Calculator) G#1910 N#1764
- Whole Building U value to Watts to In Use Carbon (Calculator)
- WasteCost®Lite (Calculator) G#531 N#551
- Elemental Assembly U value (Calculator)
- Scale Changer (Calculator) G#19287
Calculators By Others
- Shared Earth Building Embodied Carbon (Database) G#1307 N#1298
- Thermal Bridge (Calculator) G#
- Thermal Bridge Psi (Calculator) G#25033
- Thermal Mass (Calculator) G#16163
- U-value only App (Calculator) G#10630
GBE Proposal
- GBE Timber Carbon calculator (Proposal) A01BRM301014 PDF
- Timber Sector Carbon Calculator (Proposal) G#15015
- Whole Building LCA Calculator (Proposal) G#17689
GBE Jargon Buster
Initials, Abbreviations, Acronyms:
- C
- CO2
- CO2e
- D&DT
- EC
- EE
- FF
- SC
Words or phrases:
- Building Embodied Carbon
- Building Embodied Energy
- Building Energy Demand
- Building Fuel demand and Carbon generated
- Building U Value
- CAPEM Compass (No longer)
- Carbon lite
- Decrement Delay Decrement Factor (Jargon Buster) G#14043
- Design & Decision Tools
- Element area U Value
- Elemental section U Value
- Embodied Carbon (EC)
- Embodied Energy (EE)
- Embodied Water
- Form Factor
- Fuel Carbon
- Fuel Factor
- Green Building Calculator (GBC)
- Green Building Encyclopaedia (GBE)
- ICE Database (Jargon Buster) G#1018 N#1037
- Innovate UK
- Passivhaus
- RetScreen
- Scale Changer
- Sequestered Carbon (SC)
- Shared Earth Building Embodied Carbon
- Thermal Bridge (Jargon Buster) G#9351
- Thermal Break (Jargon Buster) G#9357
- Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
- U value
- WasteCost®Lite (by GBE)
- Water Calculator (by AECB)
- Whole Building Calculator 2020 (by GBE)
GBE Links
- Association of Environment Conscious Building (AECB)
- CarbonLite
- Innovate UK
- London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI)
- Passivhaus
- RetScreen
- Waste Resource Action Plan (WRAP)
© GBE GBC GRC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan ****
2nd June 2020 – 2nd December 2023